Good morning everyone. I took my dog to the vet Saturday because he was limping and it looked like he was losing weight. The vet said he didn't lose weight but he did look skinny like he lost muscle weight well anyway she said his limp nose was swollen and that is one sign of cancer. She took some blood and wanted to send it to a specialist to see if he did have cancer and also to check for lime disease well she called back a few hours later and said it was lime disease and not cancer since that makes that limp nose swollen. She said she is going to call me Monday because she wanted to make sure that the lime disease didn't effect his kidney well I got a call an hour ago and it did effect his kidney. She said that it is hard to turn it around but we are going to try. I have to get special dog food from the vet and pills and we just have to keep an eye on him. He will only be 3 this Friday. Please everyone say a prayer for Petie;( . I don't know what Im suppose to tell my younger son who is so attach to him. Thanks everyone.