P90X...results, anyone?

RE: Yet another question on p90X

I hope this is not too basic a question about these tapes, but how do you "choose' how many reps you do? Isn't is like Cathe where you follow along with however many reps she is doing ( unless you use a pre-mix like supersets)... just curious on how this is done with these.. thanks for your reply
I can now do Big Girl push-ups - not many, but yesterday while I was doing the Core Synergistics, I was so busy concentrating on the second part of the "do a push-up and then reach up to the ceiling with one hand" move (Cathe has the same move in her videos - I think in Boot Camp), I almost failed to reallize I was actually doing real on-your-toes push-ups!

And I'm getting better at the Ab Ripper workout as well.

Yay for me! Now if I could just do those pikes on the ball.....Grrr.

Susan L.G.
I'm so sore from P90X but it's a good sore. One other thing I've noticed is that I'm very tired, feeling like I need a nap. It really demands a lot from you so hopefully that will mean great results. Well see.
RE: Yet another question on p90X

Hi Fox2star, You can choose how many reps you want, like 8 to 10 for gaining more muscle mass or 12 to 15 to get more definition. The workout has a 'time limit' for all of that. The people lifting heavier with less reps obviously lift slower than the people lifting lighter with more reps. Either way you will usually end close to the same time, the longer reps might take a small amount longer, but you will not feel rushed. You can even take a couple of breaths/break and continue on to get the last reps in. It's a very nice change from the usual "follow the exact reps" type workouts. It helps you think more about what you are doing and what you want to accomplish. Plus, writting your weight down really helps fine tune your workout. You won't waste time lifting the wrong weight.:)
>I'm so sore from P90X but it's a good sore. One other thing
>I've noticed is that I'm very tired, feeling like I need a
>nap. It really demands a lot from you so hopefully that will
>mean great results. Well see.

The first two weeks, I needed at least an extra hour of sleep each night, and when I went to bed, I was SURE I wouldn't be up to doing the workout the next day. But I usually recovered in time (though I did put in a few extra days off).

I am just finishing my 4th week of P90X and I found that the first week was just a killer! I too, was just exhausted and went to bed early. Fortunately, it did get better and my energy level did return by week 2 and 3.

The biggest change I have noticed so far, is my "functional fitness" has really improved. I think that with all of the compound type exercises.. my whole body feels worked out as opposed to just specific parts, on a daily basis. So different than how I usually trained, which is one body part /day.

OK..here's a question: What am I in store for during phase 2? Should I be scared?? :)

Take care, Lynn M.
Phase two is kind of like doing phase 1 over again. WHen I was done with Phase 1, I was so proud of being able to do more push-ups on my toes. Then Phase 2 came, and on Chest/Shoulder/Triceps, I had to go back to most of them on my knees (or one knee).

I thik P90X is so effective in part because you never get used to the workouts. Once you start feeling pretty good about doing Chest/Back, for example, you switch routines and don't see it again for 4 weeks. Then it seems new again.

I just wish they would have included a second leg workout for variety. But we can always substitute if we want to.
Hi Kathryn:

Thanks for the info on Phase 2. I kinda had a feeling it was going to be like that! :)

I am wrapping up my recovery week shortly.. That core synergistics workout is a blast!! It seems like its one of the workouts that will get more challenging as you get better at the moves.. Those plank/chaturanga run things are not designed for mortals!! Its going to be a long long time before I will EVER be able to do those!!

Take care, Lynn M.
I'm just in my first week....I LOVE IT!!!

I had the bloody tapes sitting around here for 6 weeks and just couldn't bring myself to do a non-Cathe workout. I was scared it would be too tough...and some of it is but I CAN DO IT!! I think Cathe really prepared me for them. Actually, I'm already seeing how they will work in well with my Cathes once I've finished the 90 days.

I have to do the pull-ups with my foot on a chair and the CRANE...well lets just say 3 seconds is my best hold yet. We'll see how next week goes. Those of you riding the fence (as I did for quite a while) if you love Cathe...these are just a great change of pace and are challenging in a great way.

Bring it....Sami

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