Deb, glad you are (more or less) ok. I hate getting upper respiratory viruses like that. Hopefully it won't transition into a plain old head cold... but it probably will. I also think zinc helps, so good luck! maybe you'll dodge the bullet.
Lori so sorry to hear about your friend. we've lost friends in crashes. it's such a strange feeling when someone is suddenly gone like that. when I lost my friend to cancer recently it wasn't a surprise. the survival numbers are awful. I talked to her husband recently. I was one of the few friends from a long way back and I had pictures for a memorial for her. it made me feel like I could contribute something. I feel bad we didn't have a chance to get together again.
I think the cooking approaches our parents and grandparents used ruined vegetables for several generations of people. boiled-to-mush and over sweetened! My mother, aunts, grandmother were pretty good cooks, but they ruined every vegetable they touched. salads were always full of mayo.
I saw a pic of jack fruit. it was huge with pointy spines all over. from India. probably would not be a big seller in its natural state. I tried a small foil refrigerated package of a prepared dish. someone will figure out something tastes better than what I tried.
I've never seen white sweet potatoes. I've tried the baby purple potatoes. thought the red and yellow ones were better. rainbow carrots... the orange ones taste best. Rainbow chard is nice and all colors taste the same. very easy to grow.
ETA I just got an email from Burpee seeds and I looked at potatoes. this is a link to bonita, a white sweet potato. diane sue, you are right, it exists. Our growing season is not long enough or warm enough for sweet potatoes so I don't know much about growing them it seems you can order roots or starts for them.
Did Ramped up yesterday. not going to be at Cathe weight on that one for a while. 25's on 1 arm rows and pullovers. the hardest move is 5 lb lateral raises with the mini raises. my left shoulder is still stronger that the right. trying to hold in place instead of minis. a little progress. I will get that one soon.
the Midwest is sure getting some weirdly unseasonal weather. My friends there keep telling me "Wisconsin winters aren't what they used to be". too bad that causes allergies to surge for both of you. we are wetter than normal but California is the real eye opener. at least for the moment, the drought is over. floods everywhere. we need to go to a wedding this weekend and are flying to LA area tomorrow so been watching it more closely than normal.