Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/12

Today I started with the Ice Low Impact Sweat mix of cardio 2 and blizzard blast, 37 minutes, 263 calories, 125 avg/155 max hr.. I then 21 Day Fix Extreme Upper body 34 minutes, 161 calories . I lowered the weight on this a bit because the last two days my shoulder and neck have been bothering me. I am not sure why. Maybe arthritis. I just did not want to push it too hard. I finished off with 21 Day Fix Extreme Yoga, 31 minutes, 102 calories. Total time 1 hr 42 minutes, 532 calories. So far this week I am burning slightly less calories on the same workouts as last week. I will have to get up and get started on a workout tomorrow early. I am picking up my granddaughter 8 for a fun sleep over and swimming on Thursday with her cousin 5 who is here on Thursdays. I got a new swimsuit in the mail this morning. I am quite pleased with it since it only cost me 15.00 at Amazon. I just wanted something modest for when I take grandchildren to the pool or go to my daughters and use their pool. It has boy shorts and a t back tank type top. Perfect for me. I was worried it wouldn't fit because everyone said they run small and it is converted sizing from Asian sizing.

Deb, the ankle weights barely fit around my leg above the knee with enough of the Velcro to fasten. That is my Pro adjustable weight pair. The others that are newer and just 5# that I ordered when my others were in storage would wrap but the Velcro would not stay fastened. I don't know if a person could use two of them together. It worked well for me though. No knee achiness when I was done. Sometimes my Polar HR 7 and my watch will recalibrate after awhile. The first time I had that happen to me I mentioned it to my doctor and she said, take your pulse to check it out. I think we pretty much know approximately what it should be by our level of exertion. But, it is a guideline and motivator for me.

Valerie, my son and his son both had nose bleeds. We would go to the movies or something and it would start and we would have to leave. My grandson had his cauterized a couple of time too. My son was anemic when he was little and we were always trying to keep his iron levels up. I hope that your husband can get some help from the doctor.

Caitlin, that seems like such a small amount of calories for 90 minutes. Almost what you would think a person would burn just doing regular activities. I bet it was in reality more than that. I have been called skinny and I have been called a bodybuilder. I have had people ask how can I get muscles like that. I had one ask how she could tone up her arms for a wedding in two weeks o_O Of course there is no way that is going to happen. A lot of people just don't think before they speak. Or for some skinny is different than for others.
I don't know how all BP meds work, but many reduce BP by removing "excess" fluids or preventing absorbing as much fluid. low sodium diets are supposed to work similarly, you hold less fluid because you take in less sodium. when your BP is lower, if you stand up abruptly you can feel lightheaded or even faint. there is usually a period of adjustment on a new med, or dosage adjustment. there are many other issues but the lightheadedness is pretty common at first. I am fortunately not in need of bp meds at least not yet. Lynda, nose blowing is an issue, dh very very gently blew his nose that morning and it bled immediately. he will get "fried" again tomorrow, hopefully the right location.
diane sue, there are so many obese people out there these days, that what used to be considered "slim " might look thinner to others than it used to. all you have to do is look at old family photos or school pics from the 50's 60's and 70's and everyone looks tiny compared to what you see everywhere these days. people used to be WAY smaller. congrats on a new swimsuit and being fit enough to wear it comfortably in public. more fabric means less sun exposure and less sunscreen too, and you don't look like someone who would tan readily anyway.
Valerie, I am a really pale person. I burn with sunscreen if I stay in it very long. Our neighborhood pool has a cabana with fans by each of the 3 pools which is nice. I can go sit there and watch the children and the ducks and geese in the little lake. Still rays reflect back off of the water and I try to stay close because the 5 year old tries to defy me and go to the deeper end of the pool which is only 6 foot. He can swim but I don't want him to need help. I am not the best swimmer even after two years of required swimming in Junior high. I take float toys too.
Good morning,

I spent most of the morning with my cousin and my uncle who was admitted to the hospital with a brain bleed. He fell in the nursing home on Thursday night, and it took 3 days for them to send him to the hospital for a C-T scan. This was at my cousin's insistence, or he would still be in the nursing home. These places are horrible, even when they are getting $11k a month.

