Please don't get me wrong because I love my pets and would do anything I could for them if they needed it. I just wish they would quit needing it, LOL. I'm really mad at myself and not the dog because if I hadn't left my bag on the floor, she never would have gotten into it. Ok, here's the story. DH and I got home last night from a trip. Well one of my dogs decides that we were suppose to bring her a present back and decides to go through my bag on the floor when I wasn't looking this morning. A little later I find a package of kleenex on the floor and realize she has been in my bag. Then I look in her dog food bowl and there is a wrapper from a package of peanut mix in her bowl. Next to the bowl is a tiny piece of a different wrapper and some powdery stuff. I then realize that she not only ate the peanut mix, but she has eaten a roll of Rolaids. Guess the peanuts didn't agree with her, LOL. Sounds humorous now, but the situation can be serious. So I call my vet and had to bring her in for a dose of charcoal to absorb the calcium and then she had to have blood work to make sure the charcoal worked. So she got to stay at the vet all day and make my wallet extremely thinner. Thanks for the nice welcome home, but some puppy kisses would have been just fine.
Moral: Be careful what you leave out, because they will find it.
Moral: Be careful what you leave out, because they will find it.