<--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.

<--waves HI to all
<--says way to go to Beavs for getting out so early to be tortured!
<--hopes Lorie has fun with GS
<--hopes Robin enjoys her rest day and spends lots of money at the grocery store
<--:eek: to Lories hump day pic
<--hopes Amelia's kids can see snow once this year
<--waves to Shelley
<--hope staying home helps Shelley feel better
<--hopes Ronne likes Slo-mo <--does a lot!
<--envious of Cody getting a new outfit
<--is sure holidaymax did damage to <--
<--tells Robin "Don't drop the flour"
<--thinks Beth will like stripmax...:)
<--thinks Beavs trainer is smart
<--needs more java
<--needs to get in a workout early and head to work

<--realizes OALer's type way faster than <--!
<--- hates to disappoint Beavs but <--- is a confirmed coffee drinker and never touches tea! but does say shed-ule
<--- also must disappoint Stephanie with lack of la-di-da accent! ;-)
<--- sounds like Lorie certainly made up for lounging around in bed :eek:
<--- hopes Beth enjoys stripmax ;-)
<--- hopes Shannon's recovered from her scary drive <--- must confess to laughing though as when <--- first read it <--- thought Shannon was boasting about hitting two (instead of just one!)
<--- hopes Cody finds clothes she likes

ETA: waves hi to snow-loving Melissa and slow-typing Carole!
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

<--- runs in & waves to everyone!!!
<--- feels like she was a big whiner y-day & apologizes
<--- will NOT be whining today:)
<--- read some of the antics from last night & is LOL
<--- says "you guys crack me up!":7
<--- is proud that Beavs got up so early & hopes she has (had?) a great time at the gym!
<--- would send Lorie some warmth but it's terribly cold here too
<--- says we got some snow y-day but it didn't stick... not sure if we'll get more or not
<--- hopes Robin enjoys her groceryMax workout
<--- loves grocery shopping too because <--- loves to eat!}(
<--- tells Amelia to have fun with Imax 2 & be carefuly with that big jar 'o pickles!;-)
<--- will not even try to make Shelley LOL & hopes she feels better soon
<--- hopes Ronne enjoys SloMo
<--- doesn't have that one but has heard many good things about it
<--- hopes Cody has fun shopping for her new outfit!
<--- wonders if it's for a special occasion or just for fun?
<--- bought a new purse last night... just for fun:D
<--- is glad Beth is back :) & is LOL at "stripMax"!
<--- is so glad Shannon didn't hit any deer this morning :eek: & got to work safe & sound:+
<--- says in her best mommy voice "Stephanie, you will NOT be throwing in ANY towels!"
<--- adds "STOP throwing things... unless it's part of the new groceryMax workout":p :+
<--- is glad Melissa enjoyed CC5 after DogWalkMAX:)
<--- hands Carole a steaming cup 'o java & tells her the other OALers type much faster than <--- too!
<--- says that's why my first post is always so darn long (sorry!)
<--- must go see what else is going on around here
<--- will BBL

<--- edits to add that <--- has NO idea how this ended up in the middle of the threadx( :eek: :p :+
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

<--- comes back to tell y'all that the post I just did is somewhere up there ^^^
<--- is obviously NOT an expert at posting here
<--- will continue to practice...
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

