Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 2/18/2024

This morning I did P30 Perfect Pump Lower Body and the Extended Stretch. My time was 39 minutes with 162 calories burned. My average heart rate was 116 and maximum heart rate was 140.

Valerie, great job with your therapy work, elliptical, and spin bike. Your chicken enchiladas sound good. I make my own red enchilada sauce for the black bean and sweet potato enchiladas that we like. Homemade is so much better than store bought. I like to control the amount of sodium and other “stuff” that might be in the store bought. I hope that you can make your trip.

Judy, great job with the 40 minutes of Peloton rides and 30 minutes of Yin Yoga.

Diane Sue, nice job with CDorner Advanced Step Aerobics, TBTS Sculpt Abs, and CDorner Mobility.

Hello to Cathy.
Shopped today. Derek and I leave 2 weeks from tomorrow. Crazy how all of a sudden it's that close. Today is Derek and Aliah's 2 year anniversary, so seeing lots of beach pics with the dog, sand, open water and short sleeves. So weird for February along Lake Superior.

Diane Sue great job on CDorner Advanced Step Aerobics, TBTS Sculpt Abs and mobility.

Judy nice job with the Peloton and Mobility workouts.

Carolyn great job with KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix.

Valerie Yay for you finding the dropped bracket! Nice job with the therapy, bike and elliptical.
lovely morning so we did a shortened park walk. they are still having their search quest event so it was busier than we like it so we did an hour. its so nice we will do some kind of bike ride this afternoon too. we walked right past an bald eagle sitting on a branch at top of the bluff, not 10 feet away. thought we didnt see him so just sat there and we kept walking. weather will be ok for 2 more days then poops out so our plan is to leave saturday. after umpty dozen false starts we will finally go.

carolyn I somehow never thought about making my own sauce because I never like the purchased ones. this was so simple and so much better.

ETA we were going to do a road ride but DH's bike had a ( another) flat tire so we mt biked the neighborhood road instead. 45 min with some big hills. he is going to replace the entire wheel. there is something wrong with it that we cant find causing all these flats.

I did some more upper body things yesterday with 2 sets of dips, tricep push ups and chest presses on the bench. only used 10 lb dumbbells and they felt light. also a bunch of curls with the next color up band.
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Today I did Raw Balance Strength and Core, 39 minutes, heart rate 104/134, 123 calories, 621 steps. I then did Raw TBTS Strength Pull, 16 minutes, 76 calories, heart rate 121/144. Total time was 55 minutes, 199 calories. I wasted some time because I was going to switch from 15# dumbbells to the Bowflex 17.5 # weights and I guess a grandchildren messed with them because one of the dumbbells was locked out. They are such a pain to fix and I have them on the stand. I just did it later today. IT requires me to pick the whole base and 52# dumbbell up odd the stand to the floor, turn it over to get the dumbbell part out of the base. Then I have to push a button and turn the dial to the lightest weight to get all of the plates out of it. I have to make sure I take them out in order as they have to go back in facing the right direction and in the right order. I tell the grandchildren not to turn and twist the dials. The one they that was locked had been turned to a different weight increment on each end. The manual does not have directions. I had to call the Bowflex people after I got them because I locked myself out and they e mailed me instructions. Thankfully!
Another busy day today as we had to pick up my husband's truck because he had a scratch someone put up the hood of it. This is his new truck. He took it and had it fixed and painted. Why people do that sort of thing is beyond me.
Midnight again. I have really been trying to get to bed sooner. I wanted to post though.

Carolyn, nice work today on P30 Perfect Pump Lower Body and the Extended Stretch. I have been using Siete Enchilada sauce. It has an interesting ingredient list. They use dates in products for sweetener. The enchilada sauce has mushroom powder, some chia seeds, flax seeds, and avocado oil in it along with more typical seasonings. I have made my own though when I did not have a mix or something around. It is not too hard, and like you said, you can adjust things like sodium. I never use the amount of salt a recipe calls for myself.

Cathy, I am sure you will enjoy the trip. It has been up in the 70's the last few days here. That doesn't mean that we won't have a freeze before we hit official spring weather. Nice work getting in some mountain bike with some hills today and getting in some strength work. You are doing great.

Valerie, that would be awesome to see a bald eagle that close. I hope things work out well for you and your trip has no obstacles this time.
Today I did P30 Low Impact HiiT. That was 31 minutes and 180 calories burned. Average heart rate was 124 and maximum heart rate 152.

Cathy, I‘m sure that you must be getting excited about your trip.

Valerie, seeing the bald eagle on your walk was a nice bonus.

Diane Sue, great job with Raw Balance, Strength and Core and Raw TBTS Strength Pull. The Bowflex weights always seemed like a big headache to deal with to me.

