? on TaeBo/Powerstrike

I am confused, and I thought maybe you guys could clear up my question for me. When I do PowerStrike, it sounds like the ladies say to use your heel and push away when you do your kicks. When I do TaeBo, it sounds like Billy Blanks is telling you to kick with a pointed toe. Am I right, and if not, which form is better??? Thanks!!!
Lori S.
I am certainly not an expert in kickboxing, but my understanding is that these are two different kicks. The kick with the foot flexed (kicking with the heel) is a side kick and the kick with the toe pointed is a roundhouse kick. Also there is a difference in the chambering of these two kicks. I believe the side kick has the knee come up in front of the body and the roundhouse has the knee come up in line with the body.

I'm sure there are folks out there who can give a more complete explanation.

I think this is a good explanation. From what I learned in my 2 yrs of Tang Soo Do (which by no means make me an expert either), the roundhouse kick is meant to be a much faster kick whereas the side kick is more powerful. Although exercise videos often instruct you to point your toe when executing a roundhouse kick, I learned in TSD 2 ways to kick - toe pointed so that you strike with the top of your foot and foot flexed back so that you strike with the ball of your foot. So often I practiced the foot flexed option (feels MUCH better when you're kicking a bag) that I never point my toe when doing the roundhouse. I believe the toe pointed form allows for a much higher kick.
HI there,

also, depending on which PowerStrike video you are using, they have you do a 'push kick' which looks like a front kick but you strike with your heel more than the ball of the foot because you are 'pushing' your apponant (I think of it as how you would kick if you needed to kick a door down) versus how I would kick an attacker with a front kick, with my toes pulled back using the ball of my foot. I second the explanation of the side vs. roundhouse kicks which use different striking zones of the foot - heel vs. instep respectively, as well as different leg positions.

Have fun, hope that helps!
Taebo does both roundhouse and side kicks so you have to listen to see which one Billy is having you do. The others gave great explanations of the difference.


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