Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 11/19


this one. Our old one was similar.. where it says "US Mail', a door swings and down so mail drops in. there is an inside platform so no one can reach a hand in. what the punks did was wedge a pry bar in the slot and bend it downward. it was not fixable. Judy you have what around here we call a "cluster box". the PO wanted to give us one for the whole development, placed outside of our security gate. we protested. would have made everyone's mail vulnerable if it was vandalized, and most would need to drive to the entrance to get mail. if outside our security gate, it would be tempting to thieves because no ones house is close, and it would be a real score. would be several miles for most. we have about 150 lots.
these are reinforced steel so not fun to bash with a bat. some of the neighbors have built brick surrounds but the punks throw a rope around them and pull them over to topple the whole business. too bad all that energy can't be channeled toward positive things. the replacement box wasn't supposed to be here until today, but it came early. DH put it up without me. he lucked out and the rain stopped mid afternoon.

My exam went well. I am not in the cataract zone. there is a little haziness in one spot but nothing concerning . My prescription decreased again in strength and he suggested I leave one eye without a lens at all so I can do close work, and a lesser correction on the other. monovision. all else was OK. I never had a strong correction, but instead of getting worse with age, I lucked out and it is improving. surprising but I'll take it.

Lori you are so admirable ...taking workouts and gear along. I start with good intentions but don't always follow through.

I did a few other errands and half the grocery shopping so it ended up being a 'rest" day.
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Valerie-That is a really nice mailbox. We've been lucky so far, but things are getting worse around here too so it could happen to ours too.
That's good news about your eye exam.
I forgot to check in this morning. My workout today was Ramped Up Upper Body. Time was 52 minutes with 183 calories burned. Average heart rate was 100 and maximum heart rate 132. My oldest daughter arrived last night so my schedule today was a bit different. My youngest is getting in tonight. It’s always great to have them here.

Have a good evening ladies.
No workout today and I doubt one tomorrow. To much is going on. I will check back later tomorrow if I can.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday. I did a lot of stuff to get ready for Thursday.

Lorie, thanks for the link...that looks good. I wish she had some music though. I did sign up for the JS site, but nothing there about Purple Player or a free download. :(.

Valerie, wow, that looks like a really secure mailbox. Great news on the eye exam.

Carolyn, nice your daughter arrived in time to help with the preparation ! LOL.

Diane Sue, yes....understandable. I have the same thing going on....Turkey #1 going in the oven in a little while.

Judy, hope you get a lot of those things you want to do around the condo this week. :).

Take care,
takes one drunken party to have kids go off on a smashing spree. nobody has ever ID'd them as far as I know as it happens at night. I assume a new generation comes along every few years. It's not as bad as mail theft, but still expensive. the box is from amazon. when you drive down the street, it's the one most people have. this is not the first time.... not everyone gets bashed each time. our neighbor was able to bend his box back into working order, but ours was too badly bent. other neighbor can't get his open.

No workout today. I did rest of shopping, pie & cranberries made, a dozen errands taken care of. I did not sit much!
one stop was a new battery for my fitness monitor. it stopped a few weeks ago. trying to reset it since it had settings from the guy who had it before. it must have reverted to initial settings. some things were easy to reset but the user info seems stuck. I turned into a guy who weighs 165 lbs and is 70 inches tall. these number don't fit the person who gave it to me, so maybe a default setting. it's a Timex Ironman and has a category for cycling and x training. Getting in a workout this morning two days off and tomorrow is unlikely.
This morning I did one of the Jessica Smith workouts from her new program. I did Boogie I. T. which is a cardio interval workout. I enjoyed it and I feel like I got a good workout. The workout was 30 minutes with 228 calories burned. Average heart rate was 132 and maximum heart rate 152. I didn’t have a lot of time today so this was just right for me. I was not sure that I would like this workout program, but I think it’s going to be a good addition to my routine.

I am heavily into my Thanksgiving prep. I am working on a pie now, and I will do cranberries later. Enjoy your day everyone.
Today I did the first Firm workout with Susan Harris(thanks Lori), 63 minutes, 348 calories, 1,893 steps, heart rate 114 average, max 152. This is still a great workout. Getting a chuckle out of the outfits and wonder how they talked the guys to doing those hip tucks and rotational dance looking moves. It was fun doing it. I was surprised how hard those upper lower combos seemed. Granted I did start with way heavier weight and was soon dropping some poundage. I need to get going on cleaning and food prep. I am so behind on getting things ready. I put out bread to dry since I am not sure that the stuffing will be coming with someone else. I boiled eggs last night for deviled eggs. I will be peeling a lot of potatoes

Carolyn, I kept Trim Down out after doing it a week ago so I could do it again. I like it a lot.

Judy, we have cluster mailboxes too. My mail gets all wet and soggy during downpours and wind with rain. I think the people with the upper ones don't have as much of a problem because there is a bit of an overhang over theirs. I have asked others if they had a problem. The parcel boxes are to the sides of the mail boxes and they put a key in the mail box to get the packages out. They can cram some good sized boxes in there even though they are hard to pry out sometimes.

