Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 2/18/2024

This morning I did the step premix for Intensity. That workout really lives up to its name! Then I did the Ab Stacker Abs, which is really not a fave of mine, and Stretch Max with the ball.

Carolyn great job with KCM’s Cardio Fit.

Valerie for your Mopsy update, no drops last night because he just stayed outside until Derek and I both went to bed. Though I woke up around 11 and he was sleeping beside me. I love those nights when my body confuses bed time with nap time, not! I did get them this morning and felt bad, because he was sleeping on his back and looking all trusting, and he was not happy with me. Derek is leaving in the morning to go up to Marquette for the week, so I'm on my own the last couple days. Your recovery is going so well. How soon till you see the doctor again and may get some more restrictions lifted.Sounds like you had a nice walk, we're in a cold spell again, so no flowers here yet.

Hi to Diane Sue and Judy.
This morning I did my usual yoga/mobility.

Valerie, your walk in the local park sounds enjoyable.

Cathy, nice job with Intensity step premix, Abs Stacker Abs, and Stretch Max with the ball.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
I dont see surgeon until mid march, sort of an official sign-off visit to announce hes done with me. hopefully no need for a back surgeon again. other orthopedic procedures maybe, but my back is tacked together for good I think. joint problems are a family specialty. nobody had anything replaced, they just sat down and never moved much again. no cancer to speak of in our family,, whihc is very good, but plenty of joint problems,obesity and diabetes. I can keep a lid on two out of the three.

Mopsy is at least not holding a grudge for making him put up with the drops if hes still willing to sleep with you.

only therapy today but a pretty long session altogether.
Just finished STS Disk 28 Chest and Back. I do love those days when I look at the weight selection, do them, and go WOW I really can do that. LOL Derek is about 2 hours north now on his journey up to Marquette. Cats will be happy that they have a week of his door being open 24/7.

Valerie I still need to track Mopsy down for his morning drops. While he will sleep beside me, as soon as I get up to go to the bathroom, he's gone. Apparently, he doesn't consider me a threat if I'm laying down. Otherwise, if I'm near him he watches me warily.

Carolyn great job with the yoga.
Another park walk this morning. with the holiday weekend we altered our route to avoid the campground area with its loudness and campfire smoke and walked the hilly parts 2/3 of the way, and then back the same way. ended up being harder and took 1 hr 30 min. tougher than usual. very springlike with everything budding out and lots of birds flitting around. DH is still feeling so-so . we are planning on going on our trip later this week, thursday friday or saturday.

I miss having a kitty around , and hearing all the adventures with Mopsy makes me miss a kitty even more.

yesterday I did a set of dips, tricep pushups , and knee & wall push ups and curls along with the therapy work. no soreness today. I haven't done planks yet so today I will do some.
I have my grandson here today as he is out of school, but his mother has to be in meetings. I still got in a workout. I did Raw Kickbox NRG, 32 minutes, 161 calories, heart rate 124/161, 1,787 steps. I then did Raw Butts and Guts, 36 minutes, 06 calories, heart rate 94/129, 553 steps. Total time was 68 minutes, 257 calories, 2,340 steps. Last week was one busy week. I have a sweet 16 birthday part for my granddaughter to go to Saturday. I need to catch up this week.
This morning I did Jessica Smith’s Cardio Step Jam. That was 32 minutes and 207 calories burned. My average heart rate was 124 and maximum heart rate was 148.

Valerie, great job with the longer park walk. Nice work with the upper body exercises. I hope that you are able to make your trip later this week.

Cathy, great job with STS disc 28 chest and back.

Diane Sue, nice job with Raw Kickboxing and Raw Butts and Guts. Enjoy the time with your grandson.

Hello to Judy.
Saturday I did a 45 minute Peloton ride. Sunday I worked 6 hours then did 20 minutes of stretching and mobility work. I also worked 6 hours today, but a later shift, so I did 30 minutes of rowing before work.

Cathy-Great job with the step premix for Intensity, Ab Stacker Abs, Stretch Max and STS Disk 28.

Carolyn-Great job with your yoga/mobility work and Jessica Smith’s Cardio Step Jam.

