P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July 5


Good morning, ladies~ :) :) :)

Wendy :: *lol* about your ideas to add on already…You know, I was looking at pictures of Angelina Jolie’s tats since that’s where I got the latitude/longitude idea, and I was reading that one of her tattoos is a prayer to her son and thought of you...
http://www.wutheringjolie.com/nuke/...albums/current/Jolie maddox prayer tattoo.jpg

Looks cool. Anywho, I have time to ask around and find a good shop. 1) I don’t want to have it done until I am fitter/closer to goal weight, and 2) I realized that, like waxing, LASIK, and everything else, I believe I have to wait 6 months until after I finish the acne medication. :( I’ll check with my derm at my next follow-up appointment. But actually, it’s fine to wait. It’s probably better. I tend to do things on a whim sometimes (e.g. skydiving), so this way I can really be sure I want and need these things permanently emblazoned somewhere on my body!

Diana :: so what would your tat be?…Good job pushing through the workout. Someone on the cheetah thread once advised that, even if you don't feel like working out, commit to the first 15 minutes of it. If you make it that long, chances are, you will get into it and follow through.

Angie :: sounds like an interesting read. It is another rainy and overcast day here, so I imagine I will be doing more reading this afternoon myself. I just finished a professional book (for teaching) and will probably start on another one today. So, will you be working today?

Nancy :: don’t know if you will have the opportunity to read this, but good to see ya. Glad you are thoroughly enjoying yourselves & your time to relax!

Today will be KPC, the cardio cond. premix + stability ball abs and Squeeze lower body mishmosh. I am DOMSin' and stiff from the heavy leg work this week, but it's all good 'cause I'm heading in for a hot stone massage later this morning.

Have a great day, everyone!
Cathy :)

"I always loved running...You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."
-Jesse Owens
Good Morning Ladies.

Today is supposed to be spin and yoga but that might change because DH wants to go to the gym tmrw night so I'd like to be able to go with him. I am wary, though, cause the last time he "stood me up" after I changed things around for him and I ended up going alone!x(

Cathy: I agree. Don't rush the tattoo proccess. Take as long as you need. Heck, it took me about 7 years to get my third! LOL I would love to get something having to do with Joey! I'll have to think about it some more. :) My DH wants a portrait of Joey done on him when Joey gets a little older. :)

Not much else goin' on around here....my 4th was uneventful!

RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

Wendy :: *lol* about DH "standing you up" at the gym. Has he seen your guns? He should know better than to fool with you! :)...I'm sure a good idea will come to you for the Joey tat. I do like the idea of a portrait...but that sounds like it would be BIG! *lol* Well, the Accutane is giving me no choice but to wait. I was surprised when I was told I couldn't have the LASIK done b/c of it, but oh well. This was a necessary evil to get my skin under control!! I really miss being able to get waxes, but I wouldn't dare. Your skin becomes so sensitive while taking this stuff - the surface breaks easily and wounds are slow to heal...so, if you were to get anything waxed, your skin would likely just tear -- ACK! *shivers* So, hopefully, I will be done soon as it has been 6 months, and I'm ready for life to return to normal!...So, what'll you do if you don't spin and do yoga today?

"I always loved running...You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."
-Jesse Owens
RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

Hey Cathy...I've changed my work out plan for sure. I am tackling PUB, abs and pull ups today at home. FUN!;-) Wow, what a scarey side affect Accutane has but I guess so long as you follow instructions on what NOT to do, you will be fine!:) So when exactly are the 6 months up? }(
RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

Sounds like a good workout...as soon I as hit post, I am off to get mine out of the way...yeah, this stuff does have some serious side effects!! It jacks up your cholesterol and triglycerides, can damage your liver, make you emotional, leave you fatigued, and if you work out, it can give you muscle and joint pain, which I have sometimes. Some of the minor drawbacks are really dry lips and contact lens sensitivity...it's really not a drug to fool with, and as I shared elsewhere on the forums, I am one who avoids taking *anything* for ay reason! It was not a light decision. I don't know how much longer I have to stay on it. I would like to be off by the end of August...I think I only have to wait 4 months for LASIK, but I can't remember for certain...But if that's the case, that would put me at February for waxing/tats or anything of that nature. I wonder if I can get a facial before then.

"I always loved running...You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."
-Jesse Owens
RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

Morning ladies!

Gosh didn't I just leave this place??? (the asylum)x(

Had a GREAT 4th! the party was excellent .. and my nephew had a ball .. he played and played in the pool and is finally getting BRAVE .. he actually JUMPED in w/o Dad's assist .. :)

He was funny ... I gave him a kid's ice cream machine (among a lot of other toys) .. but I went thru the whole spill about how to make home made ice cream .. he didn't care .. but when it was done .. DH brought out the canister ... he looked in .. and all wide eye looked up at me and exclaimed "Aunt Laura .. it is REAL!" .. it was a precious moment .. guess he thought I was making "pretend" ice cream .. LOL

We cooked hamburgers and hot dogs .. and had gorgeous weather .. laid by the pool and soaked up some rays .. (and I cosumed some CABS) ... just a FINE fourth!!:D

