I really had no idea how many of you have been through this anxiety. It is amazing to us how some of us deal with life and it's problems. I wish I had inherited my dad's outlook: He doesn't worry about anything. I mean, sometimes it's to a fault, but still.
I actually went out last night and bought some St. John's Wort as well as some hormone regulating vitamins. I took my first dose this morning. I'm going to give this a few weeks (as long as I'm not too miserable) and if that' doesn't work, I'm heading to a doctor. I'm going to find a counselor regardless.
Also, as I was up in the middle of the night a couple of days ago, I ran into a program that I downloaded. I woke up at 1 am and immediately went into a massive attack that wouldn't go away. I thought that was kind of strange as usually it requires some anxious thoughts for awhile before it explodes into an attack. Anyway, I'm reading this program and the author has very simple advice. When you're in the middle of an attack, or even just starting one, don't be afraid AT ALL. First, accept that this isn't going to kill you (I think the key here is genuinely trusting that you aren't going to die). Then dig into every feeling that you're having and, in a sense, mentally egg on the attack. Welcome it and dare it to become even stronger. His opinion is that the attack WILL NOT kill you and it can only last so long before the body has to give up. It will get worse before it gets better, but then it will go away. It worked. It really worked. I have yet to have another attack, because every single time I feel one coming on, I tell myself that I can take it and to bring it on! The body doesn't want it as much then. I think it's the fear of the physical symptoms and how miserable it is that makes it worse. I know I sound stupid explaining it, but it worked for me. Now, I still have severe and constant anxiety that I must work out, but at least the attacks have subsided for now. It's only been a couple of days, though, so who knows?
Thank you guys so much for the advice. I'm just wondering if any of you feel as though you're the kind of people who worry more about what others think of you and what you should do than what you really want out of life? Aside from being UNSURE of what I truly want, I tend to find myself wanting approval and for my friends and family to be proud. They are not at all the kind of people who put any pressure on me, but somehow, I've put it on myself. I'm just wondering if you guys believe this has anything to do with a lifetime of anxiety and depression. I think it all comes down to insecurity.