
I have really liked this original question because I have been wondering the same myself....when exactly does it become overtraining? I love to exercise and would do it more than I do if I was not concerned about overtraining.

Currently I am doing STS 5-6 times per week plus maybe one Hiit workout and 2-3 outdoor cycling road bike sessions. This amounts to 10-15 hours of exercise per week. I am really trying to watch it...because I have just kicked up to this notch the last week...and I have to say I am sleeping really well :D. Also, I have the luxury of taking it easy before and after the workouts and watching my nutrition very carefully. I am actually loving it!

I really like a few of the comments on this thread and they were very helpful....!!!

Hi tlc93! Hopefully Cathe wilI be able to send you a reply. I sometimes tend to find myself on the verge of overtraining - for me, it's a matter of being stubborn, not backing off when I should. You might google "overtraining syndrome symptoms" and see if you are experiencing many of them. If you seem to have quite a few symptoms a recovery week might help, and will also make you come back stronger and more energized. I make myself take one every 4-6 weeks wether i want to or not (-: Oddly, it's during my recovery week where my best results show. I think it's because the muscles have time to build and repair. My active recovery weeks usually look something like this:
1. Kickboxing
2. 60 minute power yoga followed by 15 minutes of foam rolling (I actually use a rumble roller - It rocks!!!!)
3. Steady State Run 45 minutes & A Stretch Max
4. 60 minute power yoga followed by 15 minute foam roll
5. Slide & Glide from LIS
6. 60 minute power yoga followed by 15 minutes of foam roll
7. Rest

No plyometrics, heavy lifting, or intervals for me that week. I try to really embrace and enjoy my recovery week as a well earned treat.

I highly recommend the foam roller, and if you can spring for it, the rumble roller. It significantly aids my recovery and really works the nots and DOMS out. You might find that doing it nightly helps you to relax too.

Hope some of this is helpful.

Thanks for posting this viola1625! Next week is going to be an active recovery week as we are going to a beach house for the week and I need a break from weights.. I will be following this schedule and see what happens!
Hey Tralaiven.....it does get confusing doesn't it? Sometimes I can't tell if I'm overdoing it, pushing harder and feeling it, tired, stressed or what?! I always stick to my schedule and adjust things when needed (if I'm busy, short on time or simply tired). After reading the info given here, I've done a little research. I'm kind of thinking that I really need more stretching, yoga etc. Active recovery time may be the ticket. Diet also plays a huge role in how I'm feeling. If I'm eating bad......that's EXACTLY how I feel. While on vacation I was vigilant about what I ate and it made a huge difference! Good luck with your new schedule and have a relaxing vacation!!!

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