I got so sad when I read how many people seem annoyed with posts that aren't about fitness. I guess because I work such long hours, and spend my leisure time working out alone, I just don't have time for real socializing, so I enjoy popping in during the day between work assignments to say happy birthday to someone or have a laugh at a joke, or whatever. Now I feel guilty for cluttering up space where people are really only interested in fitness information. All I heard Cathe saying was that she didn't want any raunchy stuff on here, but so many people took the opportunity to go MUCH further to say that they don't like any kind of off-topic material, that I now feel like I've been abusing a privilege and don't feel good about posting anymore unless I have a question about a DVD.

I feel a real loss; but maybe I was abusing the privilege.


Go to the jokes topic and read the thread. We think we've come up with a solution for everyone that may work :)

I felt a bit guilty also because I posted on the thread in question. I love your posts, though, and I hope you don't stop posting. You reminded me of why I like it here so much. For almost 3 years, I've been agoraphobic. If I get out of the house twice a week, it's a lot, and it's usually to do mundane things like grocery shopping. Although I have some great friends with whom I keep in touch, I don't do the daily chit chat on the phone thing, and I don't see them. So, it's really nice to be able to come here for some chit chat and laughs like you mentioned.

Don't go anywhere lol!

Just as an aside, I wanted to say that maintaining innocence does seem to be a lot harder now! I'm 22, so childhood wasn't too long ago. I have good little friends who are 9 and 10, and I see how different things are from just a decade ago. They know so much!
I completely agree with Bobbi, and even though I run the risk of criticism, I'm going to voice my opinion about this anyway. I'm not so sure that we should be so worried about teens coming on here and being "exposed" to mature subject matter. Granted, I have no idea what topics were deleted, but here is my take on the situation. Our beloved fitness magazines such as Oxygen, Muscle Fitness Hers, etc. regularly have articles regarding sex. Does this mean that our local health clubs should stop having these magazines in their cardio rooms because teens may pick them up? I hope not because I would soon be bored to death on the treadmill!

I do agree that we should all behave with polite decorum, and while I don't care much for "raunchiness," I would hate to see valid concerns left unaddressed for fear of censure.

One more note on teens ~ I spend ALL day EVERY day with them, and believe me, they know more than you would ever believe they know! They know a heck of a lot more about most things than I even know, and I'm just not sure that avoiding certain subjects will "protect" them. It looks to me like this forum is filled with many smart ladies who would be more reliable than much of the information that is being passed between adolescent girls in the high school hallways. I hate to be so cynical, but as a teacher, I guess I hear things that parents wouldn't believe!!

I hate the idea of forum police in all its manifestations, and this includes members telling other members that their posts should have been posted elsewhere and not in the Ask Cathe forum on the rare ocasion that these slip-ups occur with newbies. I say, just leave 'em be.

I personally don't want to read about "#### buddies", but since "Sex & the City" deals with it, hey! I can handle it and choose not to respond/participate. That's a rational adult's prorogative.

It is true, however, that empirically the threads which lead to verbal fisticuffs and Cathe intervention are about sex, politics and religion, the old chestnuts we aren't suppose to discuss in public!

So, now you know how to police your own posts!


You haven't abused anything, Nancy. As serious as we can be about our fitness, there's always time for a laugh, a chat or a birthday wish. I enjoyed your Aunt Nancy post and could relate to those heart-felt feelings. They give the energy to the wrong people, don't they? Young whippersnappers. But Aunt Nancy rocks when it comes to a Cathe workout and that's saying alot! Think of how many fitness related topics went off in another direction. I remeber vividly being introduced to Alexis in that "Peanut" thread which was a shoot off of a discussion regarding dimuitive Catheites. I laughed my behind off and that's an endorphin rush that's as good or better than the ones we get from Cathe's sometimes torturous workouts. If we confined ourselves to fitness alone this place would lose much of it's flavor and we'd never bond as we have. So I pooh pooh anyone who wants only fitness related threads. No way. I am so much more than a workout goddess and I want it all. We have a choice about whether or not to enter a topic and nobody is forced to read a joke or share their pet peeves, favorite movies and songs or any of the myriad of other things we love to get (off) onto. Ask Cathe and the Video forum may be mostly fitness related but the OD affords us a little more leeway. Always has. Fitness easily branches off into health and beauty issues, life issues. I have my diet and exercise down pat. Sometimes I just want to how you Easterners are enduring the winter when it's 72 here, whether or not Briee's gotten her bicep vein or what PMS really stands for. Has Briee gottne her bicep vein?
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
I have not read all of the replies to this post or Cathe's request, so someone may have already expressed similar thoughts. I've been around for over 5 years so I do have some history.

This forum used to be full of fitness & health posts. Since this is a fitness website, I consider posts that are not fitness/health related as OT, & they now dominate the "Open Forum". Some are inflammatory, some are frivilous, some are interesting, but frankly I found the sex polls offensive. Why would I care about a stranger's sex history & why would they want to know about mine? I also wonder how many people were violating their employer's computer policies by viewing or participating in the polls.

Two people seem to have taken over the "Rotation Forum" which is another irritant this last month. I kept checking for Hardcore ideas & had to wade through what seemed like a private correspondence that often took up the entire 1st page. What's up with responding to your own post twice when no one else has?

I wish I could offer a solution or suggest guidelines. The problem isn't a single OT post but the volume. Maybe Cathe & SNM would be willing to establish a "Fitness & Health Forum" so that the "Open Forum" could be an anything goes forum.


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