Pentagenarians & Beyond: 02/23/2025

This morning I did LMR Functional Lower Body timesaver, no fire walkers. My time was 39 minutes, 163 calories burned, average heart rate 116 and maximum heart rate 156.

Judy, great job with walking outside, Peloton run/walk, and rowing. I’m sure that you enjoyed getting outside with some sunshine.

Diane Sue, great job with LMR Functional Mobility Fusion.

Shannon, you must be relieved to be that project completed.

Hello to Valerie and Cathy.
diane sue the requirement was not get the shoulder area wet at all for several weeks. its impossible to use an overhead shower even a hand held and not risk water running over the shoulder area so i washed my hair in the sink with DH's help and took half showers with the hand held. inconvenient for sure. I had to do similar for the back surgery. I would not think it was all that risky but I followed orders. i still have a butterfly bandage on the incision but its getting loose and will probably fall off any day now, which is just what they wanted. now I'm supposed to get it wet but not with strong direct spray so I stand under the shower and cover wound with my hand so the water flows over it but not directly. sigh.... almost thru this. yes, it drove me nuts but I did it. I can be argumentative but I do follow directions. getting an infection would lead via the connecting wires( like a highway) directly to heart valves and would be a total medical disaster. everything would have to be removed. its a horrible scenario so I was properly motivated to do what needs to be done. the presurgical protocol involved many showers cleansing with Hibiclens. infections are not easily treated with antibiotics as they used to be and the mechanical parts are sites for bacteria to adhere and hide. its really not the procedure that's all that risky, its the possibility of contamination and resulting infection. my skin got very dry and irritated from the hibiclens but most of it is settled down now.
so here I again lecturing! infections make a mess of everything. way better to go to extremes to avoid them happening, for any kind of surgery.

did a road ride today for the first time since november. 15 miles. about 1 hr 20 minutes very messy because we had a windstorm 3 days ago and they trimmed the shrubbery along the trail and didnt sweep after.
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Today I did CDorner Low Impact 80's All Standing cardio, 33 minutes, 302 calories, heart rate 127/157, 3,344 steps. I followed with CDorner Post workout stretch recovery workout (most stretches are done for 60 seconds), 32 minutes, 67 calories. I have my Arthritis appt in the morning.
Happy Friday! I am ready for the weekend. Yesterday I did PHA 2. I went heavier than Cathe on most exercises, and man did I get a cardio workout as well! I also did STS 2 Core Plus Floor.

Carolyn - Oh yes, I am definitely happy to be done with that job. It would have been fun if it wasn't such a rush. Good job on LMR Functional Lower Body, and good idea to skip the firewalkers, LOL.

Valerie - Whew, the thought of an infection traveling down your wires is scary! You are absolutely right to follow doctor's orders and be safe. I'll bet that road ride felt so good, even if the wind storm caused a mess.

Diane - Good job on the cardio and stretch. I hope your arthritis appointment goes okay.

Hello to Cathy and Judy.
Yesterday I shopped. My whole day was screwed up by messed up sleep, then not being hungry enough to eat before I left. That is just so rare, and put me behind eating all day, which is not a plus. Totally forgot I wanted to swing through the town where our accountant is to pick up our taxes, so now I need to make an extra trip. Truly not a memorable day. Or at least not one I want to remember. LOL

Today I did Live In the Ring, and just did Live Upper Body with Ball. Nothing heavier than 15's, but I still had to back off on some things. My sister, BIL and their youngest son and his wife are enroute from FL to visit my parents, their older one is driving up tomorrow from Indy. I'll be going down tomorrow to see them all. Haven't seen the boys for about 5 years or so, and I've never met the DIL. Should be interesting weekend for them with my Mother. She finally had her appointment with, what she refers to as the shrink, and it was just a basic info gathering session. She goes back in a couple weeks for a couple hours of testing and is really ticked about that and just keeps saying everyone thinks she's nuts.

Judy the weather has been so weird lately. Yesterday, we weren't supposed to get any snow, we were supposed to get rain, then while it was 38 it started to snow, enough that it stayed on the ground, but neither or my apps radar, showed we were getting snow. One showed rain, and the other showed nothing anywhere near us. But, by afternoon it had all vanished along with some more of what's still on the ground.

