OT: What kind of work do you do?


That includes anything you might be doing from home or volunteering, etc...

I am a divorced mom of two wonder boys aged 13 and 6. In my "spare" 40 hours a week, I am a learning & development "guru" specializing in multimedia instructional design for a large insurance company. I love what I do because I really enjoy learning new things; it keeps it fresh.

How about you??

Hi Marie--Love the red hair--I am a red head also. I hated it when I was a child and a teen (not a popular hair color in the 70's and early 80's), but I love it now!

I am a homeschooling mother of five kiddos ages 18 months to 10 1/2 yrs. Our 4th child (age 3 1/2) has downs syndrome so he and the 18 month old are like having twin toddler boys!

I love what I do. It is challenging and keeps me learning. And working out helps my stress level and keeps my weight down and my energy level up. It is my time every day.

take care
Hi Marie,

I am a full time collection rep for a bank.

Once my baby is born I will be a stay at home mom.

When I get back to work down the road...who knows what I might end up doing...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Assistant Administrator for municipal govmt. I have the best job in the world. I love that I can walk out the door of town hall & really see the stuff I've accomplished.
>I am an Investigator for a Public Defender's office. Great
>job, love what I do...I'm naturally nosey:p

Ohhhh how do you get that job, I would love it! I want it!

I'm currently a slave to a 4.5 year old and a 45 year old:p . I have a nursing degree but my last job was a Asst. Horse Trainer, lessons, riding the stock, day to day barn chores, that sorta thing. I miss it all actually :) especially the horses.
my last job was a Asst. Horse
>Trainer, lessons, riding the stock, day to day barn chores,
>that sorta thing. I miss it all actually :) especially the

Very cool! I would love to do that sort of thing. I love animals!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


I don't work. I just stay home with my six children, watch TV, and eat BonBons all day. :7

Seriously though, my children are homeschooled so they are home ALL the time. I work part time as a merchandiser (twice a week...Hey, I HAVE to get out of the house sometime). I was going to school for nursing but had to put that on the backburner for awhile. (I can't wait to start again!)

i'm a full time college student who should be graduating at the end of fall with a bachelor's degree in information technology...but my job and passion is being a health care assistant with Planned Parenthood. just need to get that pesky bachelor's out of the way before applying for nursing school!
i am a mom to a DS age5...i work 2 days a week as a RN.....go to school part time presently to become a Nurse Practioner....have the kit for ACE certification, but not the time right now.....and volunteer at the Y .........husband is fit in here somewhere!}(
HI Everyone,

I work at Nordstroms in the cosmetic department. I am the Clarins counter manager. Been in Cosmetics for 15 years. Working in Saks & the May company stores. Sold Real Estate for 5 years before that.

Have a beloved husband & 3 boys ages 21, 19,16. The 19 year old has Spina Bifida. This keeps us busy. Also...2 black labradors!

I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom to my 3 boys, 12, 10 and 8, so that keeps me busy. Nice to see other homeschooling moms that workout to Cathe.:7 I do have a BA in Biology!!:)
I am certified as a Women's Health NP but am enjoying being a SAHM now. I also do some teaching for the nursing programs. Wonder if I can include SAHM to my professional signature. :)

Oh yeah, as if having 6 kids isn't work. My hat goes off to the stay at home moms. The very idea scares the crap out of me. :eek:
Attorney at law firm.

Okay, I have a dumb question. Well, several questions actually. There are so many here that home school. What exactly does that mean and is it legal? Does it mean that your kids don't go to public school, and if so, does the government allow it? What is the basis for the government allowing it? Did you have other options? If so, why did you pick this option? And, finally, how do your kids get to socialize with other kids their age? Just curious.
At home Mom for the moment , Been doing a In home day care For 3.5 years with my last little boy . I have three boys 20,16 and 3.5 .I have been off from my real trade since he was born . I have to make some money . So I do the daycare . Plus it brings in friends for my little guy ... But when I work ,I did it for 20 years before this break .... I'm a Baker /Pastry Chef ... Come on school so I can get back to work ..LOL :) :) :) :) .
I'm Mommy to 2 year old twin daughters (who will be 3 in April) and 6 year old son.

I also work full-time as an attorney in a small law firm in dh's and my old college town.

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