Only one month till the roadtrip......

I hope I am not the only one who is not at the fitness level as Cathe or some of her fans. I have a lot of weight to lose and I am no where near my goal. I was hoping this roadtrip will help me finish my weightloss goal and stay motivated. Out of the 50lbs of weight I need to lose, I have only lost 10 lbs...:( . I actually thought of cancelling, don't want to be the only "fat" girl and feel out of place.
Please don't feel this way. We all have strengths and weaknesses (not even sure I spelled that right :+ ) It is not a contest to see who is the fittest, most gifted stepper, etc. Life is kinda that way too. We can spend all of our time worrying and comparing ourselves to others that we forget to enjoy ourselves. Please don't do that. We all have at least one thing in common. We love Cathe- even if it is love to hate sometimes }( and we love working out. And I bet ya we have more than that in common ;)

I agree with Catherine -- we're going to have a great time (which I know we will!), so don't worry about being at a "certain point" when you get there. I know I'm not going to be anywhere close to where I'd "like to be" at the time of the road trip, but I'm just looking forward to having fun working out with my favorite instructor. I am, however, really cranking up the intensity of my workouts -- I'm not so much worried about how I will look as much as I am that I might not be able to keep up!! I'm so used to doing my workouts in the privacy of my home, so if I poop out, I can and no one knows!

Let's just know that we're going to have a great time and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

Hey, I just hope and pray Cathe doesn't do stability ball abs with pikes :+ :D :+ No but seriously, I am a little nervous about taking a live class. But I am not gonna sweat it.

Look at it this way, the RT is gonna be such an inspirational event!! We will all leave with new friends and probably a new outlook on life!!

I also wanted to tell you to try not to feel this way! Judging from some of the people here who are going on the RT, we are sure to have a great time!! I believe there are people of all sizes and levels and I can't think of one person yet who has seemed anything but nice and caring. We are all worried about one thing or another... for me, it's my extreme sweating that I am worried about. I mean, two minutes into class and I will be dripping... yuck!! No one will want to be near me! Also, I went to Cathe's gym last year and took a live class with her ( kickboxing) and let me tell you, she is absolutely wonderful! She makes you feel so welcome and good and is seriously just the sweetest thing! The people in her class were also all different shapes and ages and levels. So, no worries, be proud of your accomplishments so far and have fun on the trip!

We have a RT check in that you may want to join before the RT ( over at Check ins and Challenges). Everyone there is so great and I think you might feel better if you get to know some people before the trip. I am feeling much more at ease about it since I have gotten to know some of these great ladies!

Can't wait to meet you next month!
Please don't feel like that. You signed up to go on the road trip for you. No one else. So you don't have to be a certain size or fitness level. Just have fun. When I went on the RT 2 years ago, I was scared to death. Since I was used to working out at home, I was used to pooping out when I wanted to(all too often) so for the classes I just paced myself and gave it the intensity I knew I could handle. I wanted to enjoy myself, not kill myself because someone might be watching. This year I will be pacing myself again. I have really slacked off lately and my endurance has suffered. I too set some goals that I wanted to meet before the road trip that I haven't accomplished. Once you meet the other participants you will not have any fears. Every shape, size and fitness level will be there. Once you meet Cathe and crew you will be on cloud nine and not come down for days. so put you fears behind you, start packing and get ready to have a blast.

I completely understand the way you feel! I had a baby in March and gained a ton of weight. It was definiately easier to gain than to lose. I also thought of cancelling but I had a great time in 2005 and as everyone else said there is every fitness level. Everyone is really nice and working out with Cathe in person is awesome! Being around Cathe and the other roadtrippers is super motivating...You will get where you want to be...I don't know what your eating plan is but I found that weight watchers has really helped me. I have lost 35 pounds so far I have about 50 more to go..
Can't wait to meet you in August!!

Tracy:) :)
As everyone above has said...NO WORRIES! As someone who attended the first RT in '05, I have to say that I was thrilled beyond words that there was no judgement among the 105 gals (and ONE male! Hi Chris!) about body shapes, weight, fitness levels and so on. I was not at my best and I will not be at my best this time around due to a knee injury right now. I cannot explain it other then it is the KIND of people Cathe attracts that makes us all unique. We are all there just to have a great time and to do what WE can do, not look like or keep up with the person next to us. Everyone is concentrating on what they are doing that they don't have time to check out others around them. You will be surprised how your fears just vanish once you start meeting this great group of Cathe fans! Can't wait to meet you and tell you, "See, I told you so!" :7 Catherine, Cathe only makes us do 50 pikes in a row! :eek: You best start practicing NOW!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Just chiming in to say DITTO to everything that Mama D said! I could have written it all, including the part about not being at MY best on the RT -- I have had some injuries and other life setbacks this year, and I am still early in my "climb back to 'fighting weight' and 'usual fitness level'" program! But that isn't going to deter me from putting on my cute workout clothes and coming to the RT with a huge grin on my face!

