OT: How you know you are a Chicagoan!

>You know what the phone number is to Empire Carpet!

Of course - five, eight, eight, two, three-hundred, EMPIIIIIRE!

Ha! Thanks for the laugh!

Susan L.G.

BTW, one of slogans to a long ago Illinois tourist campaign was, "There's no noise in Illinois..." ;)
~SIGH~ We have that darn commercial here too, for as long as I can remember & now I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY MIND!!

Thanks a lot, Chicago Girls!;-)

Ruth from "Balmer" Maryland
p.s. Two of my three bf's are from Chicago. Hmmm. Does that say anything? LOL
>I live in the Milwaukee area also and some of these are very
>familiar. Now I have that lovely song in my head also. Is it
>wrong of me to feel some joy when I see Illinois drivers on
>the side of the road getting a ticket }(
>Pedmom, I live just East of Mukwonago, so Hello neighbor!

Get OUT of here Laurie----I live in East Troy!!

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