Valerie, too bad you had to cut your trip short, I guess you were able to get into the DH and are going again today. Like you said, hopefully they get the correct spots. Thanks for the link to the recipe, it looks great. John doesn't like cabbage that much, I guess we could sub with a romaine mix?

Lynda, glad you may have found your issue with streaming.... I would like a standing desk as well. They are supposed to be better for you, especially when using a computer for long periods of time. That is why I switched to the ball for my seat at the computer, but it's still sitting.

Caitlin, you mentioned "regular clients"...not being nosy, but what is it that you do? only 200 calories for 90 minutes does sound low...especially since you had some high impact moves with it.

Diane Sue, great workouts! I know what you mean about the HRM being a guide and motivator. If I do not have it on, or it craps out during the workout, it's almost like I didn't do anything....I know that sounds weird.

Hi to Judy & Josie,

A workout if I can get motivated, then trying a haircut/color (again)...agility class tonight....

Take care,
Hi Everyone,

Monday I did Turbo Barre and yesterday I did a 90 minute Spinerval. We are supposed to be getting some bad storms today and tomorrow. Hopefully we won't lose power.

Deb-I'm so sorry about your uncle :( That is terrible that it took so long for them to send him to the hospital after falling. I agree, some nursing homes are horrible.

Valerie-people did use to be smaller. It was rare to see an obese person when I was a child, in the 60's and 70's, at least that's how I remember it. I think what people call skinny now is probably what was normal 40 years ago.

Diane Sue-Great workouts! You really come up with good combinations!

Caitlin-I agree that 200 calories sounds too low for a 90 minute workout.

Hi to Lynda, Lori & Josie!

200 cal for an hour and a half sounds wrong.

Oh yes... people used to be smaller. not everyone of course, but average size is up even in children. we're watching an old news series from the 60's and everyone is so thin! it really doesn't look like what we see in the real world today.

My computer monitor is dying. started failing last night. getting a new keyboard ( all the letters are worn off) along with a new monitor and mouse. the screen suddenly went out of focus, and we can't get it sharp. still usable, but annoying.

Deb, I think you could use romaine but if you slice it thin like a slaw, it will get soft quickly. . cabbage has more "body". ever tried cabbage with a oil/ rice vinegar dressing? you might like it. I use seasoned rice wine vinegar and olive oil. I found it was the creamy, mayonnaise dressing on cabbage that I don't like, not the cabbage itself. I HATE mayonnaise and anything similar. ( awful memories of carrot raisin, mayonnaise salad they gave us in grade school) I use a lot of raw cabbage in salads. I slice it very thin and use it right away. I think the bagged mixes are often strong smelling compared to fresh. I think cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower all smell a bit sulfurous and mayonnaise does too, making the combo too smelly to eat for me..... my nose really is sensitive to sulfur odor.
I use a variation of this salad often. another version adds in some crumbled feta, green onions, and some toasted pumpkin seeds.

Diane sue, you look like you have very fair skin. I am fair too, and never could get into tropical vacations.

Deb, that is unfortunate. so many older people are on anticoagulants for other reasons and that makes the risks associated with falling even worse. and old people always fall! a friend of ours recently fell in her house...missed a step... and broke her hip.

we started watching the Sopranos again last night. not sure I will get through this one. these guys are such pigs!
Good morning ladies,

I am at work and have a few minutes before I start a new project so I am popping on. Yesterday was a rest day. This morning I did SB Feel good Arms and Cardio (yesterday's workout) and today's which was Total Body Fusion Barre. After combining these two my arms were exhausted. Still amazes me that 3lbs can do this to me. In addition noticing shapely shoulders my tris are really nicely define. The backs of my arms were always so tough for me to shape. I am liking this!

