Pentagenarians & Beyond: W|B 9/30

Lori, thanks for getting us started today. This morning I did The Ultimate Yogi Gentle Yoga for 56 minutes and 73 calories burned. It’s similar to the Yin Yoga in that it’s slow and the poses are held a little longer, but not as long as Yin.

Deb, was hope you are doing okay today.

Hello to everyone and have a wonderful day.
No workout today. We went to church and out to lunch. No big plans :) I am hoping to hear back from my aunt when she can give me an estimated day and time of arriving here.

Lori, thanks for starting the check in today.

Carolyn, nice work on the yoga. I need more yoga and stretching than I have been getting lately.
Good evening ladies,

Today was a rest day. Yesterday was the new San Fran Bounce workout that was posted recently on YouTube. It was 50 mins. I think this is the longest they have done. I used 2.5 ankle weights and 1lb hand weights. Wow! My arms were exhausted after this workout. This was all I did as it was enough. Looks like a quiet day for all. It was beautifil here in New England. Hope it was the same for all.

Have a great night all!
not a lot happening today, but I did get in Xtrain bi's and tri's and core 1. some yard work, and cooking . If you watched any part of the hearings with Kavanaugh and Blaisey Ford, you will love the SNL cold open with Matt Damon. it is hilarious!
Good morning,

Sorry I missed starting the new week's thread. We got started cleaning the garages and the day just got away from me. Then we went to my brother's for his birthday dinner. By the time I got home, I was ready to go to bed.

Lori, thanks for starting the thread yesterday. How was the Cardio Glute Live workout? I looked at the clip of it, and thought it was a little too much for my hip right now. Thanks for the tip on changing FB password, I didn;t hear or see anything about it.

Valerie, that tree farm sounds like a nice place to ride. I agree, I would definitely give any horse the "right of way".

Carolyn, I think it was watercress sandwiches that were supposedly served with tea. I never had them, and no one I knew every had or served watercress. :). Any "greens" were an add-on to a sandwich, not the main ingredient.

Hi to Diane Sue & Judy,

Take care,
Good Morning,
Today I wanted something different with my workout so I did Ellen Barrett 30-Minute Feel Good Fusion (JS’ new workout has a similar name). It was 30 minutes and 93 calories burned. Average heart rate was 104 and maximum heart rate was 125. I then did JS Core Control from the Build Balance and Inner Strength dvd. That was 32 minutes and 177 calories burned. My average heart rate was 116 and maximum heart rate was 152.

It looks like we all had a low key day yesterday.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
Deb hope your floor refinishing project continues to go well. the prep and then putting things back is the hardest part of the job. fresh newly finished floors are so lovely though its worth the work.
I visited England, Ireland, Scotland on my first big trip. back when I was in my 20's. It was fine, but not the kind of travel I enjoyed. Way crowded even then. I remember the food... it was bland and not very good. I never liked tea although the ritual was quaint and interesting. I never did a trip like that again. I didn't enjoy traveling and standing in endless lines to look at historic sites. one trip like that was enough.

Deb the tree farm is lovely, and only 10 min away. it is a huge area..actually 3 separate areas of forest, with lots of access points. users get spread out. plus people live all around it and many can go from their yards right onto trails.

the cathe newsletter today is interesting. I can't use a straight bar. my hands and arms are angled so it's close to impossible. I always use dumbbells or easy curl. I cannot get dumbbells "level" . the outer edges tilted upward, one arm worse than the other. it has always been this way for me. I also have issues with keeping elbows close to my side doing tricep push up type moves. my elbows go outward or my arms can't bend. weird how we are all hooked together differently.

ETA did Rock em Sock em today the full workout. I modify the jacks and angels.
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This morning I did Kelly Coffey Step Boxing 2 workout #2, 25 minutes, heart rate average 127, max 160, 2,408 steps, met 5.9, 163 calories.. I used one riser on each side this time for the step boxing. The modifier does this without the step and she really looks like she is getting the intensity up without it. I may try this one day for fun. I then did Sculpting RX both combined mix, 71 minutes (I don't know why I was 11 minutes over the time, I did make a few notes), heart rate average 105, max 147, met 4.5, 353 calories, 1,498 steps. Total time was 96 minutes and calories burned 516. I used 7# for Sculpting RX workout 2 as Kelly says 5 or 7#. This does keep the heart rate up a bit and no rests, just one move to the next which work multiple body parts. This mix started with workout one and went straight into workout 2. There are worksheets and premixes posted on Kelly's website. I printed several copies last night.
Workout # 1 Fitness RX supersets of two moves done twice then moving to the next move. 3 supersets per body part 10 reps for each exercise
Biceps/Legs weights are my weights, not theirs
Hammer curls (Right, Left, release) medium weight 15# dbs superset with (weights on shoulders) squat out and hold 3 cts 15# dbs second set it is pulses instead of holds
Front curls (med) 15# dbs superset with (heavy)Front lunge on step, back knee pull 20# dbs
Alt Supination Curls (med) 15# dbs second set does both together superset with Squat fold and up (heavy) 20# dbs
row on step
25# db underhand (heavy) superset with front raise 20# db (heavy)
Bent over Row overhand (heavy) 25# dbs superset with Lateral Raise light) 10# dbs
Row from feet seated on step 15# dbs super set with Press (light) 10# dbs
(pinky in )medium 15# dbs superset with skull crusher medium15# dbs
Bench Press heavy 15# dbs superset with alternating seated kickbacks 12# dbs
push ups superset with Dips

