Oprah & "The New Earth"

RE: Oprah &

Can we quit the spooky talk? This book isn't of Satan! For pity's sake, it promotes quietness, and contemplation! Check out the report on the government and the torture of prisoners if you want to see Satan!!!! Check out the young men that are filling our hospitals who are not right and forever damaged by this satanic war....check out Dafur, if we're going to find evil, we can look a little farther than this snoozefest book on medication.

Lighten up people!

Next thing you know, we'll be accusing Cathe of witchcraft for the burning she bestow's on my butt after butts and guts! That is wickedness! :)
RE: Oprah &

That's a good question. I find my answers in the Bible. Books claiming any other gods, including thinking of ourselves as gods, have deceitful inspiration. That's why even Jesus warns us to be on guard. Satan's best weapon is making everything seem okay. That's why he is good at his job of deception. }(
RE: Oprah &

What do you mean "next thing you know"... I already have! I must like it though, because I'm waiting for my next dose of witchcraft from STS.
RE: Oprah &

>Can we quit the spooky talk? This book isn't of Satan! For
>pity's sake, it promotes quietness, and contemplation! Check
>out the report on the government and the torture of prisoners
>if you want to see Satan!!!! Check out the young men that are
>filling our hospitals who are not right and forever damaged by
>this satanic war....check out Dafur, if we're going to find
>evil, we can look a little farther than this snoozefest book
>on medication.
>Lighten up people!
>Next thing you know, we'll be accusing Cathe of witchcraft for
>the burning she bestow's on my butt after butts and guts!
>That is wickedness! :)

LOL! I was just curious about how people can know these things. I just find it odd that someone would think that this book is really a Satanic trap. Like who gets to decide these things?

I totally agree about where the true evil is. I'd also like to add to your list the FLDS, which is seeming more and more like some elaborate scheme for organized pedophilia disguised as a religion. And you're right about our Cathe-she probably is some kind of witch. What else can explain her ungodly athleticism? Very, very suspicious...:p
RE: Oprah &

Hi All!

I haven't read this but it's on my list.

Have any of you read any Pema Chodron? I just read When Things Fall Apart and am in the middle of The Places that Scare You. Great books, great insight. Anyway, sorry to go OT but just wanted to recommend someone else you guys might like. I plan to pick up Tolle soon. :)


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
RE: Oprah &

Okay, I've been trying to keep my mouth shut and stay out of this, but this is getting out of hand. If you are a Christian, and do not wish to read books like this - it's a free country, don't read them.

BUT, this IS a free country, if I wish to go on an exercise forum and read about increasing my spirituality, I have a right to do so without being told that I'm straying off the straight narrow by not following ONLY the Bible. You are free to start a topic talking about the virtues of the Bible which I am free to read or to not read as I see fit, but please do not turn my quest for information on a book on Spirtuality into a soap box for your religion.
RE: Oprah &

>Okay, I've been trying to keep my mouth shut and stay out of
>this, but this is getting out of hand. If you are a
>Christian, and do not wish to read books like this - it's a
>free country, don't read them.
>BUT, this IS a free country, if I wish to go on an exercise
>forum and read about increasing my spirituality, I have a
>right to do so without being told that I'm straying off the
>straight narrow by not following ONLY the Bible. You are free
>to start a topic talking about the virtues of the Bible which
>I am free to read or to not read as I see fit, but please do
>not turn my quest for information on a book on Spirtuality
>into a soap box for your religion.

I couldn't agree more.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
RE: Oprah &


Morning, all.


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
RE: Oprah &

Sparrow - I love your quote from Hafiz. Such a wonderful poet - I have only read bits of his stuff from quotes in other books. Do you know where I might find a book with his work in complete form?

RE: Oprah &


Yep, I was a little weirded out too - I am trying to ignore the weird stuff and just get some book recommendations :)

For me exercise is just one part of fitness and my mental and emotional ("spiritual") health are of equal importance so I like to read to strength train these areas. The Power of Now has helped me focus on the present moment and not stress about stuff that happened in the past or what might happen in the future as much as I used to.

RE: Oprah &

"Jesus warns us to be on guard, not to read and enjoy books that could lead you astray."

Yes, indeedy, reading books and thinking for yourself are very dangerous!!! Make sure that you or your family members never read anything by the following agnostics, deists, atheists, non-Christians, and/or nontheists:

Abraham Lincoln
Albert Eistein
Marie Curie
Ernest Hemingway
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Freidrich Nietzsche
James Madison
Simone de Beauvoir
Leo Tolstoy
Kurt Vonnegut
James Joyce
Mark Twain
Robert Frost
Thomas Paine
Jonathan Swift
Percy Shelley
Albert Camus
Arthur Miller
Virginia Woolf
Joseph Conrad
Margaret Atwood
H.L. Mencken
George Eliot
Jean-Paul Sartre
Victor Hugo
RE: Oprah &

