Pets Vent


Please don't get me wrong because I love my pets and would do anything I could for them if they needed it. I just wish they would quit needing it, LOL. I'm really mad at myself and not the dog because if I hadn't left my bag on the floor, she never would have gotten into it. Ok, here's the story. DH and I got home last night from a trip. Well one of my dogs decides that we were suppose to bring her a present back and decides to go through my bag on the floor when I wasn't looking this morning. A little later I find a package of kleenex on the floor and realize she has been in my bag. Then I look in her dog food bowl and there is a wrapper from a package of peanut mix in her bowl. Next to the bowl is a tiny piece of a different wrapper and some powdery stuff. I then realize that she not only ate the peanut mix, but she has eaten a roll of Rolaids. Guess the peanuts didn't agree with her, LOL. Sounds humorous now, but the situation can be serious. So I call my vet and had to bring her in for a dose of charcoal to absorb the calcium and then she had to have blood work to make sure the charcoal worked. So she got to stay at the vet all day and make my wallet extremely thinner. Thanks for the nice welcome home, but some puppy kisses would have been just fine.

Moral: Be careful what you leave out, because they will find it.


Babes, aren't they wonderful? ;) They are so innocent. Sorry for your thinning wallet.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
They're a lot like kids that way. The upside: You don't have to send them to college. :D (That's the mantra I grumble when I'm cleaning up dog barf for what seems like the 100th time.)
Over the years, I'm pretty sure I could have sent them to college. The best part is they don't talk back and they always love you.

How did you know which dog did it?
One of mine ate a box of chocolates off the counter and I didn't know which one did it. I called the vet and had to give both hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Talk about a mess....piles of vomit in the kitchen. Anyway, my male dog was the culprit!! My girl didn't vomit one chocolate:-(

I hear you on the vet cost. My two are a year apart, which means they are aging together. The vet bills are getting larger because I've had to deal with aging issues. My girl has a bladder issue. After $$$ and lots of test, the vet put her on estrogen for a weak bladder(an age problem).
This past month between the two, I've spent $1,000 at the vet. What can you do? I won't give up on them. It's sad when you see senior dogs in rescue but many people give them up for that reason. Something people do not realize when they take on a new puppy.
I have explained to my dogs that I have a lifetime limit of how much I will spend per dog on emergency/sick visits- not counting regular check ups, etc and that they might want to save up for when they are older and require more care and not do stupid things like eat tampons or bite the neighbor's dog (which is coming out of their funds, dammit).
:7 Jody
Sorry about the little mishap with your dog and your thinning wallet. Some dogs are just too curious for their own good.

Have you thought about pet insurance? Both of my dogs, Buddy and Miss Dolly, have been insured since they were puppies, and it has been well worth it.
I gathered the kitties and dog around one evening and explained to them they each get one emergency vet visit per fiscal year for medical emergencies. If they insist on eating things and getting into trouble beyond their one emergency visit limit, they will have to do one of two things:

1. throw it up or poop it out


2. die

So far I have not had any problems. Fortunately, my black lab has an iron-clad stomach.

I am glad your doggie is OK.

Susan L.G.
I feel your vent. Our Irish Terrier has had more emergency visits to the vet than I care to count ($$$$$)! He has a taste for plastic army men and Lego's, which are never in short supply with 3 boys in our house. He also rifles my boy's backpacks, looking for snacking opportunities. Unfortunately, he eats the Saran wrap, or plastic Baggies that the food is in as well. It's dangerous because the plastic can cause an obstuction, or perforation of the intestines.
He's 6 yrs. now, so I have given up on him outgrowing his plastic addiction. It's frustrating, but we love him to pieces.

;-) Sarah
Oh the joy of owning a dog! My weiner dog got into a box of christmas chocolates one year that was left under the tree. I called the vet and told him what chocolates they were and he said that because they were milk chocolates with filling that she shouldn't have a reaction and she didn't but I was really worried.

Sometimes I can't believe what dogs will eat!

My aunt's pomerainain accidently ate a piece of thread with a needle on the end of it! They rushed her to the vet because she was barking really weird and then relized what happened. The needle was lodged in her throat and was surgically removed!

I also learned the hard way that when your dog is wimpering to go outside in the middle of the night to get up and let him out because one time when my sleep was more important I woke up to the biggest diahrea puddle in the middle of my living room on beige carpet! It took me a few minutes to figure out how I was going to clean that one up ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Oh I hear you! My 1 year old Aussie has had to be taken to the emergency vet TWICE because he's such a scavanger! First he ate snail bait, and we almost lost him. $2000 later he was fine. Then he ate the stuffing out of a toy and another trip to the vet for a partial blockage. Another nice amount of $$ later, he's okay.

Then he'll come up to me while I'm sitting down, jump up and put his paws on either side on my head and lean into me for a hug (this is something he just does, not anything I taught him) - and I know why I do it.
My Max gives the best hugs in the whole world! Whenever I am down in the dumps I can get a hug and feel better instantly.
><and I know why I do it>
>Exactly! My wallet may be lighter, but my heart is fuller.

I think we all know!
They are our children....only these have fur!

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