I am not sure how I will get in all of my workouts this week. Tomorrow I will meet my aunt at my daughter's house. I am taking some stuff to add to the roast my daughter is putting on before she leaves for work.

Debbie, cleaning out the garages is a good idea before the cold weather hits, and it gives a place to put things when you get the flooring in.

Carolyn, it is nice to do something different once in awhile. I was thinking that too as to us having low keyed days yesterday.

Valerie, I need to check out the Cathe Newsletter. I saw it in my email, but have been busy. The tree farm really does sound like a nice place for riding. Living in England as a child, I remember some things that tasted really good and some that did not. I loved when the baker came by with baskets of fresh baked goods and my mother would buy some. I see those Rusks cereal cakes in stores and it reminds me of the English friends that would have us over and give us some for breakfast with warmed milk on it. I would eat it thinking how gross and soggy it was. They do have different ways than we do. The baked goods were yummy, the fruitcake was great and I had been drinking iced tea since I was 7 and was fascinated by the tea time. Really it was usually dinner at lunch time and then tea time. I still think the larger meal at lunch is a better idea as long as evening you aren't filling up on pastries. Maybe they have changed by now.
Good morning,

PT exercises. I know I need to get back into it with upper body etc, but not feeling it right now.

Carolyn, sometimes its good to change things up a bit.

Valerie, I would like to see the places you described, but I don't want to go through the air flying stuff. I can barely stand being on a plane for 4 hours, let alone how long it takes to get to Europe. I have an EZ bar but forget to use it for curls.

Diane Sue, did your Aunt decide to park the RV at your daughter's house? A larger meal at lunch time and something smaller sounds good to me too. My grandparents ( mother's side) ate like that every day. Everyday my grandmother had to make some type of pasta, my grandfather had to have it every day. She had some really creative menus. I wish I had the thought process back then to copy them down. It was always a different pasta, with some type of meat on the side and a salad.

Hi to Judy& Lori,

Take care,
Deb, my mother used to throw beans in her spaghetti for a second meal. I used to make a recipe for mexican black bean pasta that was really good. I don't know if I still have the recipe around. When I was trying the vegetarian diet, I made it a lot. I would make a big bowl of it and top it with avocado. I did hedge a bit with a dollop of sour cream, so not totally vegetarian :) It is much easier to find other types of pasta other than wheat pasta now. I have used lentil pasta for my husband. He ate it for awhile , but then finally asked me what kind of spaghetti I was buying because he didn't like it that much. It is hard to feed picky eaters healthy food :)
Hi Everyone,

Saturday I did KCM Sculpting RX, both workouts. Sunday was a rest day and yesterday I did Cardio Leg Blast with Core 2. We finished painting the living room over the weekend and we are happy with how it turned out. The only area left to paint is an upstairs hallway then I'm pretty sure we are done with the things we can do. It looks like we will probably have the rest of the work done next year.

Deb-It sounds like you had a busy day yesterday! I hope your hip is feeling better. I think you would like Sculpting RX. We need to clean our garage soon too. I need to be able to get my car in it before the snow starts. I went to Switzerland and France in 2000, but there is no way I would want to be on a plane that long now.

Diane Sue-Great job with the new KCM workouts! Nice weights for Sculpting RX! I went a little lighter for the first time but I need to go heavier next time. I agree, it's hard to feed picky eaters healthy food. I've tried to get my husband to eat some healthier variations of pasta and veggie burgers and he didn't like them.

Valerie-The newsletter was good this week. I have that new T-Grip bar that is similar to the EZ Grip bar and it is much easier for me to do bicep curls with it. I can go heavier with it than I can with a regular bar.
I would loved to go England, Ireland and Scotland! I wouldn't want to fly that long now, but I wish I would have gone when I was younger. According to my Ancestry DNA, I am 45% Irish & Scottish and 37% English & Welsh. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it's probably pretty close since my mother's side was all English and Irish and my grandmother's family on my father's side was English.