>"Jesus warns us to be on guard, not to read and enjoy books
>that could lead you astray."
>Yes, indeedy, reading books and thinking for yourself are very
>dangerous!!! Make sure that you or your family members never
>read anything by the following agnostics, deists, atheists,
>non-Christians, and/or nontheists:
>Abraham Lincoln
>Albert Eistein
>Marie Curie
>Ernest Hemingway
>Benjamin Franklin
>Thomas Jefferson
>Freidrich Nietzsche
>James Madison
>Simone de Beauvoir
>Leo Tolstoy
>Kurt Vonnegut
>James Joyce
>Mark Twain
>Robert Frost
>Thomas Paine
>Jonathan Swift
>Percy Shelley
>Albert Camus
>Arthur Miller
>Virginia Woolf
>Joseph Conrad
>Margaret Atwood
>H.L. Mencken
>George Eliot
>Jean-Paul Sartre
>Victor Hugo

Tneah, http://pic40.picturetrail.com/VOL395/10721112/19111645/313494708.jpg
}( ;)
RE: Oprah &

I do think for myself. And I chose to believe in God and the Bible.
I read daily and I buy books every month. I have a huge library of books I've collected and read over time. I esp like historical works. I even listen to history CDs in the car instead of music. WHAT I read though is important. What you put into your mind will affect you. If you want to read something that is spiritual in nature it is just a good idea to research it first to see what is behind it. If a book is teaching things against what I think God would approve of why read it? Unless it is for research/educational purposes which I do sometimes. It is silly to make it seem we don't believe in being educated, thinking for ourselves or in reading. I read books that are educational, historical, religious and on heavy topics on a regular basis. Not to mention the Bible which is the main book we should be reading to renew our mind and guide us spiritually(if your Christian). I also LOVE history and I do read about historical peoples beliefs but not in the sense I sit down to believe and absorb them. I read them for educational purposes in light of what I know from the Bible. If you are not Christian I don't expect you to think that way.. but still would you pick up books about how to do spells and divination? Unless you were interested in believing/being involved in that you would not. What the problem is is how very different religious teachings are being "blended" with Christianity and some people are unaware of it.

All I say is research things... see what is behind them before accepting it. Make an informed decision. Don't just accept things for what they say they are. If you disagree with me fine. I cannot force you to agree with me nor do I want to. I just want to give some info for those that may want to hear it. I don't see why saying to be cautious to other Bible believers is wrong. ?

Religious topics are touchy subjects.. I really didn't want to start a debate though just be able to give some info some may appreciate. As long as I'm not accused of something and feel a need to respond I'm done with this thread. I tried to keep it short/simple but I guess I had to explain more in depth? If the talk is just more chit chat about reading the book I do not plan to post at all.
It is also frustrating how reading posts on the internet can be taken in the wrong way. In no way am I trying to attack anyone or be rude. So please don't read my posts in that way.
RE: Oprah &

>Not to mention the Bible which is the main book we should be reading to renew our mind and guide us spiritually(if your Christian).

Ok - I have also totally stayed out of this, since I've not read the book and am not a really big Oprah fan, but I have to ask, Jess, isn't THAT one of the points? What about those who are not??

Established religion has always driven me crazy since the time I was old enough to really start thinking for myself. I was raised Baptist and was asked to leave my church youth group when I started to ask too many questions on things that just did not make sense to me. Eg -- keep in mind that the Bible has been translated from language to language through the years. In some languages there are no words for concepts that we have in the English language, so when translating, the translators aim to come as close to the concept as possible, but it doesn't always work. (Eg, there is one culture in New Guinea that has no word or phrase for "getting lost", so consequently those people have never had that experience -- if you don't have a word in your language, then you don't have that experience -- maybe a smilar one, but not the same.) So how many of God's/Jesus' teachings may have been modified so as to fit into the linguistic options we have?

That's one thing. But the other is what I think is the arrogance of established religion. If I am raised my whole life learning that when I look up, the color I see in the sky is green, and a scientist comes into my life one day and says "no, you are wrong, that is actually blue", why do I have to accept that? If a teaching I have been raised with my whole life is challenged, does that make it "right"? So that's why I think it doesn't matter what "you call it", whether God or Buddah or Allah, or Ralph, (as Wayne Dyer says), if there is the prevailing wisdom of the universe, how can we pigeon hole it all into one lump sum or one identified true way? Why can't we learn and read and challenge ourselves without someone pointing a finger and saying what we are doing is the manifestaion of evil in an attempt to undermine what we may otherwise truly believe. I did watch the YouTube vid and it just didn't make sense to me.

Ok - I'll bow out now. Thank you all for the intriguing discussion.


RE: Oprah &

This discussion is interesting to me because a few days ago I was checking out Oprah's website info about the book. I haven't read it and don't know if I'm going to-DH is a philosophy professor and might make fun of me for reading something he'd consider "new-agey" or fluffy ! :eek: I'll have to put up with being teased!

Anyway, I saw on her site something about how the book does not conflict with anyone's religious beliefs and naively thought, why do they have to put this disclaimer up? Now I get it.

I find it so sad that some people cling to religious beliefs that cause them to judge and then avoid a book like this (without even reading it) on the grounds that it is possibly Satanic. To me, it's frightening when people go on witch hunts against books like this in the name of their God.

I just started reading Proust in French and it's really beautiful. I'm sad that these same people would probably consider this amazing work of human genius the devil's work, since Proust was gay. They are missing out on so much. :-(

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