One more RT lesson / observation

L Sass

Invariably when new Cathe videos are released there is always a heightened "drama" that seems to occur. Often, much of the discussion and drama is exascerbated over at another fitness forum (one that I know of, perhaps there are others). And it never ceases to amaze me that, also invariably, at least one person always says something along the lines of first and foremeost Cathe is running a business - inferring - if not outright saying - that she makes business decisions and her followers be da##ed.

Now I can only speak to the 2 amazing fitness video instructors I saw last weekend, i.e. Cathe and Tracey, but it was VERY clear to me that these two ladies have a passion about fitness, and about helping people. The fact that they follow their passion and it happens to be profitable for them is simply "what goes around comes around" exemplified. I doubt that ANYBODY who attended last weekend would say for a second that Cathe and Tracey didn't genuinely CARE about every person in those rooms. I know Tracey was truly touched when we all tried to help with her car situation. I know that Beloved Heather (just one example) felt Cathe's sincere concern about how she was doing.

So I guess it'll make me even more fired up when I read those threads on those other boards. And it'll probably be even worse when those words come from folks who post often on these boards. So yes, these ladies run a business and they make money from it, but they were very clearly two of the most real and caring people that I've had the pleasure of meeting.


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Lorrie, I learned very quickly that there are a lot of 'haters' out there, some of them even on these forums. They are always expressing unhappiness at something or other and tend to find fault in everything. Of course I think the Cathe 'lovers' greatly outnumber them so there is a positive side. :)

I wholeheartedly agree! I have not had the pleasure of meeting Cathe in person, but based on reports of people who have met her, I know that she IS as she seems to be. I know there are those who will defend this other forum and think that we're just irrational Cathe fans, but the site in question can get be downright venomous in their attacks on Cathe, as well as her fans.

What amazes me is that even non Cathe related threads can sometimes disintegrate into a Cathe and/or Cathe fan basher. This happened recently in a thread about Cardio Coach and it's not the first time I've noticed this.

I don't want to paint them with a broad brush, and it's often the same few people who slur Cathe and her forum members, but this is the best fitness forum on the web that I've found, and I've lurked on a lot of them. By and large, most of the members here are good and decent people and we've formed a kind of family. That other forum has nothing on us.;)
This often comes into play because some people expect Cathe to produce DVDs from the kindness of her heart and not to do something crazy like make a living or be compensated at a level consistent of what her talents are worth (how dare she!). They might even expect the "Cathe is my friend discount" because Cathe at one point might have taken a genuine interest in one of their forum posts and now they go way back to the beaches at Normandy, that fateful day in June of '44.

They forget that Cathe is in business so she can pay her electric bill, save for the kids college expenses, save for her retirement in Ibeza, whatever. She is in fact so genuine and kind that people may be tempted to confuse her with Mother Teresa (picture Liz Hurley in a nun's habit and Prada shoes--super stylin') and think she should freely give out her DVDs to lepers and Dr. Phil-aholics who maxed out their fifteen credit cards on the QVC channel. In short, she's the real deal, a rare breed of awesome lady and if you don't like her, you can get a head band, oil up your legs, and sweat to the oldies with Richard Simmons. cha-cha-cha
I hardly ever post here - actually, I'm not sure if I've ever posted here before, but I lurk all the time. And immediately when I read your thread, I knew who/what you were talking about. The thing I LOVE about this forum is that everyone is free to talk about not just our beloved Cathe workouts, but about how we cross-train and challenge ourselves by always trying new things and improving our fitness level. This site appears to be about supporting each other in our FITNESS and HEALTH goals - not about supporting each other's use of a particular product or program and that's what makes it so great! Good observation!!!
ROFLMAO!!!!! Beavs you're killing me!!! SO TRUE!!! I love the sense of entitelment that some people have!

