Hi Everyone,
We have now finished filming all of the Perfect30 workouts and you can now go behind the scenes of Cathe's new Perfect 30 workouts. We've just started posting the first pics and information from the filming of Cathe's new Perfect30 workouts. Over the next few weeks, we will post more pics and information almost every day about each of the six Perfect30 workouts.
It will take some time to go through and process all of the pictures, so initially, things will start slowly but will pick up as time permits. Just a reminder, as with all of our filming projects, actual video clips will not be available until the editing and authoring of the DVDs are complete
The best way to view our Perfect30 updates is on our Facebook Page, but we will also post a lot of pics in our forums and on Pinterest.
*Pre-Order PERFECT30 now or learn more at https://bit.ly/2RlEJRY *Current Pre-Sale Prices End Soon!!!