P90X Jan/Feb Starters, Thursday


Good morning X'ers:

Cathy - I changed the title just for you, WELCOME!!!

Good morning to everyone else that follows......

I had to cancel my circuit class last night due to the SNOW-YUCKx( , so tonight's usually all step class will be a combo class just to help make up.

Take care.
Thanks, Marcia! :) Hi everyone!

I popped into your Wednesday thread b/c I'm X-obsessed :) and hope it's cool if I join ya over here. I know Wendy & Marcia from the cheetah thread but thought I'd give a quick introduction for those who don't know me: I'm a 33-year-old middle school teacher from NJ. I started the X (classic rotation) in mid-February. At the beginning of phase two, I thought I'd try to go doubles (because, like so many others, I have been fixated on cardio), but that didn't quite work out for me. I have been taking isotretonoin for adult acne since January, and when my doc upped my dosage, my energy level was completely zapped. I struggled just to get in single X workouts each day. Luckily, my dosage has since been lowered again, but I decided not to try to adhere to a doubles rotation and just do extra cardio when I can. (So Wendy, I appreciated your comments on the Wed. thread. I agree that doubles is tough!)

I am participating in a Biggest Winner weight loss competition at work, so about midway through phase two, when I had to be weighed in, I found that I only lost 1 lb., but I lost 7.5 inches in one month! So, slowly but surely, I am being weaned off my maximum-cardio mentality and am appreciating the results of heavy weights!

Looking forward to getting to know the rest of ya's. Will jump in w/ personals as soon as I can.

~Cathy :)
CLASSIC/Phase 3/Week 13/Day 4

Today was supposed to be a spin class but the weather here is lousy so I may trade that in for some Cathe since I don't think I want to head outside today if I don't have to. Tonight will be yoga.

Well, the results are in! I decided not to wait until the end of the recovery week to weigh/measure so I did it this morning. I was feeling thin! ;-) So I've lost 1 pound, just about 1% body fat and 4+ inches overall. My numbers are not big but I did not start out with a whole lot to lose in the first place. I am happy with my results. My clothes are looser and I am tighter and definately more defined! I am also stronger! My waist is smaller then it is has been in YEARS AND YEARS AND...well, you get the picture and I have definition in my abs that I have NEVER had before!!!

Welcome Cathy!!!! So glad you decided to join us!:)

Good morning ladies

I slept in until 10:30 this morning!;-) OMG - I was so tired with this past week being so busy with going out of town and all - but I think my clock has been reset with the extra sleep.:D DH called at 6am and said school was cancelled so I rolled over, turned off the alarm, and went back to la la land. You'd think I would just go to bed early, but I just had to watch LOST - I'm hooked on that one.

Wendy - I'm so happy you got great results with the X. I just can't stay away from those workouts and now that DH is doing them, I'm sure I will be seeing Tony as much now as before. Did your DH ever do any of the X workouts? I remember you saying that you went to the gym on your anniversary.:) Has he ever done a Cathe? I wonder how many men actuallly can do Cathe workouts. DH is cardio challenged if you know what I mean, but can do the weight work without much problem - except the pull ups, but he does do them with the chair. I wish I would have peeked in on him yesterday when he did L&B. I'll bet he pushes himself harder when he's working out by himself.

Marcia - how much snow did you get? Where are you at? I'm soooooo ready for spring. I want to go morrell hunting and it should only be a couple of more weeks, but it will depend on if we can ever get some warm, moist weather. Have fun with your circuit class. Are you doing an X workout today?

Cathy - Welcome aboard!! What a terrible side-effect of your medication. I hate having lethargy - especially if it's something coffee can't solve. I agree that doubles is tough. I never even attempted to do that - an hour a day, unless doing YogaX or Cathe's new workouts, is pretty much my maximum unless it's my day off.

Nancy - thanks for the tip on Cathe's new workouts! I'm so excited!!!!:D It kinda sounds like she's doing an X routine. How much fun will it be to integrate those workouts with the X?? I just can't wait! We are all gonna be soooo buff.;-) 400 ipod workouts???:eek: WOW! :eek: I just can't fathom that. The anticipation of what she's gonna do yet this year is pure torture.

