Yesterday was a rest day and I got the stitches out of my eyelids. It feels so much better. My eye doctor says I can use some makeup to cover. I am guess he does not mean eye shadow as I read on some other surgeons protocol that before 2 to 3 weeks depending on healing, eye shadow and liner can get into the creases of the incision and tattoo the incision. I guess I am isolated, I will leave it off for awhile. Today I did Jessica Smith Walk Strong 3 Step Jam, 32 minutes, 162 calories, heart rate 124/145. 3,441 steps and used two risers on the high step. I then did Walk Strong 3: Metabolic Conditioning, using a step with 3 risers, 31 minutes, 1,341 steps, 140 calories. This felt pretty aerobic and did compound moves throughout using the step for most of it. Total time was 61 minutes, 302 calories, 4,782 steps.
My husband went out to Crest Foods since he stays up all night and got everything on my list. I didn't put water, but he even got a pack of water. He got paper towels and toilet paper. He said there was hardly anything, and he just took one of each as there were others there searching and he wasn't going to take more than we need right now. He found a 10# roll of ground beef chuck. He said there were 3 left. He had a lady come ask where he got it. Found a box of cheerios. Flour is self rising, but I can work with that and adjust if I need to make bread. Although it is 2 2# bags. He said there was a larger bag of all purpose that had a hole in it. Another guy took that. And we got eggs !!
So needless to say I was happy. He was going to go to Walmart and they were closed. I think he did better at Crest. I have only been there a couple of times.
I finally got the stitches out of my eyelids. Looks so much better. I go back in 4 months.
Judy, maybe Home Depot is so busy because people are off and home and doing home projects.
Carolyn, most stores have no hand sanitizer, but my youngest daughter went to 5 and below and she said they had lots of little bottles of it. She said she probably should have purchased some. There are so many problems for people with this situation. Like what do some of those people do when they are still working and there is not school. My daughter teaches at a school with a lot of low income families. So far school is set for out till sometime in April, but may be extended. It is nice to see that people can be kind. We have people in our area that offer to get things for our elderly and help with their needs.
Valerie, I hate seeing anyone hooked into gambling. Seniors would be especially hard to watch lose what they have. Glad the casino is temporarily closed. That would be a bad situation. Speaking of daycares, my daughter told me yesterday that one of the women that works in her office reported that her daughters daycare has a child that tested positive. Her daughter is now running a fever and they don't have the test available for her. My eye doctor had only 3 other patients in the waiting room and all set some distance away from each other. A lady was wiping things down and cleaning off the water dispenser. I carry my own water in my purse though and my own hand sanitizer. They had some by the pens and sign in sheet. The took me back quickly, but I had to sit and wait for him to see two other patients before me. Even the vet is sending out emails telling people not to come in sick and if they have any kind of cough to call them from in the car. That is terrible for your cousin. I don't blame you for feeling sorry for them. I guess I am lucky because I did order a large bag of dog food, two packs of dental chews and two of treats before I had surgery. I really thought I was prepared. I felt sorry for a young couple in our church that has a wedding Saturday. They are just going to have it on the church facebook page so everyone can watch and do it with just family. Our church is not a real big church and we have a private school. They are starting to put the services on facebook and us not coming in this week. For how long I don't know.
Debbie, Walmart sent out an email today saying they were shortening hours so they can get things stocked and shortening the delivery and pick up schedule as well. Changed it to where you can have delivery and request they leave it on the doorstep instead of you signing for it and the same for pick up, instead of signing the pad with your finger you can tell the person that put them in your vehicle who will keep distance that he can sign for you. It was pretty fast for me at 2 oclock. They told me it was ready 10 minutes before time and even though there were probably 7 cars waiting, they had mine out within 2 cars. I guess they are working all of this out. Homeland was talking about opening and only senors could come in for groceries the first hour and requesting others to wait.
Lori, I am sorry that you lost your job. That is sad about the business situation. I keep praying that things get better because so many businesses and people are going to suffer and it is not their fault. That is good that the Pulmonary hypertension is mild. I am sorry it will get worse. Is there ways to slow it down? I am unfamiliar with it. Great that you already had stocked up on some of those essentials. Yes, being able to workout all you want to will be nice.