For those of you who didn't attend in '05, I promise you that you'll be amazed at how low-key and body-image-stress-free this weekend will be. You will meet women (sadly, we have no men this time) of all ages, body types, sizes, and fitness levels, and I swear, nobody cares one bit. The one common denominator with EVERYONE will be our excitement at meeting each other, connecting faces and "real" names with our Cathe Forums "selves", and seeing Cathe, her amazing assistant/pal Nancy (of Cathe dot com customer service fame), her crew, her gym, Chris, the filming studio -- all of the World of Cathe that is so much a part of our lives in this strange internet world we share.

I think the thing to do is DON'T try to do every class all weekend with your "personal best" effort -- just relax, settle in at a comfortable pace and enjoy yourself. This weekend is about cementing our bonds, as much as it is about improving our fitness.

I'm REALLY looking forward to this wonderful experience and I know it won't disappoint -- or intimidate -- ANY of you!! :) Kathy S.
<<I think the thing to do is DON'T try to do every class all weekend with your "personal best" effort -- just relax, settle in at a comfortable pace and enjoy yourself. This weekend is about cementing our bonds, as much as it is about improving our fitness.

Wonderful advise Kathy!!

ok. now I dont feel so bad. thanks for all encouragment. My sister has lost a lot of weight using primarily cathe's videos and it seems easier for her to lose the weight. I guess I am a little intimdated and it was beginning to bother me. I even asked my mom if we had the same father, lol. But anyhow, thanks again for the encouragment. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and cathe.
I am absolutely THRILLED that you feel better. I just saw this thread and would have posted some words of encouragement. However, there is nothing new I can contribute other than say that all of us are going there to have fun; regardless of what our size is, how many pikes we can do on a ball (I fall off every time I attempt one), whether we can complete an interval, etc. The important thing is that we get to go on this road trip and have fun meeting each other, Cathe, her crew, and having a blast!

It absolutely will be fun!

See you in a month! :D
Facing Fears and Insecurities

Never fear! You will not be alone. I will be there. Just so you know, the prize for the fattest one there is mine, mine, all mine. As far as I can tell, I do not even have any serious competition for that crown. LOL! If you are only 40 pounds overweight, you will be tiny next to me. ;-)

Like you, I thought I would be much closer to my goal weight by now. Instead of being a celebration of personal success, this Road Trip for me is about stepping way out of my comfort zone and facing my insecurities and fears. It may turn out to be a healing experience for me. I just know in my heart that there a greater purpose for me being there than simply enjoying a few live workouts.

I am hoping to have the time of my life and refuse to allow fears or insecurities to steal an ounce of my joy. Just in case it does not go as well as expected, I am keeping this adventure my little secret so I do not have to answer a bunch of questions when I return. Other than my friend Rebecca and my counselor, people in my “real” life do not know exactly why I am going to Jersey in August. I am hoping to keep it that way.

Aside from the mental and emotional challenge, this will be a very interesting experience for me physically. I am used to working out at home where I can easily modify. I use a 4" step platform with no risers. I sit and laugh at Cathe during pikes and push-ups. I do not know what I will do in a live class other than make a fool of myself! :eek: Some of her super advanced moves are way out of my league. I am blessing my body with nutrient-dense food this month and working on increasing my overall stamina and endurance. I still have a month to get ready! :) If I do not collapse in a river of tears or pass out the moment I enter Cathe’s club, I should be okay! Will someone please hold my hand through the first few minutes? :*

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Facing Fears and Insecurities