Lori, I had downloaded the Purple Player app a long time ago thinking I would get Kelly's on download. When I got the link to JS free workout I decided to try it out. I couldn't open the purple player though till I set up with a password and log in on JS site to get the workout. Then I clicked the purple player link and it opened right up with the JS password every time I checked to see if that indeed did work. You are getting some nice workout combos in while being away. I will check out that link.

Valerie, I have looked at stuff with exercises or movements to help correct vision problems. I am not sure if they work or not. That is a sturdy looking mail box. I have seen brick mailbox holders knocked to the ground many times. I am clueless why. I would think that you could reset the user. That guys stats would not give you the same calorie burn information.

Deb, I was surprised that I got a workout in this morning. I am still running like crazy to get things done. I wonder why you didn't see purple player on her site. When I set up a sign in to get the free video, there was a list of ways to play her workouts on the bottom and I clicked Purple Player from the list and it took me right to Purple Player.
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Kick Step boxing, 70 minutes, 448 calories, heart rate average 137, max 166, 5,912 steps. I rolled the mat up to kneel on for the kneeling punches and core work and used 3# dumbbells. Showering and getting back to cooking. I have the turkey breasts lined up in a large pan. I was lucky I managed to get 16# of turkey breast in one pan because two pans would not fit in the oven. It smells yummy :D I put checked my calories burned app with this workout this morning and it gave me 611 calories using 28 as my vo2 max which is considerable less than what Fitbit gives me. If I use what Fit Bit gives me the calorie burn would be even higher.
Happy thanksgiving everyone.

I need to get in a workout today. yesterday we had a friend stop by for lunch. she stayed several hours killing off afternoon exercise time. I enjoyed the visit but I hadn't expected it. she usually leaves in an hour. turns out she had the day off work and spent it with us. so I'm not complaining... but it was a surprise. usually she comes on a long lunch hour.
Good morning,

A really nice day yesterday.....all the family here, and so much to be grateful for. My friend's son-in-law got a clear result from his recent CT scan so that was very uplifting for her and her family. They needed something positive.

No workout yesterday...probably not today. I will start again on Sunday.

I hope everyone had a nice relaxing holiday...
Take care,
Valerie, unexpected guests can derail plans, but it is anopportunity one does notvwant to miss and missing a workout does not make a lotbof difference. I bet the visit was pleasant :)

Deb, that is good news for you friends family. I am sure it made for a nice Thanksgiving for them.

I have a miserable cold and took hal dose of Nyquil last night. I ended up sleeping till 9 which is a very rare thing. I am hoping to do some weights and stretching today. I will see how it goes, i now know why my granddaughter , 9, must have felt when I had her for a couple of days. Shecwas not her normal bubbly self.
Deb-That is very good news about your friend's son-in-law.

Diane Sue-I'm sorry about your cold. I hope you feel better soon.
Good Morning,
Today I did Cardio Slam plus Bonus Abs for 63 minutes and 422 calories. Average heart rate was 129 and maximum heart rate 160.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving day without a lot of stress. I ate a lot, but I didn’t feel like I overate. I didn’t workout yesterday but I kept the JumpSport out during the morning and I bounced for a few minutes between various tasks. I had about 25 minutes of bouncing total.

Deb, good news for your friend and her family.

Diane Sue, so sorry that you have a cold. That can be miserable. I had an awful migraine Wednesday and by Wednesday night I had to leave all preparations to my daughters and go to bed very early. Fortunately I was better yesterday.

Lori, my daughters are loving the JumpSport! They both did a workout from the SB Bounce dvd. Last year my youngest talked me out of buying one because she thought I would hurt myself. Now that she has tried it she wants to find classes at her gym.

Hello to Judy and Valerie.
All went well yesterday. it was our usual two guests who always come with loads of goodies. Tai made a baked nut snack that was just delicious. an Ina garten recipe. I could do serious damage with that one! It was so tasty! I will post when I find it. crunchy and spicy in a sort of candied coating. No.... not something you would keep around all the time.
I got in a workout. a 40 min spin S&S, abs from HR and 100 push ups. I mix them up, some on my knees and some on toes using the bench. I can lower the risers as I get stronger. about an hour total. I do push ups in chunks of 20-25, spaced a few minutes apart. Not sure I will ever get to 100 all at once. I keep good form for all without getting sloppy.
I am a sucker for cheese, crackers, nuts along with some wine. love it! I don't overeat dinner.

diane sue bummer on the head cold. I get so sick and miserable. I go to extremes to avoid. Hope you recover quickly. It was nice to have a long visit with our friend. she is the doctor who replaced my husband when he retired, so there was lots of fun shop talk. Usually she only stays a short time but this was a long visit. scrificed workout time, but that made me determined to fit in a workout yesterday.

Deb, great that you had a day without bad health issues hanging over things. you certainly have had more than your share.
No workout this morning. I just was not feeling it today. Maybe tomorrow.

Carolyn, that is great that your daughters enjoyed your jump Sport. I am sorry that you had to stop prep because of a migraine. They take so much out of you.

Valerie, I am hoping that the cold lets up soon. I am not coughing as much as I was yesterday. I love those nut based crackers and black pepper crackers. I have to avoid buying them because I can eat the whole box.

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