Today I did Raw Boxing and Legs #2, 41 minutes(extra time as I wrote notes on it) heart rate 112/152 heart rate, 2,137 steps. I then did CDorner Cardio Barre and Boxing from today. I did not complete all of it as I ran out of time and wanted some stretching. This one was different as it was more like ballet moves for a cardio segment followed by a kickboxing segment. I kind of liked it, but the ballet showed how ungraceful I am

I did the first two barre and kickboxing segments and started into the third kickboxing segment which had more kicking in it, but had to move on to the cool down. This was 34 minutes, heart rate 127/168, 171 calories, 2,605 steps. I finished with CDorner Flow Mobility from today stopping at 24 minutes as it was 35 minutes long. This was 45 calories, heart rate 83/ 99. Total time was 99 minutes, 367 calories, 4,742 steps. I found it interesting that Chris mentioned when doing the mobility today that the scapular muscles get loose because of all of the sitting leaned over. I guess that is why we need to work on them.
Coffey Fit Raw Boxing and Legs 2 35:29 minutes
requires on pair of moderate to heavy dumbbells and can use egg weights
Kaitlyn, Kelly, and Jayne
Boxing cross cross hook uppercut adding on a squat/ jack jab
Weight squats followed by single squats(faster pace) 15# dbs
Boxing angle step/hook/up adding side lunge/knee/side lunge
Weight side lunge hold 15# dbs
Boxing sidestep/ upper cut add reverse lunge/kick
Weight reverse lunge small turn(twist for obliques) 15# dbs
Boxing cross/uppercut/ sidestep
Weight all weight moves done together squat; side lunge/pulse; reverse lunge twist 15# dbs
Boxing jab/hook/uppercut/bob and weave