So I still have no dishwasher if you can believe this. Will never purchase another appliance from Best Buy. I took Monday off because I was told they would come in the afternoon to install. No one showed up. I was livid. Called and was told I was not on the schedule. I rescheduled for Wednesday afternoon (today). I called yesterday to confirm and once again not on the scheduled. I am really annoyed at this point. Called again and was told Friday afternoon. Receved a text from Best Buy last night that installation was scheduled for 6/28! Are you kidding me??? Called this morning and I am told once again this Friday is the day. So we will see. After this I may just cancel the DW and have a Wine Cooler installed in it's place. :)

Deb...i am so sorry to hear about your Uncle. My thoughts are with you. Do you like the Ball as a computer seat. i hear it reall works your core. My knee is fine doing Barre and Kickboxing. Finding it to be a little sensitive with hi impact so been keeping everything low impact. I love Barre and Kickboxing so all is good right now.

Diane Sue...I am not a sun person and always burn. I have avoided the sun for many years now. I just bought one of those 1/2 tents for when Bob and I go to the beach. He laughs at me but knows I need shade and puts up with me. :). Great workouts! is your husband? I never had nose bleeds but my older brother did. Had to have it cauterized then never had another. Thanks for the recipe! I have never seen the Sopranos. Going to mention this to my husband and put on our list of series we want to watch. has the streaming been going? Hoping better for you. Very sad about your sister. I bought Biofreeze for my knee. A friend recommended it. Seems to be helping a lot. I think I just trwisted it and need to let it do what it needs to.

Caitlin...I agree I think you should have burnt more calories than that. My HR on my Apple Watch is all overbthe place. I like my Polar more because it seems to be a lot accurate. Glad to have another GOT fan! Lynda and I have read the books and love the series too. Wow you read it in 1996! Did not realize that was when it first came out.

Judy...the two SB workouts I did today were great together. I may do this combination again. As much as I love Barre I have only done Turbo Barre a couple of times. I seem to click with SB for Barre than
Cathe. Great ride!!

Hi to Josie! How are you feeling?

Have a great afternoon all!
Today I did To the Max less impact mix, 38 min., avg hr.115/max146. I then did Ripped with Hiit Low impact 1 and 2 doing both stretches, 53 min., 378 calories, 126 avg/148 max hr.. Total time 91 minutes, calories 614.
I have my granddaughter here waiting to do some calligraphy :D
Hi everyone--

This morning I did a KCM dvd (42:13). I am ready to throw in the towel and a few other items on streaming. This morning I couldn't get access to my videos at all and spent a couple hours clearing cookies and caches and browsing history and whatever from Google Chrome as per Cathe Help, and still no luck.

Deb, so sorry about your uncle. A good thing your cousin intervened or your uncle might still be in the hands of nursing home staff.

Lori, wow, BB sounds totally incompetent and unreliable. I enjoyed The Sopranos a lot, but it is pretty violent. Such great acting--especially Tony, Carmela and Tony's mother, who was absolutely awful and probably caused a lot of the anxiety leading to his spells.

Judy, I liked Turbo Barre a lot and did it every Sunday for about 6 months. It's one of Cathe's longer workouts.

Diane Sue, if you are very fair I surmise you are of Northern European origin? I tan very easily, but I try to stay slathered up with sunscreen to prevent sun damage. I repent my careless youth on that front! It used to be plain old baby oil and the effort to get as brown as possible.

Caitlin, are you a personal trainer? Is that why you have "clients"?

Valerie, it sounds like you are having tech problems as well. So much fun!
My screen still works but it's not "right". it's older than the computer itself so I ordered a new screen from HP & a new keyboard. my letters are worn off, I replaced them with stick on ones, and those are gone too. will get a new mouse too, probably at BB. not my favorite store...clearly not Lori's favorite either !! What awful customer service. people have to take off work and make elaborate arrangements for installs, and BB is THAT disorganized??

we watched Sopranos a long time ago, we rented from a video store!. their copies didn't have subtitles, but the disk now does. so long ago... might have been video tape and not DVD's. I missed a lot of dialogue on this series and got tired of it quickly but will give it another go.

