Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/25

Lori-I would love to do the 30 day rotation with you. It depends on how my back is by Monday. Hopefully it will be much better.
Today I started with X10 Step no stretch, 22 minutes, heart rate average 131/ max 170, 151 calories. I then did Fit Tower Advanced Upper focus premix, 36 minutes, 151 calories followed by Kelly Coffey Body Design Upper Strength and cool down 21 minutes, 94 calories and finishing with the Fit Tower Advanced bonus abs, 12 minutes, 34 calories. Total time was 91 minutes, 430 calories, 4,562 steps.
Fit Tower Upper Body
Bench press 2 sets 16 reps 45# the rep count changes a bit on the second set
close grip bench press 2 sets 16 reps 35# rep count changes the second set
chest fly 16 reps 17.5# 2 sets
drop set push ups tower at level 3, 2,1 /12,10,8 reps
triceps dips 2 sets of 16 each set has 8 reps and 8 reps with leg crossed over other leg
triceps kickbacks with band wrapped around fit tower bar straight 1rm 16 reps bent arm 16 reps repeat blue heavy band
bonus band pulls over 100 reps green medium band
barbell biceps curls 35# various counts and holds
1 arm rows 30# 16 reps 2 times
seated lat pull downs with band and tower blue band 2 sets
pull ups set one single count set two 1 and 1/2 count
vertical pull up
Kelly Body Design Quick and gets a lot in for 18 minutes work. Very little rest
1 arm row 3 sets 10 reps 30#
1 arm lat raise 10# 10 reps 3 sets
1 arm boxer pledge 12# 10 reps 3 sets
1 arm dips 3 sets no rest between set 1 and 2 no stopping when switching arms
1 arm bench press 20# 3 set 10 reps
Hi Ladies. Today I did the Fit Tower Legs, Glutes, and Core. I really liked it but there were some challenging sections for me with the abs. I definitely have room to grow with this workout.

I have my oldest daughter coming in tonight. This was a total surprise because she never comes home this time of year. Daughter number 2 is coming tomorrow with her family. Suddenly I will have a house full of people which is wonderful, but unexpected. I've been running around all afternoon shopping for food and other errands.

I need to get back to my preparations. Have a wonderful evening.
Deb, I have purposely never clicked on any links to the supplements you guys talk about. I have enough ads that show up because I looked for or bought things for my sister from places I would not personally shop. I get tons of stuff from cross stitch/ needlework places!. also places I've bought clothes for her. Ad just started yesterday or the day before. I expect it will drop off if I don't click on anything. I still think it 's weird that even if you expressed no interest, you get sucked into the promotion web. ...

we did a short hike this morning, was not nice. way too much snow and a bunch of loud obnoxious people. we went an hour up and an hour back. good enough. will go back not on a holiday weekend. I've loved to hike for 50 years but I'm getting burned out with unpleasant experiences.
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Good evening ladies!

This morning was a BBS Tramp workout and a Bellicon workout. Time was 45m / 363 cal.

Deb...these are the measurememts. I measured from the floor to the bottom of the hole. They seem odd but too be sure I measured twice.

#1 - 10 1/4 inches
#2 - 13 1/2 inches
#3 - 16 3/4 inches
#4 - 20 1/4 inches
#5 - 23 1/2 inches
#6 - 26 3/4 inches
#7 - 30 inches
#8 - 33 1/4 inches
#9 - 36 3/4 inches
#10 - 40 inches

I think by knowing these you will be able to go to the closest hole on your tower. If you are off a 1/2in I am sure this will make no difference. Hope this helps. What I like about this rotation is the cardio of choice days. I can fit in what I want. The only thing that concerns me is there are only 3 workouts in this FT series. However, I do like how she mixes the rotations up. I really like the workouts so thinking I may stick to this one.

Judy...hopefully your back will be feeling good by next week. I left the office today at 1pm and I took Monday off. Do not have to be back to work until Wednesday! Sweet! :)

Diane Sue...91 minutes! Awesome. How did you like the upper focus premix? I made one up but it will be nice to compare to what you have listed.

Carolyn...I plan to try out the legs and glute one tomorrow. Will be interestiing to see how I feel about the core when finished. When I made up my Fusion workout was feeling the 100's that are in the legs and glutes. I pulled some of the core but not all of the exercises into the fusion. Have fun with your family. Very nice!

Valerie...I can see how you would get burned out. You have had a few bad experiences that I can remember.

Hi to Caitlyn!
Lorie, I liked the upper premix. There were a few exercises that were missing, like the lunge with the upper move and no just shoulders other than the band pulls. I imagine you get plenty with the pull up variations. Anyway, I had overhead presses with the X10 step and lat raise with Kelly Coffey's upper body. That was plenty. The glute max is a real burner with using the band and the ankle weights like I did. I checked out Kelly's Raw 888 , but when I saw it looked like total body I decided to wait on it. I really liked the core in legs, glutes, and core. I am thinking I would like to do both that one and the bonus one together.

Valerie, I bet you do get a lot of stuff from shopping for your sister. I am sure those companies pay to be able to get all of their ads out. What I hate is when I am on something and try scrolling down to see what I was actually looking for and there are so many ads that I accidentally click on something and led away from where I intended to go.
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Good morning,

Yesterday I did Live Quick Fix Cardio.....this is a really good short HIIT type workout, low impact.