Shannon that's great that you wrapped up your project so fast.

Diane Sue if you are curious, you can search the Workout Manager by year and date to see what workouts you were doing. the only time I use it now is when I'm doing STS because the weights I use are in it, but since you can't log live workouts, it would be more work to figure everything out than I want to do.

Valerie your kitty is really determined to not travel isn't he. If only they understood why they should cooperate about things when we're just trying to be helpful. My sister took her dog to boarding last night. She knew that it was likely he wouldn't eat today through Monday morning, and she can watch him on camera. The dog has his own little suite, with a bed big enough for a dog 100 lbs heavier, a door so he can go out on his patio, but sure enough, they gave him his food this morning, and he wouldn't eat it. She figures he won't starve in that amount of time, but it's why she looks for people they know to come stay with him when they travel.

Hi Carolyn.
I decided to take some comp time today and just finished my workout. It was really cool. I did three LMR bonus workouts: Functional Core Fusion, Lower Body Balance Discs, and Anytime Mobility. Total workout time was about 70 minutes, but of course there was additional time while I waited for each disc to load. I just feel pretty good and loose. :)

Cathy - Bummer that your day was so messed up yesterday. Fortunately that doesn't happen to often - at least I hope not! I hope you have a good visit with your sister and family. Wow, congrats on your mom going to see the "shrink." Is this for memory issues and stuff? It would be nice if I could convince my mom to go to a geriatrician or something, but it ain't gonna happen. In her own quiet way, she's just as bull-headed as my dad.
This morning I did P 30 Low Impact HiiT and the Extended Stretch. That was 37 minutes and 194 calories burned. Average heart rate was 121 and maximum heart rate was 169.

Valerie, great job on your first road ride since November.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Low Impact Cardio and Stretch. I hope that your arthritis appointment goes well.

Shannon, nice job with PHA 2 and STS 2 Core + Floor.

Cathy, nice job with Live in the Ring and Live Upper Body and Ball. That’s great that your sister and family are coming to visit your parents.

Hello to Judy.
We hadn't planned on it originally but decided to let Puss be an indoor/outdoor cat. he is much much better now that he spends a little time outside. I know there are risks. other cats, coyotes bobcats. we will be sure he is in at night. we have a lot of space that is reasonably safe and a deck he can retreat to. i really like him but he has too much energy and gets into too much stuff. a few hours outside and he's much easier to live with. more calm and not so hyper. hes attached to me and so far comes when I call him. eventually he will wander further but our space is large. maybe he was bored? Cathy we still havent solved the driving issue but will work on it over time and try other meds. the first trip he will probably spend in the kennel unless he is miraculously transformed by trazodone. did a yard walk this morning for 35 minutes and doing therapy soon. im starting back up with upper body things, gently at first. I miss that part of workouts.
My hips and lower back were tight and sore today so I opted to do Restorative Yoga. I'm heading to K'zoo in a bit and it's an hour in the car each way, so I'm hoping they will handle all that sitting better.

Shannon my Mom has dementia. It turns out my sister discovered last night that along with them thinking she's nuts, she thought they thought there was something physically wrong in her head. My Dad had a brain aneurism back in the 80's that was found by a total fluke, and she was imagining having brain surgery. Even though there has been NO testing like that. So she and my Dad told her there was not going to be any surgery etc and that calmed her down in the moment. She went with them to the hockey game last night, and she said it was really hard, and by the time they got home, Mom could barely make it up the steps of the porch. That's sounds like an interesting mix of workouts.

Valerie hopefully something works out with kitty. Will you have to listen to him all the way to MT?
we walked our park walk this morning 1 hr 20 minutes. very spring like today as it has been for several days but today is the last day. we are enjoying the sun and warm temps. cathy we will kennel him for this trip assuming we are able to go next weekend. will continue to look for meds that work but we need to check out our house after all these months and it will be less than a week. no way could we listen to him for 12 hours. I would like to think he will quiet down but I cant predict that. that house he will not be able to go outside. no safe place for a cat there. eventually we may be able to leave him in this house while were gone but he's not ready for that yet. our other cats were fine alone but this guy gets into everything. a week of boredom would be a problem.

thats sad about your mother. nothing to be done except protect her from herself. I feel bad for your dad.

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