Today I did Today I tried Penny Bradshaw Low Impact Hiit and did 21 minutes. There was just too much time on the arms doing pushups, inch worm, plank into other moves, I checked moves ahead and decided to quit there, this was 119 calories, heart rate 133/169, 974 steps. I then did Kelly Coffey Cardio Quick Fix workout on with bonus abs, hips and glutes with a 3# dumbbell. I always liked that one for abs as there is not crunches or planks. This was 47 minutes, heart rate 137/167, 261 calories, 3,625 steps. My son came with their dog right when I was done with this. We are dog sitting till Sunday. After I got them settled I did CDorner Mobility again from Tuesday, 32 minutes, 54 calories, heart rate 81/110. A bit higher than Tuesday, but at first I had two dogs in my face and guest dog licking me relentlessly with me shoving them off, so I am sure heart rate went up a bit. I scooted them out of the room and shut the door and finished. Total time was 1 hour 40 minutes, 315 calories, 4,599 steps. I was looking for a non boxing and jumping workout this morning. My neck and shoulder were hurting last night on one side. I took extra curcumin and tried to massage it out. I seems almost gone today though. I think the upper moves I have done this week, which I am just getting back into and all of the boxing and impact is a bit much to do daily.