Only one month till the roadtrip......

RE: IMPORTANT message for Heather and everybody!!!

I just want to say that I absolutely cannot wait to meet everyone on the trip!! I have been on all sides of the coin weight and health wise and I could care less about anyone's size, fitness level, etc!! Heather, you come right over and hold my hnd the entire time if you need to! Of course you will have to put up with my sweaty palms (and they will be sweaty!!!) but who cares, right? Because we are all here to help each other. Look, we could all be spending the weekend doing so many other things, but we all chose to be here, connected by our strive to be our personal best. Wherever we are on the journey doesn't matter, we are all in it together. I for one, feel a kindred spirit with everyone here and can't wait for the comraderie more than anything. I plan to do a lot of laughing at myself, I am bringing the cones and hazard tape to block off my "sweat zone" and plan to have fun with all my new friends.

Ummm... one question Tess... what is "Light as a feather stiff as a board?" Oh, count me in on the Ghost stories and campfire. I am a bit of a girly girl so if I freak out at he bugs or anything else, just ignore me ( everyone else in my life does! LOL)

Okay, let the countdown begin!! I can't wait!!!
RE: IMPORTANT message for Heather and everybody!!!

Vicki - you've never played Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board?? It is was a rite of passage for adolescent girls at slumber parties. We'd stay up really late (like until Midnight OMG!!) and sit in a circle. Our "victim" would lay in the middle of the circle and one person would proceed to tell the story of her untimely death. Everyone in the circle would put two fingers under the victim and at the end of the story which of course, ends in the victim's death, the girls would chant "...and she became light as a feather stiff as a board" repeated several times while proceeding to lift the victiim up using only their two fingers because of course, she is light as a feather at this point.

Please tell me I am not the only one who ever played this! Of course it never worked so we'd just keep trying! :)
RE: IMPORTANT message for Heather and everybody!!!

Um, so, maybe at all my friends' slumber parties we were too busy writing love letters to all the boys we liked? As we got a little older, I'm pretty sure the reason we didn't play "light as a feather stiff as a board" was that we were too busy opening the windows for our guy friends to sneak in and then of course, (and you know, of course I wasn't involved in this) we spent the rest of the evening playing spin the bottle or truth and dare. }( I'm feeling a little deprived that my circle of friends did not spend more time levitating each other. That sounds like way more fun!!

So, yes, I am IN!!! Meet us at the Residence Inn Saturday night for a little levitating action... I just know it's gonna work!! ( or we could call our cool guy friends up and have them bring the bottle... What? I'm just saying... okay, never mind!!)

I knew this RT would be fun!!
I know everyone already told you but I want to say it too. Don't worry about anything. I went on the RT in 2005 by myself and I was nervous and excited. But, it was fantastic. Fun fun fun!!!! I felt like a kid again going to camp (which I never did as a kid but always wanted to but too scared). So, now as an adult, I push my worries aside and enjoy! This year I am going with a friend that I met on the Forums that lives here in MN. And, I can't wait to meet the new friends that I have met on the forum and the friends that I met in 05'

See you in August!
I'm actually secretly hoping that I have to take some breaks during the workouts so I can get in some picture-taking! I've seen everyone's great pics from the last RT, and I want to make sure I capture it all! If you're working out near me, say CHEESE!:7

Can't wait to meet everyone and have some fun! It's getting to be all I think about these days!
Just the fact that you've lost 10 pounds is amazing. Coming to the RT will not only boost your enthusiasm, it will motivate you to reach for your goals. Try not to be so hard on yourself you've already lost 10 pounds just keep at it and the rest will follow. We are all in the same boat so don't think of yourself as not up to par you just be the best you can be and be happy. :)
RE: IMPORTANT message for Heather and everybody!!!

I sure played this at slumber parties! Of course, we always cracked up when someone said to the victim, "You're light as a feather, FLAT as a board..."

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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