DH went to get his nose re-done. I thought I was going too, but he decided to go alone. He said it was pretty unpleasant before and it likely will be again, but maybe they can hit the right spot this time.

Deb, I picked my first snap pea harvest this morning. I like them both raw and lightly cooked. we have ideal climate here for them. plant them, and stand back, harvest in about 2 months. my plants are 3-4 feet tall on a low wire fence. I think you could grow in a container, but it would need to be pretty large. they need something to hold them up. they grow best in cool damp temps, and don't last long when it gets hot.

I try to get enough sun on my arms and legs to have a light tan, enough so if I forget sunscreen I have some built in protection and won't burn. we call it a "hiker " or "farmer" tan. I quit trying to tan the rest of me long ago. I get a little color doing yard work, hiking and riding but don't 'work" at it.
Deb, that is awful. You know my experience with the brain bleed in my Dad. I cannot imagine the facility did not seek an immediate medical check up to make sure he was okay. My Dad had his step son there but insisted he was okay. I think maybe he should have taken him to the hospital right away and things may have been different. I understand feeling like you didn't do anything. It sort of feels like there was nothing to show for it. I have paused my heart rate monitor before and forgot to turn it back on and when discovered I redid the portion I did not have on the heart rate monitor. Maybe it is a bit of an obsessive nature. I don't know what makes me feel like that other than it won't be right when I am finished if I don't fix it.

Judy, I don't know why but I have only done all of Turbo Barre maybe 3 times. I should give it a try again.

Valerie, I look at pictures of my grandparents when they were growing up and there was not a heavy person in the whole group. I guess with so many things that keep people seated all of the time and then the way foods are now makes a huge difference.

Lorie, that is crazy about Best Buy. That is when my husband would have called and told them they need to get someone out now. He would have had a fit.

Lynda, I am sorry that you cannot get the streaming to work. My great grandparents on my Dad's side came here from Germany and started farming. The farm is still in the family. One of my Dad's brothers has it. My other side is mixed German and British.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday, I did finally get my hair cut/color.

Judy, I hope you didn't get the bad storms that were predicted, but got some rain. We got a constant drizzle, that started around 6:30 and went all nigh apparently. It seems to have done some good on the grass etc. I agree, people used to be thinner...I can see it when I watch old TV last night I watched the first episode from season 1 of The Dick Van Dyke were they thin! Mary Tyler Moore was so tiny and thin and Dick Van Dyke was the same.

Valerie, I think you are right, the salad would not be the same with romaine..I would use the cabbage if I try it. John and I borrowed the DVD's of The Sopranos a few years ago, watched the first episode and he would not watch any more. I don't remember why he didn't like it. Good that you are getting a new monitor, keyboard etc. Are you getting the wireless ones? (keyboard and mouse)? My snap peas did not germinate :(...I think the seeds we found in the basement were too old. I need to go buy some new ones.

Lori, those workouts are tough, even though only 3 pounds are used. Your results tell it all. :). Wow Best Buy has really failed this time. I can't believe they can be so incompetent! I think you should call and ask for a manager and tell them what happened. Taking time off from work and not having the delivery happen is so wrong, especially more than once. :(. I like the ball as a computer seat, it's a little low...I bought the largest one that there is...(75cm?), I think I need to put more air it in after sitting on it so much. I still catch myself slouching some times.

Diane Sue, I love calligraphy! That is great that you are doing that with your granddaughter. I bought books on it years ago, but don't remember why I stopped doing it. Sorry about what happened with your Dad...that is exactly what they said in the nursing home, they took his vitals, seemed ok so they didn't have him go to the hospital. My cousin knew there was something different about him almost like he had a stroke so she insisted and they finally had him taken. That is exactly how I feel when the HRM craps out, but I have never done the exercises over...:).