Diane Sue, thanks for posting the response from Dr. Axe. They did not seem to answer your question at all. I am still not sure about their answer on the types to use. It looks like all types are for healthy skin. If he recommends it be refrigerated, why isn't that on the container? Maybe that's why mine is so awful smelling? I think you are an hour behind us in it was 5:13 when I posted.

Judy, hope your back feels better.

Carolyn, how nice that both of your daughters will be there this weekend!

Valerie, I bet the hiking at your new home will be less crowded :).

Lori, thanks so much for doing the measurements! :). I will match them to my Tower and then label it with the numbers. Thinking maybe using stick on dots or something...I'll have to see how it goes. I was surprised to see Travel Fit in the rotation...I think that must be the first time she has used it in one that I can remember.

Not sure what is up for today....I broke a toe, this morning...the dogs were in a tussle, and I got up from the couch to see to that and somehow in the scuffle, ended up with a broken toe...strange. I know there is nothing they so for it, but I am going to Immediate Care so they can splint it or whatever it is they do.

Have a good weekend!
Deb, ouch on the toe. I hope it is not too painful. No, they did not really answer the question. Reading that post made me think i need more than just type Ii for both bones and muscle recovery as it looked like Ii was mainly for ligaments and cartilege. I thought my question was clear on mixing the types. Maybe DrAxe recommends it being refrigerated , but it really does not have to be. My container that i have now does not have a strong odor , but i have had some that did. I thought maybe itbwas the variety of collagen.
an accidental click is the only way I can see it happening but I'm pretty careful t not to click on links I don't definitely want. I'm always amazed at how much stuff pops up if you look at anything on amazon. I cleaned a bunch of things up , temp files, cache etc. now I need to enter email and pw every time even though I'm telling it to 'remember me" or "store pw". Now that feature isn't working working for some site, like this one. always something!.
Deb, that is too bad about your toe! I think if nothing is displaced, they buddy tape it to the toe next to it and that's usually it. but I would definitely get it looked at since there's hardly ever only one way to do things. the only bone I ever broke was my tailbone and it was not displaced so just sit carefully and advil was the extent of it. probably taking the day off today. some shopping this morning, lunch with cousin and that usually eats up most of the day.
Everyone have a pleasant weekend. we always stay home on the 4th because of fireworks going off. people are so careless and there already have been fires.
Today I did Ice Boot camp Circuit no upper premix , 35 minutes, 182 calories. I followed this with Fit Tower Total Body premix lower body only, 29 minutes, 163 calories. This was tough doing all of the lower body weights two times through. I went heavier as well. I finished with Fit Tower legs, glutes, and core, core stretch mix, 19 minutes, 67 calories. Total time 83 minutes, calories burned 412.
Lower body weights for Fit tower
uneven squats with 3 risers 25# 16 reps right then 16 left
stiff legged deadlift 50# 16 reps
elevated lunges 16 then 15 1nd 1 count
repeat all 3 exercises
single leg push down dips 20# 16 reps the 15 and 1 pulses all right then all left
cross back lunge 20# 15,7,7,3,3,3,3, 8 singles all right then all left
repeat these two moves

Valerie, I could never figure out why it would ask if I wanted to remember password and I would say yes and it would still ask me every time and I would have to enter it. Also, sometimes I don't even click, things just open up. I don't know if I pass over it or what. I try to put that curser off the main area of the screen till it is fully loaded. I find it quite annoying.
I have two primary problem spots... Outlook is making me enter name and pw ... every time. even if I go off email page, surf a few spots, and come back, I need to re enter. I am checking the box to remember me. the same thing is happening here on the cathe site, also saying remember me. this is a new problem. I will probably live with it until Monday and see if I can think of something between now and then. it seems to be the desktop and not my phone.
Valerie-I have that problem with Outlook on my desktop computer. I'm not sure what the problem is. It doesn't do it every time, but it does it several times a day.
Judy I am guessing they want us to pay to upgrade but it's not clear whether this will fix the issue. . I do not want to it 'remember" my outlook password because that's a key pw for me. $20 a year to upgrade, minimum. . the other options are more $$ include Microsoft Office, power point, something else etc, stuff I never use. I have not as of yet had an issue with the phone or ipad with having to sign in constantly. this just happened in the last two days without any kind of announcement. this time when I hit upgrade it gave me choices rather than locking up. this time I didn't have to reenter email and pw on the cathe site, but I had to do it several times today. this is inconsistent, not predictable, hard to figure out.

for movie reviews... Manchester by the Sea. Not good. it was dismal, depressing and did not strike any chords with me, just wanted it OVER. did not like at all. nobody to like at all. no thumbs up on that one.
tonight we watched Lion. it was very good. I enjoyed it a lot. 4 stars for this one. I don't remember if it made any impact in award nominations but it was very good. emotional, moving, well acted, based on a true story. a drama, a real story, not a shoot-em-up or anything. about a child who gets separated from his family in India. gets adopted into an Australian family. eventually finds/ makes his way back. no spoilers here. enjoyed this one a lot.

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