Hi to Carolyn & Lori!

This morning I did Ripped with Hiit workouts 1 and 2 combined 52 minutes, met 5.9, 339 calories, heart rate average 130, max 164, 3,778 steps. I then did Coffey Fit Raw Cardio Finisher, 13 minutes, 84 calories, heart rate average 134, max 162, met 6.0, 1,259 steps. I finished off with Barre Amped Stability ball stretch, 6 minutes, 15 calories. Total time was 71 minutes and calories burned 438.
Getting ready to shower and head out to head out to my daughter's house. They are supposed to fix our sun room Monday. It looks like we are expecting heavy rains and possibly severe weather. I bet that does not happen. It is going to put a crimp in my schedule as I pick up grandchildren and have rescheduled my eye appointment from this week to next. I also have a dentist appointment that I rescheduled. I hate calling them all back again.

Judy, my brother did the ancestry thing and it seems we have more English in us that the German that we originally thought that we had. My great grandparents settled here from Germany. The other side came from England. Those flights are long. When we left for England I was 7 and it was in an airplane which made it an even longer flight and my little brother was sick the whole flight. It is still not hard to forget as we were uprooted from our family in California and moved overseas since my Dad was military at the time. Coming back we were on a jetliner which was much better. I don't care for flying.
That is great that you got your painting finished.
This morning I did another workout from Ellen Barrett’s 7-Day Workout Challenge: 15-Minute Power 15. This was a high rep low weight workout similar to Suzanne Bowen or Linda Woodridge. It as 15 minutes, 53 calories burned, 101 average heart rate, and 119 maximum heart rate. I used 2# dumbbells which is what Ellen was using. After that I did Jessica Smith’s Boost Metabolism +Muscle, Total Body Focus metabolic circuit. That was 35 minutes and 144 calories burned. My average heart rate was 107 and maximum heart rate was 130.

Deb, it’s good that you are doing the PT exercises. I know how hard it can be to workout when the motivation is missing. Hopefully you will feel like doing something soon.

Diane Sue, great job on the RWH workouts today and Kelly’s new workouts yesterday. I didn’t order those since I already have so many of Kelly’s dvds. I hope you can get the sunroom repaired before the rain starts.

Judy, nice job with KCM Sculpting RX and Cardio Leg Blast. Added to your home projects you are very busy. It sounds like you have made great progress on the condo.

Valerie, the newsletter was interesting to me too since I have issues doing barbell curls. I modify jacks too when I do Rock ‘m Sock ‘m.

Lori, I thought of you as I was using the light weights today and my arms were burning. They definitely work!
I had zero travel experience before the British isles trip. went with some much older nurses from the hospital where I worked. it was a prepaid tour, including all travel, food, rooms etc. all we had to do was show up where we were supposed to be. got bused place to place. not a lot of thought or planning on our part, but it was a different time, and I had barely gone out of my home city before. there were enjoyable parts, places, but standing in line to kiss the Blarney stone, or watching changing of the guard at buckingham palace ...not great fun. the flight itself was long, crowded, hot, and awful. both ways. I never wanted to do it again. My idea of vacation is getting away from people and family. tours …. you are mired in mobs of people the entire time. I'd need a vacation to recover. I remember delicious cookies and pastries in Scotland. I remember the cold toast in a toast rack in England and wondered why they didn't serve it fresh and hot. there are no doubt enjoyable ways to visit the country, but a "tour' is not it.

my family is German/Irish but fathers family was secretive. they lied and hid things for unknown reasons, would not say who was related and how.

DH has taken over both easy curl bars. I look at the bar with all the plates on it and easier to reach for dumbbells. I take the plates off, he puts them back on... even if he's not using it. its hard to get plates on and off. its funny how little things like that discourage use. I hate taking the plates on and off.

I love pasta. not crazy about whole wheat. some are OK, others gritty. I'm not celiac so don't see any reason to try out every strange blends. I think most of the problem with pasta is gigantic servings. 2-3 oz uncooked is plenty for a serving, and I want my vegies on top of it.
I've tried many home made vegie burgers, tried q new one yesterday. they are okay. I've tried most of the commercial ones. the original Garden Burgers were the best but I can't find them anywhere. costco used to have them but not anymore. they have a new awful one... "throw away" bad. Ugh. I like the black bean burgers they have but am tired of them. they are a little too spicy for DH so he complains.

I just fixed a zipper on my ( zip off) convertible pants. it was not that hard once I got the right zipper piece. silly but I'm proud of getting it fixed.
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Good evening ladies,

Yesterday morning was a couple of SB’s Bounce/Barre workouts. Totaling 40 mins. Today was SB’s Adv lower barre and a Bellicon Booty bounce. Both were great lower workouts.

