P90X...results, anyone?

I did Chest/Back & Ab Ripper last night too (my second time). I'm nearly incapacitated with muscle soreness today. I remember during the workout trying to pick up my pen to write down my pull up reps and fumbling like crazy. Looks like my toddler wrote down the numbers they are so shaky. This series is insane!
Insane is a very good description! The best workout with the best results I have done in years....:)...Carole
While I feel I'm going at my maximum at the moment of my workouts, I don't feel any real pain right then and there...It is later in the day into the next day that I feel it, and I feel it in some places I never felt before. While I like Yoga, I wasn't happy to see 90 min of it at first. But I like how it feels after doing it about 4 times. I also read over at Beachbody, that they classify this particular Yoga workout as 40 some odd minutes of strength and 30 some minutes of core work. That explains why my legs are sore afterwards. It uses your own body as resistance for the legs. So actually you are working the abs, hips and butt and legs with this Yoga class.
When I look at it that way... it is 90 minutes is well spent to me.

Wait until you all get to the one armed pushups in Chest Shoulders and Triceps. Oh Boy!! I personally can't do them yet. Lots of things to aspire to.
I can't wait to see how I do with Cathe's Slow and Heavy and the Pyramids after I get through with my first round of P90X. I plan to do 2 weeks of solid Cathe workouts in my rest phase between rounds.

I can see I will be incorporating P90X in my fitness routines in some form or another, for a long long time to come.
Like today I was thinking, sometime in the future when I'm not doing this particular rotation, Chest Shoulders and Triceps would work well by throwing in a Cathe's Back workout and Biceps from the Slow Heavy Series in order to get a total upper body in one day. But that is a different rotation with different goals from the P90X concept at present. :)
>Wait until you all get to the one armed pushups in Chest
>Shoulders and Triceps. Oh Boy!! I personally can't do them
>yet. Lots of things to aspire to.

For some odd reason, I can do these pretty well (on my knees, but I think some of the guys in the workout are on their knees as well).
>>How are you faring with the pull ups part of the workout?

x( :(

That's the short answer!
I just got a pull-up tower, and have done one workout (Chest and Back) actually doing (um...attempting! pull-ups!). Made me feel like a weenie! And I was feeling so macha doing 1-arm rows with 35#! And for 16 reps at that!
Then I get to the pull-up bar and can't even do one unassisted pull-up! Argh! To ease my frustration, I did the second round of back using my blue "Extreme" band, making it as much like a pull-up as possible by leaning over and pulling down to where a bar would be. I regained some of my machisma by doing 24 reps with iso holds on most exercises.

For the pull-ups have to figure out a way to give myself enough assistance without too much. Today is Legs and Back, and my plan is to aim for 10 reps each pull-up/chin-up cycle, "any which way I can." I'll start with assistance, then maybe do some negative reps at the end.

I truly think that the muscles are called on in a very different way when you do pull-ups from when you do rows and pull-downs. Things are working together synergistically in a way my body, at least, isn't used to. I just haven't figured out what has to flex first and next and so on to be able to do them well (o.k. at all!).

But I will be very proud when I can do even one measly pull-up without assistance (since I royally blew the "bent-arm-hangs" when I was in grade school and high school (I think I lasted LESS than 1 second!).
Kathyrn, I have a few questions for you while you are here, if you don't mind answering your opinions and thoughts....
Do you find one type of pullup easier than another? For example I can do a few underhand pullups but cannot do 1 overhand pullup even with a chair. I got the the men's bands and hope this will help gain upper body strength....
Did you see where a girl used her Bosu to jump up to her pullup bar and hence got 1 pullup in...LOL

Will you be doing another round of P90X when you finish this rotation?

Have you noticed more chest strength my doing all the pushups as opposed to weighted chest flies etc?

Do you suppose Tony will come out with a cardio series next time since this one focuses on weights? (I realize this is probably just an opinion, yet I like your opinions.) Can he be lobbied? LOL I was reading at your check in a girl seemed to have a good explanation for the series as it is written. How some athletes will train with heavy weights for months and then just before competition, will do lots of cardio to get the lean lines.

