Today I did Coffey Fit Raw Step 2, 41 minutes, 294 calories, met 8.3, heart rate average 133, max 164, 3,796 steps. I had to go to my Arthritis appointment this morning. No one told me that I was supposed to make an appointment on the side to get the eye test done for toxicity from taking Paquinel. So now I have to return next month to get that done. They said it has to be done before I can refill the prescription next month. They did unexpected blood work to test liver and kidneys, which did not make me happy as I was understanding that this medicine did not need me to do that. Then I picked up my prescription and it was way higher than I have been paying. She said it was a deductable. I never had to pay one for my prescriptions last year. I wondered if it has something to do with my medicare deductable. I am going to have to do some research I guess. All in all I was a bit depressed about the whole thing by the time I got home. I had tentatively planned on doing Raw upper pyramid when I got home, but the mood sort of left. I think I will clean upstairs and finish what I did not get done downstairs yesterday. I need to send out bills and will let it go for now.
Sorry, just bummed and annoyed with the whole thing
Valerie, I hope that you aren't too badly bruised and sore after the fall. I had a lower cost stability ball for quite some time and I had to fill it up about once a month. That is when I went for the Theraband one. We had a large air compressor for so many years and it seemed to act funny at times. It was probably 30 years old and my Dad told us we should get rid of it as they can explode. I cannot remember what it was doing at the time though. So we replaced it for another. We did have a rechargeable air compressor as well that we carried with us for the travel trailer and later got another to keep with the car. That one quit and my husband has another in the Amazon cart. We have kept those and those jump start things. Not sure what they are called. Most shows have to have something to attract me. I have not really got into this discovery Star Trek yet. I keep having to ask my husband what is going on. I guess some of it he didn't understand yet, so I guess they are holding back letting people know what is going on. It is moving too slow for me. Also, the two guys that kept kissing was a too much for me. Then one of them died. Hoping they don't revive the character. Some of these movies people seem to come back to life later.
Lori, that was with the Bosu stability ball that I did the core work. Although I really do like the Bosu for the core as well. Balance work on it is great. Flip it over and hold the edges for plank work. It makes it more intense. I know it is a bit confusing between the two, Bosu half a ball balance trainer
And Bosu ballast stability ball. I understand your fear. People do not seem to understand my fear of driving in bad weather. I check it over and over before I venture out. I have been caught in frightening storms during a tornado once, and a few years ago my husband and I were on a vacation and driving on the freeway when we hit a rain and hail storm with no visibility. People were pulling off to the right side, but you could not see them till you were on them. My husband drove in the left lane because he knew people were going to be trying to pull over. We came close to an accident when someone had obviously tried to get over , but pulled into someone else. I was never so happy to get home. Not only that, I am terribly fearful of being caught between two trucks after a couple of frightening experiences. My husband made comment about going between trucks and seeing me clutching the arm rest. He tries to avoid it with me. One truck tried to pull over when we were on the motorcycle along side of him once. He was on his cell phone when we finally managed to get past him. I am sorry about the panic attacks. Most things that have happened for me were on freeways. My husband told me he was proud of me when I drove that 100 mile trip to come to Oklahoma City when we lived away. I was not afraid when I was younger. I get someone else to drive me places like downtown when I have jury duty. I get sick to the stomach worrying about it.
I kind of like bear crawls LOL I guess I am getting better at the floor stuff. I don't love all of it though. If it gets too long I am ready to quit. One of the things I like about older workouts is they are not doing squat thrusts and floor to standing moves for cardio. Even the planks did not really come in till later,
The newer Star Trek movies and series are way better than the old ones. My husband has loved them from the start. He has the sets and we have purchased the television seasons. You can hear the music from the bedroom when he is working out in the morning. I would swear he should have the dialog memorized and the characters
I remember most, because he watches them all of the time. That is what he goes to when he cannot find anything else to watch. I can hear them, and know what it is going on. He never cared for Star Wars though as he says it is more fighting wars rather than trying to work things out peacefully like they do on Star Trek. I used to do Crossword Puzzles all of the time. My problem is that I become consumed with them and I can take up a lot of time doing them.
Carolyn, those areas would worry me as well. I never liked being in the car in dark tunnels. I could imagine it collapsing and us being trapped in it. Always a complete relief to get outside of it. I think there is a tunnel if I remember right that goes under water, that I was so scared of. I remember it was on a trip to Florida for my brother's wedding. I can't remember what state it was in.
Deb, I am sorry you had to go out for the appointment and then go home. I am really surprised they tried to stay open. I understand regular medical facilities, but not one for physical therapy. I don't like cold weather, and yours is just too cold right now. It was 20 when I was getting ready this morning and that is cold enough for me. My husband turned on a space heater last night in our room and between the noise and waking up sweating it kind of messed with my sleep. Usually he turns on the bath heater and leaves the door open to the bedroom so it is warm in the room when we crawl into bed. Then we turn them off. Our room is the coldest in the house. Way off at the back of the house. Hopefully you get some decent weather soon.