ONE more post about BBC....

Good luck Lanie! I am starting next week too since mine is to be delivered in a few days! Perhaps I can drop five more pounds before my 10 year reunion which is in 28 days!!!!!! Clarissa :)
If anyone is interested, I have made-up some very basic worksheets to go with the 4 weighted BBC workouts. Since they give no weight recomendations, all they show is the exercise name and the reps or minutes/seconds each is done. You fill in the dates and your own weights used.

They are on an Excel workbook w/4 pages.

PM me with your email address.

So yesterday I did Chest/Abs and Back/Shoulders plus the cardio from B/S.

I think I broke myself. Seriously. My back hurts so bad. I don't know what I did. It didn't hurt during or after the workouts (I did them around noon on Sunday). I was fine all night last night. This morning.....well, let's just say I'm not. Which leads me to believe the pain must be DOMS and not an injury, right? But, OMG my back is screaming.

Funny, though, I had no DOMS from BBC Legs and Butt. Weird.

We'll see what comes from BBC Total Body.

You did TWO of the weight segments? No wonder you're sore. Which workout is it that he does that standing ab work? Is that Chest/Abs? Because if so, that one just kills me and my back is always completely DOMSy the next day. I don't get wicked DOMS from Legs/Butt either.
AHA, Shelley! Yes, the standing ab work in Shoulders/Back! That's what did it. How could I forget? Joey even says "you're gonna feel this tomorrow". Yikes, I sure do.

p.s. I agree with you....Joey's smokin' hot.

ooh, total body. get ready for the shoulder circles!!! }(

i really felt the standing ab work. i didn't think it was going to be effective (especially without weights). BOY WAS I WRONG!!!
I just got mine in the mail yesterday and have been previewing the workouts, yikes!!! It looks tough and especially the treadmill workouts. I AM SOOOO.... EXCITED!!! Bring it on!}(
I did my first BBC arms and abs this morning.
Oh my GOD!! It was so hard. I'm an avid runner (25 miles a week) and this just kicked my butt. My arms are so sore and I only used 8 pound weights. This series better take off the last dreaded ten:)
Okay Guys, Who is everyone talking about?
Give me all the info on this fellow please.
What he does where to get his DVD's etc.
Go to

It's a set of 5 dvd's that work a different body part each day and have either a non-treadmill cardio or a treadmill cardio on each dvd.

They're killer workouts and the instructors are awesome!

Do you all do the cardio with the step as high as they do? I'm still recovering from a sprained ankle and the thought of falling off that high is just terrifying to me! I did the abs and arms at an 8 inch height and I was still SO winded.
>Okay Guys, Who is everyone talking about?
>Give me all the info on this fellow please.
>What he does where to get his DVD's etc.
:) Purchase the set at; it's only $19.95 on this site.

"I just got mine in the mail yesterday and have been previewing the workouts, yikes!!! It looks tough and especially the treadmill workouts. I AM SOOOO.... EXCITED!!! Bring it on!}("

I have only done one treadmill workout, but let me tell you - brutal! I was soaked with sweat when I got done...AND, I didn't nearly go as fast as they did in the end...I only made it to 8. Any faster and I was afraid I'd sail off the darn thing!

Well worth the $19.99 investment!

:7 :7 :7
i do it that high, but more because i don't want to change it to do the weight work. i don't think it matters at all what the height is and i bet you could get a good workout even if you used no risers.
Let me just say that I freakin' love the music in these DVDs! It gets me totally pumped that right before you start the exercise, the music gets a little louder! It's sounds great on my stereo system and has a great beat. I find myself just dancing to it (at least when no ones home!). I have yet to do a full week of these workouts, but I am looking forward to it. My brother is borrowing right now! He likes it too!
I love the music too! I agree that how it gets louder right when you start the move is amazing. The music has a fantastic beat!


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