One Body Part Per Day...


Hi, I'm going to be trying a one body part per day rotation for upper body using Cathe workouts and I was wondering if for those that have done this can list which Cathe workouts you combined to achieve this and what were your results. I was thinking of Pyramid up only and Pure Strength.

There was a rotation I followed for a long while that used Slow and Heavy and one body part per day with 30 min. cardios. It worked well and I saw great strength gains while doing it.

Monday: S&H chest and 30 minutes high intensity intervals (step: Blast Mania premix off of ImaxII) and core work
Tuesday: S&H back and 30 minutes high intensity cardio (kick boxing: KPC conditioning and CK conditioning)
Wednesday: S&H Legs and Shoulders and core work
Thursday: S&H Triceps and 30 minutes of high intensity intervals ( BC cardio only premix two times)
Friday: S&H Biceps and 30 minutes cardio (Hi Lo, running or elliptical machine)
Saturday: Any circuit workout or one with both cardio and weights (CM, any Terminator workout, BC, C&W, SJP...) and core work
Sunday: rest or yoga

Here is a copy of it if you are interested. I substituted when I didn't have a particular workout. I really like this rotation and if you want or get bored with S&H she said you could sub with PS or Pyrmaids. This rotation was made up by Becky U.

Hope that helps you some!:7 :D
Once in a while I will do rotation for a week or two doing one body part per day. The workouts I use are S&H, MIS, PUB and PS. I'll spend about an hour per workout. Later in the day I will do a short cardio (usually one from CTX). I see a difference in every muscle group at the end of the rotation.
Susan C.M.:D
Last August I did a rotation of one body part per day and short cardios 5 per week. I used PUB & PS. For example PUB biceps followed by PS biceps and then either the cardio before or after. In that rotation, abs were also done 2-3 per week. I thought it was a great rotation, however it did take more than an hour some days. The PS/PUB sombo can take some time, but it really gets that group of muscles exhausted. Of course, then there is a week for that group to recover.

AKA "Likes2bfit"
I've been doing this with PUB & PLB, S&H, & PS. After a warmup I do PUB or PLB & only pyramid up. Then I do S&H, 2 sets only, 1st positive & 2nd negative. Then I do PS. I leave out warmup sets & pre-exhaust sets as I don't need them by then.
I do cardio when I can fit it in.
Love it! I've had some really good results & have enjoyed it very much. It takes about 45 minutes to an hour (without the cardio).

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