

For some reason, every Friday when I come home from college, I eat until I'm stuffed, and even after that I still "nibble" on junk. At the end of the night, I look pregnant! I always read that you overeat if you don't let yourself eat what you want, but I never deny myself. During the school week, I eat normal (including my fav foods), but not to the point where I feel stuffed and gross.

How can I overcome this? Also, after I do this and feel bad about myself, how can I feel better and not so fat?

I think you need a plan. It's ok to indulge a little on the weekend. Just say I will have pizza and ice cream or any other junk food you might care to indulge in. Then that's it. I eat more on the weekends and treat myself to something sweet but I also workout hard so I do not want to blow all my hard work and end up feel bloated and guilty. So I indulge a little and then say ok enough is enough. We recently had two deserts in the house which had 560 cals and like 46 fat grams per small serving. I equated them to an almost 6 mile run and only indulged once! Eat your treats slooooowly and savor each bite!
I agree with Bobbi. I am a junk food junkie but I make little rules of eating. For instance, I rarely eat anything sweet before 5 p.m. (I know, you are not supposed to eat sweets at night.) If I allow myself to eat sweets before then, I think I can eat them all day long. It's weird, but it works. I also believe in eating small meals during the day and a healthy dinner. I wonder how old you are because as I get older (I am now 38), I never feel like totally pigging out. I used to do that all the time in college and now I just don't do it anymore.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-01 AT 10:32AM (Est)[/font][p]Lis, the others are right on the money. Here is another thought. Is it possible you're getting into a bad habit that you might be able to change by changing your internal cues (by doing something different)? For example, maybe, when you get home, instead of starting to eat right away you could grab an apple and go out for a walk. You could use the time walking to remind yourself that you don't want to binge, that if you can keep your eating down to a more "normal" level you'll wake up feeling great on Saturday morning.

I used to be a terrible binge-eater in my late teens and early twenties. It took me a long time to overcome it (I'm 40 now). I found that the only thing that worked for me was to do something else (go out for a walk, go out with friends (especially people who would be disgusted if they saw me pig out), work out, play the piano, take a warm bath with a cup of tea, brush my teeth). Think of it as replacing the old habit with a new habit. I still need to watch myself because I'm perfectly capable of going on a food bender, but at least I'm aware of it now and I can usually head it off at the pass.

Good luck -- this is a toughie.
Maybe its stress that causes the Friday night binges? The excessive eating could unconsciously help relax you from the grueling school week away from home. I read in the newspaper that junk food sales are up since 9/ll. Many people find comfort in eating fatty foods. Just a thought I wanted to share. I too, would suggest finding another outlet. Perhaps a Cathe video? Good Luck!
I am in college and do the same thing! I'm relieved I'm not the only one. It's good to hear others did so in college as well. I don't have any advice, since I'm in the same boat....but I wanted to let you know you're not alone :) Where do you go to school? I'm in MN, and although this year has been nice, the cold weather also seems to bring on the binge for me.

Good luck with finals!
RE: YOu can overcome it :)

I did the same thing in college and then one day, I decided that it was e-nough! Instead of eating, busy yourself with doing something else. I literally would jump off the couch and go shopping or clean or wahtever it took to make myself think of something else. You might also consider saving your workout that day for when you get home. I don't know about you, but after a workout, I tend to eat a lot less.
Hi! Sometimes it's just nice to know you're not alone. I'm 37 and had the EXACT same habit when i was in college. I don't think i ever did get over it while i was still a student. (don't let that discourage you! :)) It is hard once you get into that mindset. my parents iived out of town, so whenever i went home for the weekend, i REALLY pigged out. To this day, i don't know if it was stress or what.
Be glad to know that it won't continue the rest of your life!! I am now a "working woman" and still love to binge, but my plan is i tell myself that if i'm good all week - relatively good, which means just a little of my fav. foods - then i can pig out on friday night, or saturday/night. then, back on track starting on sunday.
this also sort of helps me get through the week b/c you're not really depriving yourself b/c you get to look forward to the weekend when you can eat your favorite foods!! (My weakness which i used to get a couple times a week is a cookie dough custard "blizzard" type thing, with hot caramel on top. I started telling myself i can only have it on the weekend, and i don't hate myself as much)!!
Good luck!! Lynne

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