Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/16/2024

Today I did CDorner Step "Latin music" #389, 50 minutes, 220 calories, heart rate 124/151, 3,377 steps. I also did Raw TBTS Strength abs, 16 minutes with a 10# dumbbell, 43 calories, heart rate 96/115. I finished with Raw yoga stretch, 14 minutes, 22 calories. Total time was 80 minutes, 285 calories. Tomorrow I will do STS 2 legs and shoulders mish mosh. I need more stretching today. I did something short because my husband is off today and has to go to bed early to do a 12 hour shift a 5 am. I will probably get up and fix him something to eat before he leaves.
Wednesday I shopped, then yesterday I did LITE Bodyweight and Bands and in the afternoon Derek and I headed for Cleveland. Spent the night and went to the Cleveland Zoo today and then drove home. Had a good visit at the zoo thought it was HOT! LOL Ok, so it never actually hit 90 just felt like it was in the 90's and not even the hottest zoo visit we've ever done.

I'll play catch up tomorrow.
Just finished LIVE To the Mat Legs, Glutes and Core, skipped the core. Tux had to come help me. His version of helping is to continually flop around and knead my mat. After I finished the section of the workout, I took him up and put him on the cat tree by Derek's window and he stayed away. But only a couple minutes after I restarted Chester came over. He at least is kinder and just wants to touch me while going to sleep. Is not nearly as endearing as it sounds. He ended up sprawled across the middle of the mat, and I got the portion between him and the TV. Fortunately, I'm of a size where that works as he stayed there for the last 20 minutes or whatever was left at that point.

Judy looks like while we have a couple 90 degree days this week, including today, most days the next couple weeks will be closer to 80 which is more tolerable.

Valerie my sister's attitude towards bears is the same as yours because anywhere they hike, plus at their house there can be bears, though they only have black. Same with people who live in the upper peninsula, though there are also some mountain lions up there. Haven't heard of any encounters between them and people, but they have been spotted near some towns. Wolves really push the debate button up there as you have a very definitive split between the leave them alone, and get rid of them camps. You've been seeing some amazing wildlife sights. Deer here have similar reactions-they will stand by the road when a car passes them, but back when I used to ride my bike around out here, they flee at the sight of someone on a bike. I'm so sorry about your friends husband. Pancreatic cancer is brutal. I knew someone who lost her first husband to it when they were in their 30's, and it's such a horrible way to go.

Diane Sue it sounds like your painting is going well.

Hi Carolyn.
Yesterday did I 20 minutes of rowing, 20 minutes of Peloton upper body work, 5 minutes of Peloton abs and 40 minutes of Yin Yoga. Today I did a 45 minute Peloton ride and walked outside for about 25 minutes. It was too hot to run but it was nice to be outside for a while. The heat has been brutal and we are fortunate that we didn’t lose power from the storms over the past few days.

Diane Sue-Great job with STS 2.0 Back and Biceps Mish Mosh 2, CDorner Full Body Stretching, the CDorner Step workouts, STS 2 Body Parts Mish Mosh #1 Chest and Triceps, Yoga with Adrienne, Raw TBTS Strength abs, and Raw Yoga Stretch. I still do some overhead tricep work but it is hard on my shoulders. I need to start going to the gym again and doing press downs with the machine. That is really good at isolating the triceps and it doesn’t bother my shoulders. I do it at home with bands too but that doesn’t feel as effective as the gym machine.

Valerie-I am so sorry about your friend’s husband.

Carolyn-Great job with STS 2.0 Lower Body 1, 2 sets maximum, JS 15 Minute Fat Blaster and P30 Perfect Flow Mobility Basics. I hope you had a very nice rest day.

Cathy-Great job with LITE Bodyweight and Bands and LIVE To the Mat Legs, Glutes and Core. My cats like to "help" me with core work and yoga too.
We did the drive yesterday. it was dry and warm but not hot. sunny but a nice trip. even though the traffic app showed backed up traffic for miles, it was nonexistant. in multiple places. it looked so awful I almost took us on alternate route B. the updated version of the app absolutely stinks and is inaccurate. at first I thought it was me, but its not. somehow it misreads the "backups". it took about 10 hrs 45 min but its a world of difference if traffic is moving smoothly vs stop/ start bumper to bumper when people start cutting each other off etc.
my friends husband was a friend to me also. known both of them for many years. nobody deserves pancreatic. he's not the first person close to me who died like that. he tried to plan ahead if it turned bad quickly he could get meds to end it. I dont know details of what happens. I believe the person has to swallow the lethal meds. it turned so quickly they could not get him in time. I feel bad he had to suffer for 2 days.

well, bears. grizzlies are a different thing that black bears but I respect both. "park" bears of both kinds are conditioned to people and cars. some still avoid a meeting but others seem not to react at all. black bears can kill you too but grizzlies are WAY more aggressive especially with cubs. the bears around our neighborhood are grizzlies. we watch very carefully for bear signs and would leave the area rather than risk a meet up. Anyone ever see the videos of timothy Treadwell? he thought he could be "friends" ( Mr. fuzzy etc) with them and died badly. he had a lot of encounters and most went ok but one did not.
mountain lion tracks are not always easy to be sure about. lions being cats love to chase things, like bicycles and toy with their victims. We are careful but still a risk. they are much easier to miss being in the area than a grizzly. we watch for prints, and carcasses. our neighbor has video of 3 mountain lions this winter 1/4 mile away, behaving just like housecats. so beautiful but they can be attracted to bikers.

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