Laura - where'd ya go? Missed ya yesterday.:)

Diana - not having computer problems I hope.....

BBL all

Good morning (almost afternoon), girls!!!

Wow, Wendy. I'm so impressed that you were able to finish and stay storng. I think you had great results considering you were already so it!!! Someday, I'll go back to the X....someday.

I did LIC last night and I really like that workout. Tonight I have GS BSB on tap. My eating has been "decent" but still more room for improvement. I have to read Tosca's Clean Eating book again. I really should STUDY it!!!!

Welcome, Cathy!! Glad to have you aboard. I did give up on the X somewhere in Phase III - I just needed to get back to Cathe for a while. I'll get back to it soon.

Angie - I agree that Cathe's workouts do sound similar to the X. I guess she was following along with all of the hoopla of the program that everyone was discussing. These workouts sound right up my alley. I can't wait for them. I still can't fathom 400 ipod workouts either. I still have to learn to use mine, lol!!!

Okay, I'll be back tonight!! Have a good day!:) :)

Morning Ladies ..

.. sorry I have been away .. I had another freaking kidney stone attack x( .. been in agony for the last three days .. happened right after my class Monday night .. x( .. outta nowhere .. WHAM! but hey at least I got my workout in .. LOL .. My DH took such good care of me.. bless his heart .. he is so sweet .. can't stand to see me in pain .. brought me flowers and a sweet card .. awwwww!

Congrats on the #'s Wendy ..

Mine are in too!! I was kinda surprised w/mine .. the weight is the same .. (?) .. My chest I gained 1" (from lats not boobs unfortunatly) .. My biceps lost 1/2 on both .. ??? .. I was really thinking they would have gained .. b/c they look so much more pumped .. my hips I lost 1/2' (dang it .. did not need to loose there) .. my thighs I lost 1/4" (would have been more if I had not of added some heavy weight work) ... my fat % is the same ..

So some surprises.. and I accomplished the goals I wanted to .. wish I could have lost a couple of pounds .. but blowing the diet like I consistantly do .. not bad .. can't imagine what my results would be if I followed the diet!

Once I am up to it will do pics .. right now in recovery mode from teh stone .. passing one really zaps me .. can't think of anything I want to do other than a hot bath and some pain free quiet time! LOL

Nancy .. have not see the new Cathe stuff to come .. going to check it out .. thanks for the heads up .. :D

BTW .. welcome Cathy .. glad you joined our little group .. an intro to myself .. I am 40 years old .. the bad girl that blows the diet .. but luckily exercises enough it doesn't show that often! I work in collections at a utility company (stress is my middle name) .. and I teach a fitness class four nights a week after work .. it is a must for my sanity as well as my waist line. I started the X to gain some definition (which I am SO pleased with) .. I did not really need to loose weight .. that was not my goal .. I would like to be a couple pounds lighter .. but the diet and adult beverages cause me not to .. LOL. I have always focused on cardio and weights ..but now after the X .. I will forever do MORE weights .. less cardio .. I look more defined and porportioned now .. and want to keep the upper body results .. my lower body has always been lean and I have always had to work heavy weights to maintain it .. the upper body is not so lean .. but now so much better!! LOL I know you will LOVE the results you will get w/the X

Ok ... gotta run .. loads of work to catch up on .. have a great day and great workouts .. will check back later for some personals!!:7
Hi Ladies,

Well I finally got my home pc back. Of course all the data was lost so it's like starting all over again. I think I have most of my family photos on cd, but I'm sure not all of them. I will now be backing everything up to an external hard drive.

I hope to do HSTA sometime today. It's been really hectic at work and this afternoon ds is taking his drivers test. Oh, and we are supposed to get 6-10 inches of snow starting tonight through tomorrow.

I get so excited just reading about Cathe's new workouts. I can't wait to preorder everything.

Cathy-welcome to our checkin. Good luck to you on your work challenge. Hopefully they don't just use the scale to determine the winner. As we have all learned, the scale isn't the only guage.