<---waves hi to all the lovely OAL ladies!
<---says she unfortunately still feels like dookie today
<---almost wishes she had a sinus infection cuz' then all she would need is antibiotics
<---isn't sure what to do about this run of the mill cold that will not let go
<---is also not sure that it is worth the $20 copay to find out what she already pretty much knows...
<---is glad to see Shelley LOL'ing
<---is sorry she is sick though :(
<---thinks Beav's personal training session sounded cool
<---has been acting as DH's personal trainer at home ;)
<---made him do Total Body Sculpting last night
<---is still easing him into the workouts before throwing something like Bodymax 2 at him ;)
<---also did an hour of yoga by herself after the weights workout
<---is really beginning to LOVE yoga - is so relaxing and she feels like a million dollars after doing it
<---says if anyone has any suggestions for good yoga DVD's, let her know
<---hopes the nasty rain/snow/sleet mix does not interfer with Lorie's drive home
<---hates driving in that mess
<---jumps out of "Pickel Pendulum" Amelia's way
<---tells Ronne that she is always welcome to come over and do CleanMax at <---'s house!
<---is jealous of Cody's shopping plans
<---loves shopping for new clothes
<---admits that her credit card does not love it though... (has since cut up aforementioned card - feels like she has a lost a good friend)
<---tosses a Carmen Electra Strip Tease video to bed stripping Beth
<---has teased DH several times telling him that her next piece of exercise equipment was going to be a pole
<---says his first thought was, "what if my parents come over and see that thing!!!"
<---had to assure him she was JUST kidding
<---is relieved that Shannon did not hit either deer!
<---knows how dangerous that can be
<---sends happy leotard shopping vibes to Steph
<---thinks it has been a LONG time since she has bought a leotard
<---still has some REALLY tacky ones in a box somewhere from cheerleading gymnastics - ugh...
<---tells Steph that one of her co-workers was a professional ballerina - actually it's a guy but isn't sure if there is a special name for guy ballerinas
<---says he was pretty big for a while and was even in the movie Flashdance
<---adds that he now works at a manufacturing company and the guys give him HECK about it now, lol...
<---waves hi to Melissa!!!
<---is glad that she isn't tired ;)
<---thinks walking the dogs counts as a strenuous workout
<---says at least it does in her house - she walks all three weiners to the end of the driveway and then has to carry them back to the house cuz they are all pooped out
<---thinks carrying 60 lbs of dead weiner weight up an incline definitely counts as something ;)
<---waves hi to Carole and definitely agrees that the OAL'ers are super fast typers
<---says she cannot keep up with all the new posts while she is putting her's together!!!
<---will go ahead and publish her book now and go search for Kel's post up top!
<---says Holy Wow, y'all have been chatty!
<---is surprised to see Beavs starting the thread :)
<---hopes her evil personal trainer fitness program goes well!
<---tells Lorie <--- is going to get snow today too... well, tonight
<---understands how Robin feels about grocery shopping
<---likes grocery shopping too :)
<---except when DH comes along
<---doesn't like how he throws all kinds of extra junk into the cart :p
<---*sigh* Boys!
<---likes Lorie's grocery store workout idea, but doesn't think the grocery stores will be too keen on it ;)
<---is LOL at Amelia penduluming with pickles
<---hopes Shelley is feeling better today!
<---hopes Ronn has fun with SloMo
<---wishes Cody lots of trying-on luck :D
<---is LOL at Beth doing StripMax
<---congratulates Kel on her new purse acquisition ;)
<---is LOL at Beavs' British colleague pointing to things with his middle finger
<---knows exactly what she's talking about
<---loves Brits too - thinks they are such a hoot :D
<---is glad that Shannon only NEARLY hit 2 deer and made it safe and sound to work! :eek:
<---thinks that could be another workout - DeerMax
<---"that's one for the heart rate!", as Cathe would say
<---tells Stephanie not to throw in the towel - there's hope!
<---gives ^5s to Melissa for doing CC5, walking the doggies and NOT feeling exhausted for it ;)
<---wonders what workout Carole is doing today... running 20 miles followed by Leaner Legs??? ;)
<---is always impressed with Carole's workouts - finds them inspirational... and perspirational! :p
<---throws a bag of frozen peas across the grocery store at Lorie, and runs to the produce department... ;)

<---was posting at the same time as Liann :)
<---hopes Liann's crayons have found it in their little multi-colored hearts to forgive <--- for <---'s offensive comments yesterday
<---is impressed that one of Liann's coworkers was in Flashdance!
<---is now going to sit here all day wondering what male ballerinas are called... *head scratch*
<---thinks there must be a name... ballermana? mannerina?
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

<--wishes Beavs good luck with the trainer
<--hi Lorie
<--agrees with Robin about only spending $$ at the grocery store :(
<--tells Amelia hopes that's a plastic jar of pickles!
<--as Cathe says we must put safety first even in our grocery w/o's
<--hi Shelley
<--hopes Ronne has fun with cleanmax
<--hi Cody
<--Beth! WooHoo stripmax! LOL <--did that this morning
<--hi Kel
<--says Whew to Shannon and glad no deer were harmed
<--hopes Stephanie's scale starts moving in the right direction
<--Melissa! 9 degrees? Brrrrrrrr.
<--hi Carole
<--also finds it funny where posts end up
<--often has to go back and forth between composing post and looking busy so final post ends up above others
<--had fun date night
<--SO driving <--crazy with many weeks of ongoing sinus something and no doc visit x(
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