Valerie...I missed the SNL episode. Going to see if I can find on YouTube. Usually you can. I went to England and Ireland in 1994. I loved it and had a great time. I do not remember the flight though. I am sure I did not like it! I was the same way with the plates! I much prefer dumbells and my heavy bars. Great job with the zipper. I need to fix a favorite fleece of mine.

Deb...I never got to the Cathe Live workout. Going to try for Saturday morning.

Carolyn...isn’t crazy how 2 or 3lb weights can slay you!! Lol! I love the burn I get from a great hi-rep workout. I am going to check out some of Ellen’s workouts. She is well liked by many. I am trying to do get back into more barre. There are still so many SB workouts I have not done. Going to try and pick a new one a couple times a week.

Judy...I bet the room looks amazing!!! Great workouts. Is Sculpting the new KCM workout? She has some dvds on her streaming site but not all. Wondering if the plan is to add them? I thought of you when reading the newsletter this week!

Diane also had great workouts! Nice job with the RWH. My brother did the ancestry dna and we are 82% Irish, and then some English and French I believe. Not sure of the percentages other than the Irish. I wonder how accurate this is? How can they really tell? I do not mind flying, I just get severe motion sickness. I have a prescription I take one hour prior to flying. Can’t fly without it!

Have a great night all.
Lori I went in about 1970. . I used to think flying was OK but that was before all the incredible lines and wait times. for a few years I was flying somewhere several times every week but I didn't have to get up at 1 am for a 8 am flight. driving and parking was not a big deal. planes weren't packed to the rafters. now I can't sleep for 2 nights before the flight. I get motion sickness on water, but planes are OK. I don't know why I hate messing with the plates, but I do, and grab dumbbells every time.
I did burn sets Bi's and tri's. only about 35 min but it felt like a good workout. got stuck in awful traffic today for some sort of police action that shut down flow.
Lori It will only be funny if you watched the kavanaugh part of the senate inquiry. I keep calling it a "job interview" ……….. and he did not get the job.... SNL does a great job!
I hate sewing and am awful at it, but I am proud of this one! not that hard if you get the direction of the zipper right the first time.
Hiking tomorrow.
Good morning,

Only PT exercises yesterday.

Diane Sue, Mexican Black Bean Pasta sounds great! I tried a lot of different pastas when I was doing the gluten elimination test for my gastro issues. I found a lot of the pastas were actually pretty tasty. I hate when the weather can disrupt all your plans. I hope you are able to have the sunroom done when scheduled.

Judy, great job on the living room. Did you say you were doing grey? There would be no way John would even try a veggie burger. :).

Carolyn, nice combination of workouts. I am another one that modifies jumping jacks whenever they are in a workout. I feel that I get the same out of them without all that extra impact.

Valerie, I have the impression somehow that all food in England, Ireland etc is bland. It is the same in Canada, unless you go to a chain restaurant where it is the same everywhere. Except for the plane ride, I would like taking a trip like you described, where everything is planned out for you and you don't have to worry about getting to places. Kudos for fixing that zipper...I know how something like that being done can feel so good.

Lori, I wonder too if the ancestry thing is accurate, and how do they know anyway? I would guess that I am 50% Italian, and the rest, a combination of English, Irish and Welsh.

Take care,
Today I did WS3 One Mile of Motivation for 15 minutes and 111 calories burned. Average heart rate was 127 and maximum heart rate was 148. Then I did Ellen Barrett’s day 3 of the 7 day challenge, Core Yoga, for 30 minutes and 81 calories burned. My average heart rate with that was 101 and maximum heart rate was 133.

Greetings to everyone and have a wonderful afternoon.
British isles not known for highly seasoned or innovative food. I remember getting salmon in Ireland but I was a newby, had only fried fish before so I don't know if it was good. I was not brave about trying new things back then. I remember a lot of meat and potatoes fare which was not real exciting but that was typical in the US also. The trip was certainly easy getting around. it was all pre arranged and no need to drive.

we hiked today, about 4 hrs and 20 minutes. it snowed last night, a big surprise. we did not get as far as we planned because it was very slippery after we got higher. we saw some bear tracks but no bear. as it warmed up snow melted, but mud plus a layer of melting snow was slick and we didn't want to sit around for hours for it all to melt, if it ever did. going uphill was not bad, but coming back down was exciting. we did about half or 2/3 of the hike. it was pretty out so worth it. the snow will probably be gone in another day or so. too early for it to accumulate.

Deb its funny, I have spent a huge amount of time in Canada but I don't think I've ever eaten in a restaurant. we always take the camper, and I'm not a fan of fast food anywhere. we always take most of our supplies with us so we have a checklist of what you can and can't bring into Canada. fruits are a problem.
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