Good morning,
Yesterday I did Live Phat 1....whew another great workout with a good calorie burn. 49 minutes, 326 calories. Loved it! Cathe really messes up in this one. There are 7 exercises in the round, and she skips 2 of them in the first round...then when she gets to the other round, she gets them out of order...has to stick them's a great workout.
Diane Sue, we are in the high eighties here, not as hot as where you are. Do you get a lot of humidity? I agree on cursive writing, they should still teach that in school. I guess they will only teach them how to do their signature? I find that if I use the Retin A stuff I have, (it is not prescription strength, actually is Retinol) too often, the same thing happens to me....I try to use it 3 nights a week. Let me know how you like the Tarte BB cream. I just bought Jergen's BB Body cream, have not used it yet.
Lynda, Yes, ICE series is one of Cathe's best! Where can you find a standing desk? I like that yours is both standing and sitting? Swiss Chalet is a Canadian company that service rotissierie chicken with various side dishes. Also their "secret dipping sauce" is what everyone really loves. The waitresses all dressed in Swiss outfits. Not any longer. They have expanded their menu a lot in recent years. When I was a kid there was a basic dinner, and your choice was whether you wanted a quarter chicken, or a half. Now they have a full menu with those same chicken dinners, but all other items, salads etc. Even roast beef, which was never on the menu.
Valerie, wow, great hike! Yes, that is what I use, a mix of cleaning strength vinegar, water, and dish soap. We have one of those garden sprayers that hold a gallon of liquid that you can put on your shoulder and walk around spraying.
Lori, Yay for a new dishwasher! I think I will try that latest Live workout tomorrow. I know we talked about this before, but I have forgotten, how often do you use the Retin A? at night?
Judy, MFP is totally down for me....I can't even sign in.

. I like that you said you used to not like barre....maybe there is hope for me down the road. I am looking forward to the new DVD's for that reason. Not sure what Weider Ruthless is, but $8.97 is a great price!
Hi to Josie, and Caitlin,
Doing some yard work, while it is still cool out there...then agility class this morning,
Take care,