Lynda, that is awful about the streaming. Did Kim's tech person look at it? Oh the tanning memories! My cousin and I did the baby oil thing and we wrapped those double LP album covers in aluminum foil and used to put them under our chins to get a good sun reflection on our faces etc. And I wonder why I have brown spots here and there!

Hi to Josie, & Catlin,

Going with a bunch of cousins, brother and SIL to lunch today, we are taking my uncle, who is visiting from Florida to meet my Canadian cousin in Canada for lunch. He lives in Toronto, but he is meeting us in Niagara Falls Ontario for lunch.

Take care,
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The deed is done, his nose was fried thoroughly yesterday. sounded VERY unpleasant but he has had this as a persistent problem so the doc did it up royally this time.
I had an epic garden day. all the rain and mild temps makes for huge growth and weeds are no exception. plus my pea and spinach harvest! Deb, most seeds are good for a year or two. some last longer but often... if they germinate, fewer come up, and plants are less robust. I shrink wrap my left over ones for better storage. some seeds last better than others. depending on growing season is in your area, you might still be able to grow some. we get an early crop and later ones don't do as well so I don't bother.
I don't like cooked cabbage much. we grow it and sometimes I get buried in multiple heads, so I look for different salad recipes. I like rice wine vinegar based dressings. it comes in seasoned and unseasoned. it's a cleaner, slightly sweet flavor that goes well with cabbage. like I said before, I don't like sulfur odor ( eggs are a problem too) and pairing cabbage with sliced red bell pepper, green onions, and toasted almonds or pumpkin seeds and a rice vinegar dressing neutralizes the odor for me. I've served this often for guests and it usually gets requests for recipes. I'll post one more recipe after I check quantities.
I'm get a wireless mouse but a wired keyboard. I have a certain key configuration I like and that's more important than wireless.

oh yes, the baby oil iodine method...messy, didn't work!.

Lynda unfortunate streaming isn't working. we don't have everything 100% but mostly OK. frustrating when something works for a while and then stops. we watched another episode of Sopranos. I can probably get through it. won't be a favorite. dialogue is helped with subtitles but the scheming people are disgusting.
I am at the pool with my grandchildren. This morning I did 21 Day Fix Extreme lower body 34 min.. 220 calories. I then did Gym Style floor work and stretch 31 minutes 103 calories. Workout 65 minutes, 323 calories. Be back for personals later.

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Hi everyone--

This morning I did Live Scrambled Cardio and Weights (51 min.). Cathe Help finally discovered that my renewal payment had not gone through for some reason. I spent a lot of time yesterday doing clean up on my browser, but that was not the problem. The streaming was just okay--about 10 brief outages where I could just continue doing what Cathe had started. I really liked this particular workout and modified some of the impact.

Deb, no, Kim's tech guy will have to come after he is finished with this first round of haying. And that might be awhile, because, as usual, he is having some equipment breakdowns. Haying remains a pretty complicated process and the equipment is a bit like a sewing machine--the way the needle picks up the bobbin thread is similar to balers. I never worked too hard at tanning because I loved to swim in those Minnesota lakes, but when I was out, baby oil all the way.

Diane Sue, my father was either Danish or German--never knew because his parents were from Schleswig-Holstein and spoke both languages. But my mom was half French and had black hair and olive skin. I also think as we age we don't tan as easily. My husband gets very brown because he is outside all the time. He does wear a lot of sunscreen.

Tomorrow I will be looking at office equipment--a new desk and a sit to stand desktop. This will be good for me.


