OMG, GS Legs!!


So I finally got to do a GS workout and oh my my, oh my!! I had to get to work early today so I could only do the timesaver premix (but I previewed the full workout and I definitely can't wait to do that version!), but OMG, did I feel it. I can't wait to do the rest of the series!

I know isn't the GS series workouts intense}( I love em!! They helped me maintain my muscle and give me more variety from the gym.

Keep it up~
I'm starting GS this week and I did BSB today for the first time. Whoa! What a workout. Tomorrow I'm doing GS Legs also for the first time.
I know!!!! I almost want to cry when she has us do the slow lunges with 5lb. weights.!!!!
The first time I did GS legs I grabbed my 10# leg wts and half way thru that segment I was on the floor all cramped up and I looked at Cathe (the TV) and said : "You're friggin' nuts"..... about a week later I did it again and heard her say the correct pounds to use and I cracked up.... Never again will GS ever seem so difficult for me!
>I know!!!! I almost want to cry when she has us do the slow
>lunges with 5lb. weights.!!!!

Those are unbelievable... talk about intense!
I did GS CT today. All I can say is, I never thought I would see my CHEST shaking. Talk about ouch.

And talk about major ouch: at tonight's TnT track workout, we did push-ups for a minute (that's IN ADDITION to the 60 push-ups I did this morning!!) and walking lunges for a minute (this despite the fact that my quads and hamstrings still hate me for putting them through GS Legs).


Wait a minute, how about that stability ball section??? I keep forgetting about it, then when says to get your ball I just go
" oh, crap.."
I did GS Legs yesterday and I remember when Cathe said "you'll be thinking about us tomorrow" and oh boy today I was thinking about Cathe!!! What an awesome workout. Cathe's personality shines in this one. I laughed a lot (although my body was crying I'm pretty sure :D ). Today I did GS C&T and whoa mamma! I couldn't finish the push ups and I was doing them on my knees. And oh my... Cathe did most of the chest exercises with 20lbs dumbbells, talk about being strong! I am loving these series.
Barbell stiff legged deadlifts

I've never done those stiff legged deadlifts off the step before! Wow--those REALLY worked my hams!

You guys are really scaring me- I was going to start GS next week but I'm thinking what am I getting muself into??deb:) :)
I did this on Monday and was surprised at how much easier I can get through the workout. It was a nice challenge but it wasn't killing me or anything. Well, today, my calves are screaming...I do the moves on the floor and I only held 12lb. DB's, but ouch!!! I'm also feeling my hamstrings a little bit. This and PLB are two of my all time favorite lower body workouts!!! You will love it and until you build up, it is always easy to modify by pausing the DVD and resting more and/or lowering the weight or doing less reps. You will be matching or exceeding the weights used in no time!!!
Hi, Although I've been "lurking" here for quite some time (actually since I discovered Cathe in April!) I've never posted before.

I just received GS Legs this week, and as my boyfriend is out of town, my big Friday night plans were Gym Style Legs then sushi carryout. I don't know which I was more excited for...

So I get through the workout, barely (when she does the first outer thigh exercise with the criss cross band - I initially thought "oh, how cool!" - shortly thereafter followed by "oh, wow, ouch!")

In any case, I finished, ordered my carryout, and headed down the steps to go pick up my food. On the first step I let out a little yelp, and then my thought was that I was going to have to slide down the steps tomorrow to go anywhere - and that made me smile.

Just thought I'd share with some of the only people I know who might understand!:)
Welcome! Nice to have you here!!

It's a great feeling - isn't it? People think I'm strange when I say I love DOMS! It just makes you feel and remember you worked your muscles hard!

Have a great night
Hi, thank you! Wow, this is nice to be able to hear from those who understand!

When I get up from my desk at work and say a little "ouch" - all the girls I work with say "oh no Renee, Cathe again?"

They know "who" she is from my talking (and the all the UPS deliveries followed by the sound of scissors tearing the box open and then the sound of packing peanuts being dumped into the garbage), but they just don't really get it!!

Thanks for the welcome!

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