<--- just got finished reading 2 books:p :+ :)
<--- is probably weird but loves reading long OAL posts
<--- glad Suzanne had a fun date night & wonders if they went out to dinner & a movie or something?
<--- is very sorry that Liann is still feeling so bad & thinks it may be time for a doc visit
<--- loves yoga too!
<--- ducks as a bag of frozen peas go flying over her head
<--- tells y'all to "be careful with those groceries... you're gonna put somebody's eye out!":7
<--- tells Evily that my DH always goes grocery shopping with me because he loves food too!
<--- likes grocery shopping together
<--Is LOL at Emily's "mannerina"
<--Has heard them referred to as danseurs or ballerinos, but I'm not sure (I call them dancers)
<--Thinks Liann should ask her coworker
<--Is totally jealous that Liann works with a dancer from Flashdance!!!!!
<--Now will be humming Irene Cara songs all day long
<--Belts out, "What a feeling!!!"
<--Says <--'s inlaws actually took DH to see that when he was a child.
<--'s MIL says she had to cover his eyes throughout most of it
<--Guesses you'd have to know <--'s MIL (aka June Cleaver) to appreciate this fully.
<--needed a good laugh today
<--can always depend on Liann and Evily (man that crayon thing had me in stitches yesterday!!)
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

<--- agrees that Liann & Evily are a good comedy team!:D
<--- thinks lots of other OALers are funny too
<--- doesn't want to leave anyone out & hurt any feelings
<--- wouldn't want to offend anyone:p :+ (sorry, couldn't resist)
<--- can always count on a good time here!:)
<--- is still trying to figure out what color crayon she is...
<--- walks back out, scratching her head...
<--ricochets back into thread, past the pickle pendulums and flour bag raises
<--says new outfit is for NYPD function saturday night
<--loves a british accent
<--has GPS system set to british english, just so <--can hear the accent
<--dh rolls eyes at <--alot, lol
<--is lol at liann's dh picturing the pole in the house
<--mambo cha cha's out...
<--LOL at Cody's GPS system set to British accent
<--says that's so totally something <--would do!!!
<--DH also rolls eyes constantly at <--
<--Has told him, in best mommy voice,"One day your eyes are going to get stuck like that."
<--Chuckles to self imagining if such a thing happened.
<--Feels much better after chatting/laughing with yous guys.
<--Must go get house in order and peel son away from Diego to get him dressed.
<--Really cannot stand Dora and Diego and Barney
<--Doesn't know why. Thinks it's the way they get SO EXCITED OVER EVERYTHING!! How interesting are pygmy marmosets really? I mean, get a life, Diego.
<--Apologizes if <--has offended any Diego fans.
<--- lol's at Cody's GPS!!!
<--- picks up two 5-kilo bags of rice and does a quick shoulder press
<--- has to go pick up DD so will see you all tomorrow ... careful with those groceries, you lot!
<--lol at diego getting a life
<--diego was new when <--'s kids were little, so they were dora fans
<--would always think SHUT UP DORA! while they were watching
<--she is a very excitable little girl, lol
<---is glad Kel likes reading our book-like posts ;)
<---sings along with Stephanie "Take your passion and make it happen!" :7
<---agrees with Kel that the OALers are a funny bunch :D
<---tells Cody that <--- borrowed a GPS from someone once and set it on the British accent too!!!
<---was expecting it to say something like "Bloody hell, you should've turned right 2 blocks ago!" :p
<---is offended by Stephanie's comments about Diego and Dora...
not really ;)
<---has never watched either of them
<---waves BYE to Ronne - see ya tomorrow! :D
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

<---is glad that Kel likes book posts!
<---wanted to respond to everyone and people kept posting, so she kept adding :)
<---will have to ask coworker (actually he's one of her bosses) what you call a male ballerina
<---tells Steph that <--- is always shooting the "bull" with this particular boss about the old days
<---says that she reminisces about her time in competitive figure skating and he tells stories about being in a ballet company
<---adds that you would NEVER know from looking at him though
<---wonders if people say the same thing about her...
<---tells Evily that the Crayon Guild has issue a written statement:

<--*mannerina* Agh, make it stop!! ROFLMAO!! :+ :7
<--splains to Kel that date night is generally very mellow
<--Tuesday's at SO's - Wednesday's at <--'s
<--usually just supper at home, cuddling, off to bed
<--low key but nice
<--must plan waaaay in advance for outings
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

OMG OMG OMG!!! ROTFLMAO! *spits water* I'm laughing so hard, I can't even use proper arrow speak!!!!

<---hopes Liann will tell the crayons I'm not laughing AT them :7
RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...

<--is lol at the oal antics
<--got a call from the nurse and she said everything is normal and "the test" is negative
<--was told it could be hormonal (no, really?!)
<--will wait and see what happens next month

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