2 Tbsp almonds
2 Tbsp sesame seeds ( you can buy these already toasted)
2 1/2 c shredded cabbage, regular or chinese
2 scallions or chives, chopped, optional
1/2 small red pepper, diced
1 Tbsp oil
1 Tbsp seasoned rice vinegar 1 tsp honey
1/8 tsp pepper & 1/4 tsp salt

Toast and chop nuts. Toast sesame seeds, allow to cool. Toss the vegetables together.
In a small jar, mix oil, vinegar, honey, S&P. Just before serving, combine vegetables, nuts, seeds and dressing. Makes 3 cups.
Deb ( and everyone else!) this is my long time favorite slaw. I never ate "slaw" before this because of the "hate mayo" factor.
It's even good left over, drain the liquid off that the dressing pulls from the cabbage. It's a good salad to bring to cook outs or parties. It won't die outside of a refrigerator or go to mush in 20 minutes like lettuce salads do. It came from Laurel's Kitchen one of my first cook books.

we are as far as I know, German and Irish. a serious number of moderately overweight people. most never met a dessert they didn't like! I have more pigment than anyone else in the family, but still fairly pale. I don't tan as readily as I did when I was in my teens.
Good evening ladies!

This morning I did SB Standing Abs. Really liked this core workout. Was a good little lower body too which was a surprise. I know standing abs are not as beneficial as floor abs but I hate core work and this way I at least get something. I am fortunate that I have a small waist so I can get away with it. Tonight I could not wait to get home and do today's Live Class. Low impact with Ball for Upper. I liked it and my knee felt great. Was not as intense as I thought it would be but perfect for me today.

Valerie...oh boy that sounds very uncomfortable for your husband. That slaw looks very good! I will be trying this one out over the summer. I never had a problem with BB until now. Will continue buy smaller things there but never an appliance. Fingers crossed they will be here tomorrow between 12-4pm. I'll go to work and leave at 11am.

Deb...Bob and I loved the Dick Van Dyke show. Was one of the first series we watched when we went to streaming. We like the old shows. They are so thin and the camera adds 10lbs! I am picturing you now with the foil under your chin. Hilarious! Like Lynda I did the baby oil and iodine. Crazy we did that. I did have a reflective blanket. Was very popular in the 70's.

Lynda...hoping you get that streaming fixed. So frustrating. I have no problems and I stream my workouts in our basement. Every now and then I get a hiccup and it drives me nuts but that is it. What service do you use? We have Comcast. That's odd about your renewal payment. Have fun shopping!

Diane Sue...I have never done Calligraphy. It is so beautiful. How old is your granddaughter? You may have mentioned previously. I have not done any of the Gym Style workouts. I purchased the downloads a couple years back around Christmas time when she was having a 40% off sale. Thanks for reminding me I have them.

I am Irish with a little French thrown in somewhere. I burn so easily then peel, peel, peel. So gross! Been ages since I layed out to tan. Even when we go to Mexico I hardly look like I was there! My husband on the otherhand loves the sun and will bake all day if allowed.

Hi to Judy, Josie and Caitlin!
Deb, when I was a teenager I would do everything I could to try and get a dark tan. They really promoted the dark tans on television and in adds. We lived in Arizona and I would insist on doing yard work I back. I remember lying out with gigantic rollers in my hair and cooking oil slathered on. It takes years before we see the sun damage. My grandmother on the German side always wore a hat or scarf over her head with her arms covered and gloves on when working outside in her garden. I guess she knew something I didn't. She was always humming and singing. I guess that has nothing to do with tanning but, just a pleasant memory that came up.