Did you see the link for Dreya? I guess she was Tony's consultant for the P90X series from what they say at BB....anyway... interesting read.

Again, to reply to this thread, I think results are more noticeable when you keep track of the reps, the weights, how you felt etc. (this applies to any program) You can see improvements each week that way. You are in competition with yourself to try and get 1 more rep or increase a weight than you did the last time. From what I'm reading at BB, unless you have a great deal of weight to lose, you may not notice body changes as quickly as those who do and yet, the results will come, just maybe a little slower. In looking at the pictures and reading other's journeys, some didn't notice physical changes until into their 2nd Phase or so. That is the beauty of picture taking at 30-60 and 90 day intervals...now you can see for yourself. It also keeps you focused. You know you have a picture day coming up. }(

>Do you find one type of pullup easier than another?
I haven't done them enough to really know, since it was just one workout. But underhand pullups are a bit easier because the biceps can help out more. Overhand pullups take the biceps out of the action.
One woman at videofitness used her rebounder to get up into position.

>Will you be doing another round of P90X when you finish this
I'm getting such good results I hate to stop! I probably will be using P90X as a template for future rotations,substituting different core workouts for Core Synergistics, and different cardio and weights. Though I do find P90X strength workouts better than any I've tried.

>Have you noticed more chest strength my doing all the pushups
>as opposed to weighted chest flies etc?
I must be getting stronger there. The only way I can judge increase chest strength is that I can do more push-ups on my toes. I do substitute incline presses for one exercise in each chest workout, because I like to include upper chest work (to keep my "cleavage" filled out!)

>Do you suppose Tony will come out with a cardio series next
>time since this one focuses on weights?
I kind of doubt it. He seems to me like someone who focuses on strength and functional movement, and maybe gets cardio in by running or doing more active things. I DO wish he would come out with a 3 DVD follow-up that has 2 different upper body workouts (a different split) and a different lower body workout, all with "Ab Ripper Extreme"! That's what I'd lobby for! Those three empty slots in the DVD wallet are just waiting to be filled!

>Did you see the link for Dreya? I guess she was Tony's
>consultant for the P90X series from what they say at
>BB....anyway... interesting read.
I've seen some info on Dreya before (she's also in Power Half Hour and she's married to some guy from Beach Body).

That is
>the beauty of picture taking at 30-60 and 90 day
>intervals...now you can see for yourself. It also keeps you
>focused. You know you have a picture day coming up. }(

I didn't do pictures, and I kind of wish I had, because I can see how I've changed, but seeing a picture of it would be more objective (and proof!).
RE: )

Where is the link for Dreya? I wanna see...

Kathryn, I agree that pullups are a whole different beast. I think they are one thing Cathe did not prepare us to do! Has to do with specificity of training. If you don't do it, you won't be able to do it. Case in point...push ups. If you stay on your knees forever, you will never get on your toes. That is just how it is. If you are going for strength, you MUST get off the knees, even if that means you are only doing 1-2 from your toes. Do them and when you get tired, THEN drop to your knees. I am not referring to you, just a general comment.

Pull up, chin ups, must be biceps, brachioradialis and lat. FYI.... in high school, I did the "hang" for a minute and a half!!! Now, after working out, I can't do one single pull up unassisted and still suck at the assissted kind.

So there...
RE: )

Also, pullups with palms facing you (close grip) are the easiest. I think they call on the biceps first. Anything reverse grip is going to demand more from the front forarms and lat. Like wide grip with backs of hands facing you is all in the back to pull up. Your position (on the dead hang) makes it impossible for use to use much of anything else.

I guarantee if you build up to doing 10+ full on pullups in a row, you gotta have an awesome physique. P90X will bring that.
Yet another question on p90X

Hi there-

I guess I don't want this thread to die quite yet..

For those of you who have been doing P90X, I have a strange question to ask you.. What type of muscle definition are you starting to see?
Size or Cut?

