Peanut butter?

Loopy Lou

I read somewhere on a post that peanut butter is a good source of protein. I know it sounds a bit dopey but what should I eat it with? Does anyone know? Is peanut butter on toast o.k? :9
Yeah, I'm with Sarah - give me a spoon and a jar of PB and I'm good to go! ;)

I like it with bananas too. I take a peeled banana, lay it on a plate, spread some PB on one side of it and sprinkle Grape Nuts over it (they stick to the PB), then eat and enjoy. Yum yum! I also like PB on whole wheat toast. It goes well with a fruit smooth for breakfast. :9
Try this I had it this morning and it was delicious. I saw it originally in some fitness mag. Honey whole weat toast with peanut butter topped with cut up bananas and honey.
I like it on rice cakes with raisins on top! Also found a recipe the other day for peanut butter cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Both were made from scratch and they were GOOOOOOD! :D


Yes, Sarah, I feel your pain.

"Hi, I'm Shonie and I'm addicted to peanut butter. I've abused peanut butter for several years with disastrous affects to my bootie, hips, and thighs. When I think about peanut butter, I can't help but imagine how much I'd really like a hit (spoon) of it. My family has been affected by peanut butter too -- they have no bread left for sandwiches or jelly left for toast. Admitting I have a problem is the hardest part..."


We are talking natural peanut butter...right? Better be!!!

Here is another idea...add NATURAL PB to plain yogurt and a dash of splenda...oh, it is what heaven tastes like!
Emily, Sarah, scoot down a couple chairs so I can sit next to you at this meeting of Peanut Butteraholics. Wait, where's my jar, who needs a spoon the good Lord gave me ten fingers...
Lately, I've been making "tofu toast", no carbs, lots of protein. By slicing tofu thinly and using my convection oven to make it crisp/chewy. Then spreading with PB and topping with no sugar jam, sliced bananas, or calorie free "butter" spray and cinnamon/stevia.
Emily-I've done the same thing with bananas and PB except using Kashi Golean crunch instead of Grape Nuts (when you're off the no sugar a little brown sugar goes a long way as well:9 )
Sarah I just looked at your post P90X pictures on your picture trail. Holy Moses girl!!! You look amazing! I am so incredibly jealous! I can only dream of looking like that someday! You are an inspiration!

Sarah you look absolutley amazing! I just looked at your pics too.
Your children are beautiful! We're you ever overweight, if you don't mind me asking?
I am a peanut butter addict...just give me a spoon! I have a jar in my fridge that is just mine. Hands off to everyone else!
Thanks so much Ladies, you are too sweet!

I credit my physique to Cathe...really! P90X helped with the upper body definition. The only thing that P90X offers that Cathe does not is a TON of push-ups and pull-ups. We can talk more about it if you want to PM me...I don't want to hijack the thread,

Want to add that during a brief period after college I did have an extra 30-35 pounds. I ate HORRIBLY (you wouldn't believe my diet!) and I was TOTALLY inactive. Never again!

I also gained a ton of weight with both pregnancies and didn't seem to lose any during delivery!LOL!!!

PM me, I welcome all questions, comments and criticisms!:7
I love PB too...usually buy the Smuckers Natural. I like it plain out of the jar spoonful by spoonful, or on apples. I'll have to try it in the plain yogurt w/splenda - that sounds great!
The PB cupcakes sound pretty awesome too.

I love love love peanut butter!! My favorite is to eat a large spoonful of it with some chocolate chips on top!! Not the healthiest, but it tastes great!!

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