Valerie, I hope this is the last time that your husband has to go through that. I think my plants and even my lawn is suddenly kind of slowed down because of the heat. They said with the humidity today felt like 103.I just went out this evening and watered everything well. The morning glories in front look sort of limp. My daughter bought me over a patty pan squash and zucchini and yellow squash from her garden today. I am thinking of making the patty pan squash and stuffing it with something. Thinking of using cabbage, I used to hate traditional coleslaw but have tried various recipes lately that would combine some nuts and dried cranberries or cherries that were good. Recently I made one with walnuts and apples that was really good. I used to buy those bags of broccoli slaw and put laughing cow cheese wedges in it and microwave it for a bit and have it for lunch with some tuna. Oddly, it tasted pretty good. I always think bagged salads and veggies have sort of moldy smell or something. It helps if I rinse it and drain it well and put it in a container with some folded up paper towel to absorb the excess moisture. Then I discard the paper towel and if much of the salad is left I add a fresh paper towel. Amazon sells some paper looking things, much like you find in the bottom of berry containers to put in vegetables to make them last longer. The paper towels seem to increase the longevity of salads and parsley etc. for me.
I am glad I took the children to the pool this morning because it was not too bad with the slight breeze and the fan in the cabana. Of course I had to get in the water. The children kept calling me to the pool.

Lynda, I wish my husband wore sunscreen. Unless I am chasing him around with the bottle he won't do it very often. He got burnt a lot in some of those extreme heat countries he worked in. At least you got to do one of the live workouts this time. I hope that eventually you will get it all figured out. My brother helped work on a Bible translation in Austria and a woman there said our family last name had the meaning of everyman and was probably German Jew decent. My parents had kept some letters from German relatives and I was always fascinated looking at them even though I couldn't read them. My husband does not burn real easily even though he has some German background too. He has some Cherokee background that leaves him one quarter Cherokee. I hear so many good things about having a stand up desk. My daughter mentioned wanting one at her office.

Lorie, maybe it is just your local Best Buy and how they handle things. We got our refrigerator from Best Buy and had no problem at all with delivery. Calligraphy is really fun and pretty. My granddaughter is 8. She loves doing creative things. My daughter bought her a set hoping it would help her with her penmanship. I also taught her how to do spool knitting and showed her some projects on Pinterest that looked fun. She was rather pleased with herself when she went home. She also got some new hard Irish Dance shoes (look like something you would see in a leprechaun picture) She was dancing and thumping around the house singing. She has been doing Irish Dance for 2 year now.
She is my youngest granddaughter.
That sounds like another live workout to look forward to. I really like the floor work from Gym Style Legs. It uses the band and the stability ball, and the high step with 3 risers. . It worked well for my knee and I really felt it in my hips and inner/outer thigh area. .
Good morning,

Yesterday I did a bunch of weeding and sprayed my homemade weed preventer on the rock bed. afterwards. Nothing like weeding rocks. Lunch yesterday was nice, I have not been to a Swiss Chalet in years. They closed all the ones in the US ( at least in the Buffalo area), but they are going strong in Canada. It was good to see my cousins.

Valerie, thanks for the recipe, I don't like cooked cabbage at all but do like it raw. Did you get your computer equipment? I sure hope that the procedure worked for your DH (Mike?) and he does not have to go back.

Lynda, that is strange about the payment for your Live subscription not going through off of a sudden. Didn't you get new office furniture recently? or is this for a different office?

Lori, will keep my fingers crossed for you that BB follows through and you get your new dishwasher. Just in time to play with it over the weekend. :). I need to go look at the clip of that workout from Live that you did. I love the old shows too...I just finished the first season of The Andy Griffith Show. So nice to laugh at funny things that are not about sex or vulgarity etc. I used to bake in the sun, but now I don't have the patience to sit there, besides the skin cancer issue.

Diane Sue, it's so nice when something brings back a memory like the one of your grandmother. She probably had beautiful skin even when she was older too. I also found that using paper towels after washing lettuce etc and putting it in a Lock n' Lock container in the refrigerator keeps the lettuce crisp and fresh for a pretty long time. Your granddaughter is lucky to have a grandmother like you that will do things like that with her. These are the things she will remember about you when she is older.

I am Italian and English/Irish. The Italian part is pretty dominant. :) or at least that is what John says.

Hi to Judy, Josie, & Catlin,

A workout, then maybe meeting my friend for coffee...

Take care,

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