I was wondering that as that after my first two days of it I was too wiped to notice if it felt more like an endurance or a mass building workout to me! I know it can be modified to be either one depending on reps and weight amount, but I was curious on what you were seeing personally on your own body.

Thanks in advance.. For those of you that have been responding to my endless questions, I really feel like you have given some intelligent and informative answers. Its so awesome!! I really appreciate it.

Take care, Lynn M.
RE: Yet another question on p90X

I'm noticing a little more size (where I want it) and some cut. At first, I think I built a bit more size, but as I went along, I think I burned some fat that was over my muscles. (Before P90X, I was wearing a 38 band bra, up from 36 a couple of years ago) and now I'm back to 36.) As you mentioned, you can work on the type of muscle defintion you want, depending on what rep range you follow. I usually go for 16 reps (I know, Tony says 12-15, but I'm a rebel!...and I like even numbers) but with as heavy a weight as I can lift with good form. On a few exercises, I go heavier and lift fewer reps (like some of the bicep work, but not all...I still stick primarily with *my* 16 reps).
RE: Yet another question on p90X

I'm seeing more cut than size. My arms are very tight with no jiggle at all anymore. Very good definition. Which is what I want. I avoid building size like the plague.;-) I go for 15 reps and use as heavy as I can. I'm fine tuning it so I CAN NOT do more than 15 or 16 reps. If I can, I up my weights. It's strange, "I" see the most difference in my arms, but get more comments on my legs.
RE: Yet another question on p90X

Hi Kathryn and Sunnyside:

Thanks for your responses. It sounds like you are both seeing some great results. How wonderful is that?!

I am on Day 4 of the Classic Rotation, first week. So far, so good! My lower abs are REALLY feeling it. 2 days of Ab Ripper and I don't think they have ever been worked this hard before.

Thanks again for the info!!

Take care, Lynn M.
RE: Yet another question on p90X

Ab Ripper is one tough workout. At first, I felt it a lot in my hip flexors and quads (the first three exercises especially), but now that I'm into week 9 (ending today) of the rotation, I'm able to do the moves (usually 30 reps to their 25) adding a 3# medicine ball for resistance. And yesterday, I did KPC instead of Kenpo X, and....(dramatic pause)...I COULD DO THE PIKE MOVES ON THE BALL!!! My upper body wasn't as vertical as Cathe and the gang, but that's probably because the move was new to me and I felt a bit like I would tip over...BECAUSE BEFORE P90X, I COULDN"T DO EVEN ONE OF THESE!

P90X: It's tough, but it makes everything else easier!--K.B.
RE: Yet another question on p90X


COngratulation on the pikes. This is what I want to experience for myself: results in measurements as well as in performance.

Congratulations on completing week 9! Recovery week is due, if I am not mistaken. Woo hoo!

RE: Yet another question on p90X


You rock! It is great that you have stuck with it despite the discouraging difficulties (the tapes being so hard). I need to be that consistent with it. I will get really motivated once i see results!!
RE: Yet another question on p90X


Congratulations on completing the pikes!! Those are soooo tough!

I do have to say I am REALLY impressed with the fact that you are adding a 3# med ball to your workout w/ Ab Ribber. That is some serious core strength!! Way to go!!

Your testimonies have been a real inspiration for me! Thanks for sharing!

Take care, Lynn M.
RE: Yet another question on p90X

Is this not the BEST workout, I will say I am not sure if I would have ever been able to do any of the tapes if I had not done Cathe for years, Cathe really had me in shape to do this workout. P90x is so different to me. I have always been a step junkie, I almost did not buy the P90x because there was no step, but with all the talk I got it.
I am starting week 3 and I can not even tell you the changes in my upper body and abs, I have actually had strangers ask me where did I work out !!
I can not wait until Cathe new Hardcore, I know she will be the BEST.
I can not tell you all Thanks enough for letting me know about this workout.
Maybe by week 9 I too will be adding weight to ab ripper, ("can believe I just said that")
Thanks again
Upearly, Annette

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