Anyway .. Wendy you have started Tattoo madness around here .. LOL!!:)

Cathe .. love the circle w/the flags .. I say go for it! I too was very scared about getting something I later regretted .. and I thought LONG and hard about what I wanted .. and like I said I drew it and imagine what it would look like on me .. and what it would look like when I am older .. and finally decided on the "spot" (w/less wrinkle possibilities) .. once DH gave his "consent" (afteralll HE has to look at it and like it) .. I went for it! And now have the second one pictured and again pondering the perfect "spot" (considering the wrinkle factor) ... and now have made my mind up and will be getting it soon!!:)

Diana .. you too? again I say go for it .. picture it .. ponder it and go for it!!:)

Angie .. so are you gonna get one? think I remember you saying "no way" ... they are not for everyone and they are a personal choice ..

Nancy .. guess I missed you .. glad you had a great fourth!! sounds like the beach and relaxing is heaven!!

OK girls .. I failed miserably on the workout yesterday .. did do a major CLEANMAX .. and did get the scuba gear out and tested it in the pool (that is a little exercise) ... did not do bad at all on eating .. even though calories did not count yesterday .. the burgers were deer meat burgers .. very LEAN .. and had ONE fattening hot dog weenie!! and only TASTED the ice cream!!

so today is back to reality .. TM at lunch... then 60 min. Power Yoga tonight!!

OK .. have rambled long enough .. hope everyone had a great fourth .. and a SAFE one! BBL to check on all to follow!! have a great one!:7
RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

I just picked up the dvds for my practical exam for my p/t cert. I am watching it now. I am VERY scared! LOL :p

Oh and the BEST part is that the video guy wants to hire me and he doesn't even care to wait until I'm "OFFICIAL"!!!!}(
RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

Hi ladies,

I have back, hamstrings and abs at lunch and bootcamp class tonight.

DS and I saw Live Free or Die Hard yesterday. He had already seen it but wanted to see it again. I liked the Die Hard movies and this was no exception. Then I went to a friends house to watch the fireworks.

The tattoo I keep coming back to is called "wisps to fly on". I found it on the skinU site. I love all the curves, but the bug in the middle kind of creeps me out. I would want that modified to not be a bug.

Cathy-I wish my dr. would recommend accutane for me, but he hasn't. Is it clearing up your acne? One my friends was on it for 6 months years ago and her skin still looks great. It does have a lot of side effects though. I usually have my upper/lower lip and chin waxed when I get my haircut. I've actually had to start using a depilatory cream cause the waxing caused me terrible breakouts.

Wendy-so you already have your first client and your not even certified yet:) You go girl. I'm sure you will pass with flying colors. Good Luck.

Laura-it sounds like you had a wonderful party yesterday. Your nephew sounds adorable.

Nancy-Glad to hear you are having a great time. Who else takes weights with them on vacation? What dedication you have.

Angie-hope your having a great day.

RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...


I checked out the tat. Very pretty and a tattoo artist could easily modify that to take the butterfly out of the design and even add something different to it if you wanted!:)
RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

I thought so too Wendy. I'm calling to make an appt for a navel piercing today. When I have that done I will take the downloaded artwork with me and see what they can do. I've wanted my navel peirced for a very long time so I'm just going to do it. It is for me only as I don't expect anyone else (except dh) to see it.

RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

My work out is done.

I did a 3 round circuit of pull ups/push ups/tricep dips/ARX ab work and then did PUB down only. I'm FRIED! }(

After I finish my post-work out snack I have to finish cleaning up around the house and then gotta hit the showers. I think we are going to Costco when DH gets home from work to "stock up"!:9

Diana: Good for you re: the naval piercing. I had mine done several years back but when I went in for surgery I had to remove it and was lazy about getting it put back in (I couldn't do it, it made me squeemish!LOL) so it ended up closing on me. I regret letting it close but don't think I'll ever re-pierce it either.

RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

Hola, fellow X grads~ :)

Laura :: glad you all enjoyed your Fourth…Sounds fun! I have avoided CABS now for almost two weeks, believe it or not!…thanks for the tat approval! :) OK, where *is* a good spot to have it done to avoid the wrinkle factor? It was probably me, not Angie, who said I’d concluded that getting inked was just not for me. The main reason being that I couldn’t decide on what I would want that would have lasting significance, and secondly, for the aging reason. I don’t know if you were around for my post or not, but I was in college at the time I’d initially considered, and at my then-job, I talked to a lot of older folks who kept saying, “Don’t do it! This is what it looks like now!” I was surprised, but more people regretted their tats than those who didn’t. So, that plus the indecision made me drop it...At any rate, it’s good I have to wait b/c I *am* thinking it through thoroughly before I do this…Even now, I’m asking myself, Why exactly do I *need* this permanently on my body? I’m such a commitment-phobe! *lol*…I’d say you fared well eating-wise, all things considered. I am fighting my beastly appetite again. I swear, I seem to do much better when I start my day with oatmeal. It’s probably psychological.