Hello to Judy.
Lousy night, and I was going to my parents, so I just did STS 2 Mobility 2. I got my Dad signed in to Peacock on his laptop. They watch a lot of sports and some of them are now only on Peacock. He will NOT use a credit card on line, and I can set up a number of accounts on mine. They have an older smart TV, that I wasn't even going to attempt to figure out. My sister set them up to use her Prime account, and left instructions to get to it, but he's afraid he'll do something and mess up their other stuff. Fingers crossed it works. He's got it bookmarked and password saved. Passwords are really his downfall.

Carolyn great job with P30 Low Impact Hiit.

Diane Sue nice job with Raw Balance Strength and Core, and Raw TBTS Strength Pull. Sorry you had to fix your weights. Right now my weather app says it'll be low to mid-60's when we are in Fort Worth and I'm good with that.

Valerie I hope getting the new tire solves your husband's tire issue. Always cool to see eagles and that was a great close up. Only time I've been that close to a wild eagle, was when I was driving through Seney Wildlife Refuge many years ago, and there were a couple eagles eating right beside the small, plank bridge we were driving over. Hopefully nothing messes with your plans to leave Saturday.

Hi Judy.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Kickboxing Rock Music, 39 minutes, 200 calories, heart rate 131/158, 3404 steps. I then did Raw Push Day 16 minutes, 63 calories, heart rate 109/132. I finished with CDorner day 12 upper body stretch and day 25 invigorating flow/stretch 27 minutes, 53 calories. Total time was 82 minutes, 316 calories, 3,850 steps.
We rode the neighborhood again this afternoon. DH took his bike to a bike shop to get the wheels changed out. the whole derailleur mechanism has to be swapped over so its not a simple thing. he has had a LOT of flats and we've changed everything else many times over. even if it's not detectable there must be something wrong inside the wheel itself. he has had 20 flats to my one.
anyway, that bike is in the shop so we did the mt bikes around the neighborhood for 45 min.

we have a lot of bald eagles here so we see them regularly. not like robins but pretty often. usually not that close so that was nice.
I will still do therapy work this afternoon. I need to call my sister about something and that will put me in the right mood to rip through a bunch of exercises. more of her bullshit. I am so tired of not being able to just message her when I've taken care of something. in this case, I bought her a new watch because hers stopped working. I would like to be able to email, text or vm, but noooo. she has an answering machine but never let calls go to it, so I get stuck talking to her, which I try not to do more than I absolutely have to. I can seldom use answering machine on her land line because she keeps ridiculous hours by sitting up all night and then sleeping during the time when I could call. she doesnt want calls that wake her up! and wont or cant turn off the volume on her phone. I get so tired of her nonsense do not want to deal with her at all.
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This morning I did STS Disk 30 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. With Derek up north, and DH was gone a few hours I steam mopped most of the upstairs. Moved a lot of stuff off the floors. DH got back right after I finished, and you can see more of Derek's floor now.

Valerie we don't see eagles often, but they are around. See more of them up north, but we have some that live not far from us. Sorry you continue to have issues dealing with your sister. Great that you were able to get a ride in yesterday.

Diane Sue nice job with CDorner Cardio Kickboxing Rock Music, Raw Push Day and the stretching workouts.

Hi Judy and Carolyn.
Today is my rest day. I did some housework and baking. I made a loaf of bread and some blueberry muffins for the week. My husband went to lunch with “the old guys gang” and I had the house to myself for a change.

Cathy, great job with STS disc 30 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I can understand how your father could be confused by the streaming services. I’m glad that you set it up for him.

Valerie, I hope that your husband’s bike is fixed soon. Your sister does make her own life very complicated. I’m sorry that you have to continually deal with her minor issues that become major.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
Yesterday I did Muscle Meltdown Back & Triceps and Icy Core 1. Today I worked 6 hours at HD and got a lot of steps in so no additional workout tonight. I’ll probably do a Peloton ride tomorrow.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Advanced Step Aerobics, Raw TBTS Sculpt Abs, mobility & stretching, Raw Balance Strength and Core, Raw TBTS Strength Pull, CDorner Cardio Kickboxing Rock Music, Raw Push Day and the CDorner stretch. Bowflex weights would be nice to have but it sounds like they are kind of a pain to work with.

Carolyn-Great job with P30 Perfect Pump Lower Body and the Extended Stretch and P30 Low Impact HiiT. Blueberry muffins sound wonderful!

Cathy-Nice job with STS 2 Mobility 2 and STS Disk 30 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. It was good of you to help your Dad with setting up the streaming subscription.

Valerie-Nice job with the park walk, mt biking and upper body work. I’m sorry that you have to deal with your sister’s issues again. That must be so frustrating.

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