Valerie-Great job with your park walk and the upper body work. I hope you will be able to go on your trip this week.

Diane Sue-Great job with Raw Kickbox NRG and Raw Butts and Guts.
Today was Live Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery, then a combo I put together of STS 2 Standing Abs/Mini Ball Abs, and P30 Extended Stretch. Bright and sunny here today!

Judy great job with the Peloton ride, stretching/mobility and rowing.

Carolyn nice job with Jessica Smith’s Cardio Step Jam.

Diane Sue great job getting in Raw Kickbox NRG and Raw Butts and Guts.

Valerie sounds like a great walk at the park. We're continuing to get more birds migrating back into the area, though the birds that come here from the north don't seem in a hurry to leave. Be a few weeks before we get things budding out.
did therapy work later yesterday and did that plank.... a 90second one. I dont feel shaky but gave myself permission to shorten it if I felt it was too much. a lot of the therapy is core focused so that has not disintegrated. rainy today so will do indoor something. after all the warmish weather and plants budding out, we have a forecast of cold this weekend and maybe even a little snow. I swear, we are not supposed to go on this trip! too soon to decide anything for sure tho DH is almost done with meds that are making him feel so crummy.
Today I did P 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body +Core Bonus + Extended Stretch. My time was 56 minutes with 176 calories burned. Average heart rate was 107 and maximum heart rate was 142. I went to Costco (the new one) after my workout. I was able to pick up several items that haven’t been available at the Costco Business Center.

Judy, great job with the Peloton ride, stretching and mobility, and rowing. You’ve had a busy work schedule.

Cathy, great job with Live Low Impact HiiT and Active Recovery, your Ab workout, and P30 Extended Stretch.

Valerie, nice job with your therapy work and adding in that plank.

Hello to Diane Sue.
Today I did 45 minutes of rowing and a 30 minute Yin Yoga class.

Cathy-Great job with Live Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery, STS 2 Standing Abs/Mini Ball Abs combo and P30 Extended Stretch. It was really nice to see the sun today!

Valerie-Great job with your therapy work and the 90 second plank.

Carolyn-Great job with P 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body +Core Bonus + Extended Stretch. I have had more hours at work the past couple of weeks but I have a couple of weeks off coming up in March so that will make up for it.

Hi to Diane Sue
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his morning, I did Raw Heavy Up and Move, 33 minutes, 154 calories, heart rate 121/153, 1083 steps. I then did Raw TBTS Box and Tone with 2# dumbbells, 20 minutes, 89 calories, heart rate 115/132, 911 steps. I finished off with CDorner's Deep Stretch and Mobility from today, 29 minutes, 43 calories. Total time was 82 minutes, 286 calories, 2,003 steps. It looks like I have to go out in the morning to return a workout top that came and is the wrong size. I hate when that happens. I want to do the balance workout again this week sometime when I can do the whole workout. I printed up the moves this morning.

Raw Heavy Up & Move 32 minutes
suggests 15,20,and 30# dumbbells 2 sets of each move group with cardio acceleration

warm up

lawnmower/squat/press/set s right 20# db left 20# (did this with a curl instead of ohead press) 15# 2nd round with the overhead press
cardio knee pull cross tap foot
repeat (2nd set I dropped to 12# to protect shoulder)

overhead triceps extension 15# dumbbell
kickstand deadlift 20# dbs
cardio side step hamstring twist

one arm row in squat position right 30#db left 30# db
cardio step back triple knee

clean from hips/squat touch down to floor 15# dbs
side to side lung flow toss dumbbell hand to hand 20# db
cardio knee twist
Carolyn nice work on P 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body, Core Bonus & Extended Stretch. I read on Next door neighbor that they may be putting a Costco not to far from where I am. Not sure if that is true though as someone else said they have been saying it for a couple of years now.

Cathy, nice work on Live Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery, then a combo that you put together of STS 2 Standing Abs/Mini Ball Abs, and P30 Extended Stretch. It has been nice hear lately. It got up to 75 today. It is a bit odd for this time of year.

Judy, nice work on the 45 minutes of rowing and 30 minutes of yin yoga.