Wendy :: glad you’ve got the DVDs finished and in your hands…That’s AWESOME that you already have a client!!! See, you’ve got NOTHIN’ to worry about, girl – your career is gonna take off!! I know you’ll probably want to work in-person with your clients, but maybe you should also consider doing online training!...Great w/out, as always! You are the pullup master!!

Diana :: I liked the ol’ Die Hard movies, too…There are a bunch of flicks out or coming out that I want to see. I just saw License to Wed with Robin Williams, Mandy Moore, and that cutie from The Office. It was cute…Yes, Accutane has done WONDERS for my skin…my derm tried a few other things first (Retin-A, Duac topical, and Soledyne) to no avail. It was frustrating b/c I had really good skin all through my teens and early-to-mid 20s – and then when I hit my late 20s (at the very point in my life when I started teaching middle school, actually), I started to get adult acne. At first, the breakouts were annoying but not too bad and not really cystic…and then, within the last two years, I’d say, it became out of control—cystic in nature, along the chin, jawline, and even the neck. Now it wasn’t truly *severe* acne, but I was *very* self-conscious about it and not feeling good…Anyway, it is working for me and has been worth the unpleasant effects. Still, I hope to be done soon!

This morning’s KPC premix continued to work my poor, tired legs, but in that sick way we have, I’m enjoying the pain }(…I did the stability ball abs and a *very* short Squeeze mish-mosh: just 15 minutes but it burned like hell. So, the massage after was FANTASTIC!!! Can’t wait to go again.

Have a great night!
Cathy :)

"I always loved running...You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."
-Jesse Owens
RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

I'm happy to report my weight workout is done for the day. It consisted of deadlifts, lunges, calf raises, leg curls, pull ups, and rows. I went as heavy as possible. I also did glute lifts w/35lb plate and weighted ab work. Cathy said it just right "but in that sick way we have, I’m enjoying the pain" }( I hope we run a lot tonight in bootcamp!

The other tat I've often thought about is my 3 son's first initial, in a unique pattern. I'm not creative enough to come up with that one on my own. Actually, I think I just did.:)

Wendy-your workout sounds like a real burner. Keep up the good work!

Cathy-you had a massage-what a great way to reward yourself for staying commited to all your workouts and healthy eating.

Angie-happy day to you. I'm sure you'll be checkin' in tonight. I'll be checking the forums after bootcamp.

RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

Diana :: whoo, another helluva workout, I see! I checked out that first tat you mentioned - looks cool! Do you think you'll keep the butterfly in the center? Also like the idea of your sons' initials...Um, yeah, I don't know how committed I have been to healthy eating - doing better, but not as good as I'd like to be! - but it is the perfect reward, IMO, for hard workouts. I feel that as long as I am exercising faithfully, I can justify that kind of expense! Enjoy tonight's boot camp!

"I always loved running...You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."
-Jesse Owens
RE: P90X Grads & Nancy (if you're still around) - July ...

Hi all

Boy, it sure has been busy in here today. I ended up going in to work today and got my 2nd quarter papers done and mailed out. I'm all caught up at work now.:) At least for a week or so. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to sleeping in, then packing and cleaning. Don't give me any crap about it either (Diana) - it has been a while!:p LOL! - just teasing.

Wendy - The video guy sounds like he has good taste. I'm sure he's thinking - if this girl can get guns like that, I want her to train me! :) I'd be fried after that w/o that you did too! Sounds killer. }(
Ohhhhhh - I wish there was a Costco nearby.:-( The closest one is about 3 hours away. Such good stuff there.

Cathy - I had a feeling you might have some good DOMS today. Your w/o yesterday sounded tough.
I love reading a good book - not a professional one either. LOL! I just get so involved in my books that I have a hard time getting anything done. I'll be reading it tonight after everyone goes to bed. I won't feel guilty either b/c I get to sleep in tomorrow.:)
Accutane is serious stuff for sure. A few years back, our Congressmans son comitted suicide while taking it. I think you mentioned that it can cause severe depression. So do you just take it for a specified period of time and then you don't need to take it anymore?
A stone massage? That sounds absolutely heavenly!!!

Laura - Sounds like you had a good ole' American 4th of July.:) Glad you had a great holiday, and just think, the weekend is just around the corner!!:)
Nope - I don't want a tat. I'm not against them at all though. I'm just not creative enough to figure out what I would want or where I would want it. I also want to donate my organs and I don't think I can do that if I have a tat.:-(
Scuba gear??? Oh how fun! I got my certification in college and haven't used it since. It was something that had always interested me and then I watched Open Water last year. Ummmmmm - I won't be going way out in a charter boat scuba diving anytime soon. But, I would love to just go out in one of the big lakes here in Michigan. It is so much fun.

Diana - I can't believe Bruce Willis still looks so damn good. He and Demi must be drinking some awesome water - and Ashton too - he looks so young. LOL!
I'm sure I'll be heading out soon enough to go see Harry Potter. I think it opens next week.
Have fun at your bootcamp class. I was so inspired by your BC class that I did Cathes bootcamp today. I know it's not the same.:(

Hey Nancy - you were here - now your not. Glad to hear you have been having such a good time;-)

See ya in the morning!


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