RE: <--Once in a while you can get shown the light, in ...
<---waves hi to all the lovely OAL ladies!
<---says she unfortunately still feels like dookie today
<---almost wishes she had a sinus infection cuz' then all she would need is antibiotics
<---isn't sure what to do about this run of the mill cold that will not let go
<---is also not sure that it is worth the $20 copay to find out what she already pretty much knows...
<---is glad to see Shelley LOL'ing
<---is sorry she is sick though
<---thinks Beav's personal training session sounded cool
<---has been acting as DH's personal trainer at home
<---made him do Total Body Sculpting last night
<---is still easing him into the workouts before throwing something like Bodymax 2 at him
<---also did an hour of yoga by herself after the weights workout
<---is really beginning to LOVE yoga - is so relaxing and she feels like a million dollars after doing it
<---says if anyone has any suggestions for good yoga DVD's, let her know
<---hopes the nasty rain/snow/sleet mix does not interfer with Lorie's drive home
<---hates driving in that mess
<---jumps out of "Pickel Pendulum" Amelia's way
<---tells Ronne that she is always welcome to come over and do CleanMax at <---'s house!
<---is jealous of Cody's shopping plans
<---loves shopping for new clothes
<---admits that her credit card does not love it though... (has since cut up aforementioned card - feels like she has a lost a good friend)
<---tosses a Carmen Electra Strip Tease video to bed stripping Beth
<---has teased DH several times telling him that her next piece of exercise equipment was going to be a pole
<---says his first thought was, "what if my parents come over and see that thing!!!"
<---had to assure him she was JUST kidding
<---is relieved that Shannon did not hit either deer!
<---knows how dangerous that can be
<---sends happy leotard shopping vibes to Steph
<---thinks it has been a LONG time since she has bought a leotard
<---still has some REALLY tacky ones in a box somewhere from cheerleading gymnastics - ugh...
<---tells Steph that one of her co-workers was a professional ballerina - actually it's a guy but isn't sure if there is a special name for guy ballerinas
<---says he was pretty big for a while and was even in the movie Flashdance
<---adds that he now works at a manufacturing company and the guys give him HECK about it now, lol...
<---waves hi to Melissa!!!
<---is glad that she isn't tired
<---thinks walking the dogs counts as a strenuous workout
<---says at least it does in her house - she walks all three weiners to the end of the driveway and then has to carry them back to the house cuz they are all pooped out
<---thinks carrying 60 lbs of dead weiner weight up an incline definitely counts as something
<---waves hi to Carole and definitely agrees that the OAL'ers are super fast typers
<---says she cannot keep up with all the new posts while she is putting her's together!!!
<---will go ahead and publish her book now and go search for Kel's post up top!