Judy, thanks
I don't have a lot of problems with my back. It is generally my shoulders and neck. I do get some low back pain on my right lower back area. I think it is because of some of my body mechanics. I do a lot of work trying to keep it stretched out. It is so hard to stick with the things that are supposed to help prevent problems when limited on time. I suppose at least one day a week should be just devoted to that type of work even if it isn't a heavy calorie burner or body building type of workout.
Carolyn, the car dealership never called back to talk to my husband. They will probably call during the day Monday and my husband will be gone to work so I will be dealing with them. Then it will be a problem getting my car in. Maybe they have to get authorization from GM or something for recoding the key. I don't know their system, but if that is what their equipment says they need to do, then they should do it. We probably would not even go there if it were not for the warranty. We have another place we go for repairs that we feel are trustworthy and honest. Someone that is not going to take advantage of people.
Carolyn, the car dealership never called back to talk to my husband. They will probably call during the day Monday and my husband will be gone to work so I will be dealing with them. Then it will be a problem getting my car in. Maybe they have to get authorization from GM or something for recoding the key. I don't know their system, but if that is what their equipment says they need to do, then they should do it. We probably would not even go there if it were not for the warranty. We have another place we go for repairs that we feel are trustworthy and honest. Someone that is not going to take advantage of people.
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