>This often comes into play because some people expect Cathe
>to produce DVDs from the kindness of her heart and not to do
>something crazy like make a living or be compensated at a
>level consistent of what her talents are worth (how dare
>she!). They might even expect the "Cathe is my friend
>discount" because Cathe at one point might have taken a
>genuine interest in one of their forum posts and now they go
>way back to the beaches at Normandy, that fateful day in June
>of '44.
>They forget that Cathe is in business so she can pay her
>electric bill, save for the kids college expenses, save for
>her retirement in Ibeza, whatever. She is in fact so genuine
>and kind that people may be tempted to confuse her with Mother
>Teresa (picture Liz Hurley in a nun's habit and Prada
>shoes--super stylin') and think she should freely give out her
>DVDs to lepers and Dr. Phil-aholics who maxed out their
>fifteen credit cards on the QVC channel. In short, she's the
>real deal, a rare breed of awesome lady and if you don't like
>her, you can get a head band, oil up your legs, and sweat to
>the oldies with Richard Simmons. cha-cha-cha
>I hardly ever post here - actually, I'm not sure if I've ever
>posted here before, but I lurk all the time. And immediately
>when I read your thread, I knew who/what you were talking
>about. The thing I LOVE about this forum is that everyone is
>free to talk about not just our beloved Cathe workouts, but
>about how we cross-train and challenge ourselves by always
>trying new things and improving our fitness level. This site
>appears to be about supporting each other in our FITNESS and
>HEALTH goals - not about supporting each other's use of a
>particular product or program and that's what makes it so
>great! Good observation!!!

Other forums always paint us as "Drama Queens" who won't allow anyone to express negative comments about Cathe's workouts without flying into a rage, and who don't take kindly to other instructors. There may be a few posters with a hair trigger, but generally speaking, I think this forum is wide open to critiquing Cathe's workouts, as well as discussing other instructors. There are multitudes of Cathe fans who regularly use Cardio Coach, P90X, Amy Bento, Tracey Staehle (sp), and the list goes on and on and on.

I mean look at me, for heaven's sake! I HATE cardio and rarely do Cathe's step DVD's. I started a check-in for cardio haters and I've never once encountered the wrath of an outraged Catheite. :p
Just wanted to chime in here and ditto what you all have said. I have met Cathe twice now... once last year when DH and I went to visit her gym and I took a class, and the RT. When I was there last year, Cathe approached ME and we got to talking and she was so genuinely interested in my story. We even emailed a few times after that! Then, when she saw me at the RT, she actually asked about my DS's, and remembered specific details about what we had discussed last October!! I mean, come on, who does that?? I almost fell over!!

If she is just out to make money and nothing else, then she sure does go to alot of trouble remembering individual customer's details and such. she must spend all her time studying and plotting to remember things about people just so she can sell one more DVD!! (NOT!)

Seriously, Cathe has to be one of the most gracious, generous, caring individuals I have ever had the honor of meeting. And believe me, if she's making a pile of cash doing what she loves.... more power to her!!! Way to go!!!

Oh, BTW, Kathy S... my DS just walked in and saw your little punching bag guy on the bottom of your post and started cracking up. I still hear him inside laughing!
I guess I am a big dense dork, but if I ever caught a hater on these boards, I'd kick some flabby a**!!
Who is it, where are they?? Just kidding! What I like too, is that we all can express our opinions about certain workouts and even the outfits they wear in the workouts, or whatever, but since this is a community of people who love fitness, Cathe and other good intstructors (Amy Bento, Tony Horton) its always done in a friendly, happy way, not in a "let's slam Cathe" way, you know? Obviously we all have our likes and dislikes,its the way that things are said, the way you come off that matters. You can feel the energy behind some of the negative type posts...Oh, okay, I just remembered one I read awhile back...ick.
I always say, "Do what you love, the money will follow" and Cathe is a perfect example of this.
So yep Kelli, you can have a third, fourth and a fifth!:)
What a nice thread & compliment!

I have always heard great things about Cathe from people who have met her. She seems to be a good: wife, mother, family member, friend, personal trainer, mentor & business woman. She is an inspiration to many people. She gets positive feedback for doing a good job and being a good person. Why any of this would bother anyone is beyond me.

I would say that she is living well ;-) .

Cathe's genuine and warm personality really shines through on her DVD's, as well as her talent and her committment to quality. Her personality is right up there on a par with the quality and her talent as to why I keep going back to her videos, and why I would love to go on a road trip and meet her.

Sad to say, you'll find negative people on almost every forum on the 'net.

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