This morning I did Lite Cardio Party, 283 calories, met 8.0, 40 minutes, heart rate average 141, max 181. I used 1# dumbbells throughout, 3,810 steps. I then did Kelly Coffey Body Design kickboxing with light dumbbells(3#), 13 minutes, met 7.0, 83 calories, heart rate average 133, max 156,1,216 steps, followed with Kelly's Build & Burn kettlebell kickbox mix no kettlebell, 16 minutes, heart rate average 141, max 166, 104 calories, met 7.8, 1,417 steps. I finished off with Lite abs #1, 40 calories, 10 minutes, 71 steps and Lite Stretch#2, 11 minutes, 31 calories. Total time was 90 minutes, 541 calories, 6,514 steps.
Valerie, thanks for the link. I think I purchased my green ones from Super Feet. I wonder if i would want the 8 or 8.5. It depends on the shoe on which size I would wear. I guess 8.5 could be trimmed.
Carolyn, sometimes it just hits us that it is time for some extra rest. I find if I stay sore day after day I need to rest or lighten up on what I am doing. Some of Cathe's rotations are pretty intense. Enjoy your rest time.