I have had the wonderful experience of meeting six Cathe forum friends face to face in the last couple years. Of all of them, I was the oldest and the heaviest. They were all wonderful woman and I feel blessed to have met them on line and in person. I can't wait to meet over a hundred more, as well as Cathe and the crew. I didn't set any weight loss or fitness goals for the RT. I tried that last time and it didn't work. I had to cancel on the last RT at the last minute due to a family emergency and I can't wait to make it up this time. I have every intention of stopping if the workouts get to hard (or I'm laughing too hard to continue.) Please don't worry about your size, your shape, your fitness level, your age, or any other of those nagging fears. I'm sure the weekend will be rewarding, inspiring, and fun, fun, fun!
RE: Facing Fears and Insecurities

I agree with Robin 100%! Cathe fans are the sweetest, most welcoming bunch of people you'll ever meet. And they come in all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities. I know I'm definitely not in the same kind of shape as Cathe and her crew. Not even close! But I do the best I can, and I have fun - and that's really what the RT is all about... having fun! :D
RE: Facing Fears and Insecurities

I am not even close to my goal weight, but that doesn't stop me from going on the RT! I am very excited to meet Cathe and her crew and all the nice ladies that are going on the RT! It is all about having fun! Hope to meet you!

RE: Facing Fears and Insecurities

Add me to the mix! Despite efforts I am still coming in as "borderline obese" based on both BMI and body fat testing. Two completely different medical personnel put me in this category! Not how I wanted to arrive in NJ - but I echo what everyone else has said - we are going to have fun and to work out with the best in the business! You couldn't ask me to give that chance up for anything!


3 days, 60 miles, 1 cure. Check out my webpage:
IMPORTANT message for Heather and everybody!!!

Heather, sweetie, consider your hand HELD!! You will have to pick and choose among the new friends who will be right there to help you feel good about everything! :)

I think your attitude about coming to this Road Trip is so healthy, and that you're absolutely correct in your expectations that this weekend will be about MANY wonderful things besides the classes Cathe is teaching.

I really want you, Heather -- and all y'all (as we say down here ;-)) -- to believe what I'm tellin' ya -- there just is NO pressure to perform on this trip. Cathe will create a new routine for each of our classes that is very simple, that is very easy to learn, and that uses all old moves that we all already know, AND she specifically does NOT include moves like pikes that are out of reach for many of us (myself included). She talked about this with Deb, Lorrayne and me in 2005, and then -- and now -- her #1 concern is creating classes for us that EVERYONE would find fun, comfortable and unintimidating.

Now, there were, and there will be this year, Road Trippers in tip-top shape who were capable of doing much more than Cathe's routines demanded of us, and she encouraged those people to just add propulsion to their moves, or to kick harder or higher, or to use heavier weights. But my recollection is that most people took it pretty moderate-to-easy. I certainly did -- I used a pair of 5's and a pair of 8's all weekend (and I used those 5's a LOT!), and I never loaded my barbell heavier than 15 or 20 lbs.

And also, remember that there's no rule that says we all have to take every class. In 2005 there were people absent from each class (especially the very-early Sunday morning class after our Saturday night party! ;-)) -- and you know what, who cares??? Cathe certainly didn't. She commented to Deb & Lorrayne and me that she loved the fact that people felt comfortable enough to say "Nah, I'm gonna sit this one out and watch."

So Heather, and everyone, please repeat after me: There are no foolish moves. There are no wrong or dumb questions for Cathe. There are no command performances. There is no "right" amount of weight to use for anything, anytime. There are only opportunities for all of us to use in whatever way makes us happy and comfortable. We're going to NJ to meet and get to know Cathe and each other, and to have a grand and healthy time -- a three-day-long good-for-us "girls' night out" -- and NOTHING should get in the way of our having fun!!!! :7 :7 :7

See you all in ONE MONTH! Stay tuned, by the way -- the e-mail and RT Forum chatter from your intrepid Coordinators is about to start picking up speed!! We have lots of info to give you really soon, and we will have you TOTALLY prepared by August!

Hugs!!! :) Kathy S.
RE: IMPORTANT message for Heather and everybody!!!

Just reading these posts makes me absolutely 100% sure that I did the right thing by signing up for this road trip! I can't wait to meet all of you ladies. When I was a girl, we used to have girls' camp every summer. I would get so excited about it every year just to be in the company of like-minded gals. The feeling of anticipation is so similar to this, just more grown up! We got packing lists, tips, and updates months ahead of the trip to gear us all up for it. Anyone up for ghost stories by the campfire (or TV), smores and maybe even light as a feather stiff as a board? Heck most of us will be stiff as a board Saturday night after all those workouts, so this should be easy! THANK GOODNESS we do not have to sleep in tents. :)

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