Valerie, good job getting in therapy work and being able to hold the plank for 90 seconds. I heard that there was some areas that have a cold front coming. I look for us to have another one before this season is over. Generally when it hits March we have some sort of a cold front and March is generally a windy month. We have bulbs popping up in the front.
This morning was Disk 38 Squat Rack. Four exercises, four rounds. I'm not fond of front squats with the barbell, because I can't find a comfortable place for the bar, but it's worse when you keep thinking that it's really harder than it should be, and realize AFTER the third round, that you have too much weight on the bar. :rolleyes: Round four was better.

Valerie your Tux story for the day: Last night when I went to bed, he was trying to claim the whole pillow. I gave him half, and woke up a few hours later to find that he had managed to nudge me off the pillow completely. So, I moved to the other side and took back half, and he was still there when I woke up! Sorry that it looks like your trip will have to be delayed. A 90 second plank is great!

Diane Sue nice job with Raw Heavy Up and Move, Raw TBTS Box and Tone and stretch and mobility.

Judy great job with the Peloton workout and yoga. The sun is out again here today and it's 51!

Carolyn great job with P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body +Core Bonus + Extended Stretch.
Today I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix workout one for 26 minutes and 180 calories burned. My average heart rate was 130 and maximum heart rate was 154.

Judy, great job with 45 minutes of rowing and 30 minutes of Yin Yoga. It’s good that you have some time off scheduled next month.

Diane Sue, great job with Raw Heavy Up and Move, Raw TBTS Box and Tone, and CDorner deep stretch and mobility. That’s how it was with the new Costco store near me. There was talk of one coming for several years and I didn’t believe that it would ever materialize. One of the county commissioners started posting about it on the Nextdoor app, but I still didn’t believe it. Eventually signs were posted at the actual site announcing that Costco was coming soon to that location—then I started to learn forward to it!

Cathy, great job with STS disc 38 squat rack. Having too much weight on the barbell certainly makes a difference!

Hello to Valerie.
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I did therapy work and 25 on elliptical and 10 on the spin bike planning on an early appt today and then looked at my phone and found my medical appt for this morning was cancelled. the call came from an unknown number so it had not gotten picked up but the vm was sitting there. it looks like we will be traveling this weekend anyway. we have flip flopped so many times on this!

yesterday I made a pan of chicken enchiladas from wow, they were good. I never find enchilada sauce I like and this recipe came with one you make yourself. it's really easy and so much better that I was actually surprised. anyway, easy and worked well with already cooked rotisserie chicken. she has a recipe for a green sauce too that I will try next. commercial sauces are not predictable for heat level. I have never found one I actually liked so this was a great find.

because its colder there, we decided to replace the 5 yr old battery in our car. DH picked one up at costco while I did the other shopping. when we went home he was putting it in the car and it seemed to take a long time with a lot of banging and swearing so I stayed clear. after at least half an hour he came in and said, "will you take look at this?" this is the sign of true desperation! there are 2 brackets that hold the battery in place and he had dropped one. it disappeared thru a small opening inside the frame above the wheel. could not find it. at first I held a light and then I started feeling around in there. well as you can guess, I found it so I won a huge Atta-girl. it was in a weird spot in front of the wheel, no idea how it slid there. so battery install is complete. it was a good afternoon.
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Today I did 40 minute of Peloton rides and 30 minutes of mobility work.

Diane Sue-Great job with Raw Heavy Up and Move, Raw TBTS Box and Tone, and CDorner's Deep Stretch and Mobility.

Cathy-Great job with Disk 38 Squat Rack. It got up to 61 here this afternoon!

Carolyn-Great job with KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix workout one.

Valerie-Great job with your therapy work, elliptical and spin bike. That’s too bad that your appointment was cancelled. Nice job finding that bracket! I hope you have a good trip if you go this weekend.
I did CDorner Advanced Step Aerobics #361, 31 minutes, heart rate 119/146, 142 calories, 2,587 steps. I then did Raw TBTS Sculpt Abs, 18 minutes, 40 calories and CDorner Day 6 morning mobility + Day 24 neck and upper back stretch and mobility, 25 minutes, 42 calories.

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