Marcia-I hear ya with the snow. Although I can't complain we have been in the 50's and 60's the past couple of weeks.

Wendy-congratulations on finishing the X. What great results you have. I couldn't hang with the recovery week either. I needed my cardio and Cathe fix.

Angie-You must have a lot of snow if they cancelled school. I guess it could also be too cold. bbbrrrrrr Stay warm!

Nancy-I try to follow the clean eating book also. It fits in nicely with my weight watchers program. For some reason, I just have a much more difficult time with food than I do with exercise.

Laura-what's going on with you.

Thanks for the warm welcome. :)

Angie :: what is a morrell? I am clueless…Yeah, the upped meds were brutal ~ I never felt that kind of exhaustion in my life. SO glad to be back to a manageable dosage. Also glad to hear that doubles is a challenge for others, too…I agree, 400 iPod workouts sounds insane! But I would love to run to a Cathe workout!

Nancy :: I think iTunes is pretty user-friendly…if you need any help getting set up, say the word…I’ll be glad if the new workouts mirror the X – I really enjoy the way those are set up. I would especially love it if Cathe could put the little counter clock on the screen.

Laura :: ack! Kidney stones! That sounds rough…hope you get some rest & recover…I'd be happy if I could lose another 20. I know it’s not about the number, but I’m basing my goal on what I used to be when I was at my fittest. I know I can reach that level again. So far, yes, I am absolutely lovin’ the X results and if it continues, that would be AWESOME!

Diana :: I have been there with the computer woes – not fun. Glad you had most of your personal pics on a CD. That’s a relief…Six to 10 inches of snow??? Yikes! Where are you?…Unfortunately, they do only use the scale for the competition at work…I don’t get too hung up on it – I’m just in it for the motivation/camaraderie. And at this point, I am focused mainly on the measurements.

I forgot to mention my workouts. On Tuesday, I did CST and ARX and really worked hard, upping my weights and/or reps on most of the exercise. Later that afternoon, I got a massage and wound up in quite a bit of pain (in the shoulders & lats) afterward. So, I took an unplanned rest day yesterday. Today will be Yoga Burn (subbing for YogaX).

Cathy :)
Laura - kidney stones are such a drag - putting it mildly I know. I, thankfully, have never had one, but I have taken care of patients who have.:-( Glad this one is behind you.:)

Cathy - A morrell is a mushroom. They are yummy and tricky to find and have a unique taste. Scientists have not been able to create a morrell in the lab so the only way you can get them is by finding them in the spring. Here in Michigan the season is usually mid-April to mid-May.

I live in northern Michigan and we got about 6-9 inches of snow. It has been snowing almost all day but it is the wet heavy stuff so it is packing down pretty quickly.

I did the BBC arms and ab workout without the TM section. It was 50 minutes of torture. }( I'm sure I will feel my arms tomorrow! It's also nice to have different ab exercises. I don't really like the way that there is virtually no rest between exercises, even when you are gasping for breath, but I guess if I can get thru it I will be more fit.

Off to eat dinner...

Hey X'ers.

So I did LowMax at nap time and just finished Long and Lean Yoga this evening. Tomorrow if I have time I will do my Budokon work out and Saturday is DEFINATELY a rest day. Sunday is more yoga if I have time. :)

Marcia: How did your class go this evening?

Angie: I've never watched Lost. Heck, I've never watched 99% of what's on TV these days. I'm too impatient to give new shows a chance. I just keep watching re-runs of the old ones! LOL

Nancy: I agree that LIC is a great work out. I like it alot too. Keep tryin' with the clean eating. Don't aim to be perfect. Just aim to do the best you can!:)

Diana: So were you able to squeeze in HSTA today? That work out is AWESOME! What a kick butt circuit!!!}(

Laura: Sorry about the kidney stone attack.:-( Glad you are feeling better now though. Congrats on your successes with the X!:) Do you have your next rotation lined up?

Cathy: How was your day? Were you able to do Yoga Burn?

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