OMG Premixes

Just wanted to add another OMG Premix to the list. Another Cathe poster mentioned this one in a leg press thread:

Legs and Glutes: Leg Press Mania Pre-mix

I LOVE this one! [It's basically L and G, with extra Leg Presses mixed it.] It's a great back-side toner.
Perfect! I'm going to try that premix out on Wed or Thurs. I was wondering if there was a kick butt one on the Legs and Glutes DVD. I really enjoy that workout "as is," so I'm sure I'm going to love this premix. Thanks for suggesting it!
I like to do the warm-then floor work, then follow with the Leg Blast premix. It allows me to preexhaust the glutes and hams, and I feel I can give them more attention that way.
Not to highjack a thread here...Kristi, I just had my hip replaced because of arthritis due to overuse! I just turned 41 and had it done last year. The best thing I ever did in my life. Are you limping yet? Not to be negative, but eventually you will and then start to lose muscle tone on your right leg and buttock. My sage advice here is to go to a super good doctor and get it replaced. :) I can now do high impact and do normal things like walk without my knees hurt.;) I still watch some of the really high stuff like tuck jumps--sorry, I am not a cheerleader and despise that move anyway. Just a little advice from someone who has been there. :7
Tneah,Hi. Thanks for the encouraging words...I think! ?? At this point I am not limping and my hip is good. I have modified many of my Cathe workouts and have toned her down in terms of days of jumping. I am hoping that I can wait to have a hip replacement later down the road--10 years or longer (maybe never). I am really glad to hear, though, that since the surgery you can now do high impact. Can you feel it at all? Can you tell me what the surgery was like, how long you couldn't workout, and how soon you could do high impact stuff. I would REALLY REALLY like to know. For right now, since I know I have arthritis, I am very careful with not doing too much jumping and I also take supplements (glucosimine, chondrotin, MSM to name a few). Anyways, any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

Kristen :p
Haha, another hijacker here- I've had arthritis flareups in my knees since I was a teen (now in my 20s). I believe it's autoimmune related, which I'm not in a hurry to get diagnosed (hello insurance hikes). I used to run 5mi a day outside until I decided in the long term it'd probably do more harm than good. I don't do step workouts since that particular movement has the ability to destroy the connective tissue in my knees in a single workout and leave me on my butt for weeks. Anyway, it seems I'm not the only one who has issues. Would anyone be interested in starting a Check-in for Cathe addicts with cranky joints? Just somewhere to leave tips for modifications, or when you find a really great workout or premix that's easy on the joints. I joke around sometimes that I'm only 22 but I want a knee replacement now, except, haha, it's not a joke. Seriously :(

P.S. Kristen, have you found any glu/chon/msm supplements that don't have that nasty aftertaste? I always drink a ton of water to try to get rid of it and then I end up burping and tasting it anyway, sorry if that's TMI! :9
So... back to the topic I originally posted..

Can anyone suggest more premixes I have to try?

I tried the Legs and Glutes Xtreme one yesterday. It was KILLER!!

Thanks :)
For joint issues, especially knees, I found that flax seed (ground) helped tremendously. Unfortunately, my delicate digestive system did not like it, but my joints felt GREAT!
I don't mean to be rude, but can we stick to the topic. I would love to get input regarding challenging premixes.

Please start a new post to discuss joints. Thank you.
Oops, forgot, this is your message board...

Kristi, why don't you PM me, or lets start a thread in the challenges/checkins?;)
Your response was unnecessary and just plain rude. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anyone who visits a message board, especially someone who has almost 3,000 posts should know that "hijacking" someone's post (especially one where they are seeking advice, and your "new" topic has nothing to do with the original post's content) is not appropriate online/message board etiquette.

So, I've taken the time to look up some links which discuss online etiquette, since you seem to have nothing to do other than post rude comments to someone's respectful request to start a new thread.
It happens all the time in posts, we veer off the topic and then return to the original topic. Lighten up girl. Its no biggie. I am sorry if I sounded rude, it just seemed a silly thing to get all upset over is all.:)
Body Max 2 - Scrambled Eggs
Body Max 2 - Boot Camp
Body Max 2 - Double Upper Body
HSTA - Cardio and lower body (this is short, but intense and fun)
B&G - Leg Blast
SB/SJ&P - Circuit (the one that includes the 'blast' from Step Blast. There are two circuits that clock in at the exact same time; one contains the blast and one doesn't.)
4DS - Cardio Power
4DS - Double Cardio (not as intense as Cardio Power, but very fun!)
4DS - Boot Camp Lower Body circuit - fun!
ME/BC - Combined workout
Drill Max - Double Cardio
L&G/KP&C - Circuit (the longest premix, I think it may be the last one listed on the premix menu).

Also, doing some shorter premixes back to back is very fun, like *trying* (emphasis on 'trying') to do Imax 2's blast only premix followed by Imax 3's blast only premix. Or one of KP&C's shorter premixes followed by the blast challenge segment from Kick Max. Also, I like to do Muscle Max's lower body premix followed by Muslce Max's upper body premix. I also do Muscle Endurance this way too (of course omitting the stretch from one and the warm up from the other).
Wow! Thanks a lot for taking the time to type all of these out for me. I printed out your suggestions, and can't wait to try them.

I've tried MM Upper Body Premix, BM2 Double Upper Body Premix, 4DS Cardio Power (which I really liked!), Legs and Glutes Xtreme Premix, B&G Leg Blast (prob. my current favorite, and today I did it plus I added GS floorwork, starting at the calf raises. Now that was one heck of a workout!) So, now I have a ton more to try. I have to watch my knees, and try to limit the number of Imax blasts I do. I can do one of those a week, but not more if I'm working hard the rest of the week.

I'm really addicted to these premixes. Seems to be what is really motivating me. I started "hardcore" 3-4 weeks ago. I'm back to looking forward to working out. I also don't have any carbs (except fruit and veggies carbs) after 4, and I'm eating super clean.
I've found that when I bust my butt doing one of these super tough (and fun!) premixes that I don't want to eat crap. I look at food as fuel, which after these workouts I need :) I've already noticed some good definition, my thigh area is almost back to normal, my butt is lifted again, and I feel great!!

That's why I wanted to start this thread- to get new ideas to keep my motivation going, and to possibly help someone else discover a premix that will rev up her/his motivation. It feels like I've finally turned the corner after a very stressful year (new city, new home, new job- basically new everything, plus the death of my MIL, who was like a mother to me), and have managed to get back to my "normal" self!

Enough rambling... can you tell that I'm excited?! :)

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