Today I did Coffey FIt Raw Cardio Tone stopping at the floor work, 20 minutes, 104 calories, 2,146 steps, heart rate 124/156. I then did Cathe Fit Split Mixed Impact cardio only, 28 minutes, 138 calories, heart rate 120/154, 2700 steps. I finished with Kelly Coffey Muscle Up abs bonus, heart rate 96/ 122, 147 steps, 28 calories. I forgot how tough this was and all of the plank moves. Ouch. Trying to avoid the shoulders. That Merge Posture yoga hurt and was just not good for me. She has her head way back a lot and she did the plough, wheel, and more stuff with the head way back. One was lying on a yoga block with the head all the way down to the floor. I won't do it again. I did the shoulder portion before I went to bed and could feel it in not a good way this morning. Anyway total time today 63 minutes, 270 calories, 4,993 steps. I took some Excedrin and went to Walmart Market when I was done. My neck really hurts this evening. I hope it is better tomorrow. I should have just stuck with Lindsey Samper.
Valerie, I prefer shopping by myself for groceries most of the time. It was sort of nice doing it with my husband when we went in the middle of the night, but I was in pretty much of a hurry to get done and home myself. I do better by myself on what is chosen and getting what I need for recipes. Nice that your points are good and clothes looser. Way to go
I couldn't imagine getting rid of my pet either. But, a lot of people are just not like that. That is why we find so many animals left out on the side of the road somewhere. That is how we found the our dog Gertie. She required a lot of determination on my part, and would not trade her for anything. She bit my other dog, dug holes, and peed all over the place and wanted to guzzle water. I watched every training program, purchased training videos, and purchased training tools. Now she is the best behaved dog I have ever had. Anyway a lot of people purchase their pets and then put them outside. They don't really get that bond with them.
Cathy, I tried vegetarian once, but it did not work well for me and my husband would never eat like that. I can see where it would not change your costs as much at the grocery store. I went to Sprouts yesterday because I prefer produce from there. I should have known better than to pick up what they had in front on sale though. I have found that is where they generally put stuff they need to get rid of. When I took my grapes out of the bag there were rotting ones in the bottom. Sometimes when I get something like that I take it back, but right now one trip into the store is enough. Amazon as does other companies really do get into our privacy. Our car has Alexa in it. I avoided putting Google Chrome on my new laptop and won't let it work across my devices. I don't care for all of my stuff to be shared or in the cloud. I have the Amazon Card with 5% cash back too and once I shopped at Whole Foods home delivery it kept popping up my purchases suggesting those were what I wanted the next time. I had set up a Walmart Pay account to get cash back once and it would open up when I would walk into the store. It knew I was there and welcomed me. Anyway, I finally took it off my cell phone. I
Both Sprouts and Walmart try to get me to set up a pay thing with them for additional discounts when I use Ibotta and I am not doing it. I take pictures of my receipts instead. I don't like them having access to my bank info and credit cards.
Deb, I found that having two dogs made it really difficult playing. I would throw a toy and they would both go for it grumbling and growling at each other. I would get two of the toys and generally Gertie ended up with both. I know you spend a lot of time with yours training. That would be difficult. I didn't like when we had the two dogs and they would both want attention and jealousy was there. I think shutting the Fitbit down varies by which one. On the blaze I just scrolled right and there was a Bluetooth and a shutdown. On my Versa 2 I have to go to the settings button and scroll to about then scroll down the list to the bottom and it has shut down and it has factory reset. I did do a full factory reset once because when they did one of the updates it was not working right at all. Most of the set up when I got it back up gave me back info I had put into it. But, I just shut it down if it is acting up most of the time. I have to go back and turn off and on notifications afterward though on the app on my phone or I won't get them on the watch after I shut down.
Carolyn, nice work with STS Total Body. I have not done that one in quite some time either. I like it a lot though. It is a long workout. Yes, my arthritis is flaring and I think some of the exercise moves I have done along with the new yoga I tried yesterday have really aggravated it. It was bad when I finished doing the Merge second workout that was shoulders last night and my neck was crackly when I finished. It hurt to turn or tilt my head to the left side. I didn't do complete the stuff on the workout that hurt. No way was I doing a wheel. Plough was something I used to do and have my toes on the floor over my head. I even would put my knees on the floor around my head like Tony Horton did on P90X. Now there is no way. Even he mentioned his neck on a later workout and put a rolled up towel under his neck. Lindsey Samper is more just stretches and strengthening that she holds for a longer period of time and much like my PT was doing. It seems to help, but once it is irritated. I end up with neck pain and a headache from carrying the pain around.