<--old friends, silently sharing the same fears


<---shares some more S & G with Suzanne
<---is excited and a tad anxious about the drive to Jersey today
<---but can't wait to see old friends, and sit on the park bench like bookends
<---along with a bottle or wine or two!
<---will be feeling the vibes and missing those of you not fortunate enough to be on the RT this year
<---has to go shower and finish packing
<---will see some of you face to face in a few hours!!!!!
<--- waves to Robinella and all who follow
<--- hopes all the OAL RTers have a fabulous time!
<--- expects many pictures and a whole lotta texts and e-mails;)
<--- is loving Insanity.... LOVING!!!!
<--is tempted by Insanity
<--can't wait to see Robin and park it on the park bench
<--will be texting Shelley knock knock jokes
<--has a busy day today
<--was out late last night, hanging at the library and catching a jazz trio
<--thanks Robin again for the S&G :D
<--says "have a blast on the RT!"
<--waves to Shelley and Beavs
<--waiting for things to settle
<--no settling in the near future
<--hope to bbl
<--sends hugs to all who follow
<---waves GM to all
<---says her tummy is also wonky just thinking about the 3 1/2 hour drive to NJ
<---still isn't completely packed
<---actually went to bed really early last night
<---was completely exhausted for some reason
<---needs to pack now, feed the piggies, beardies, take the wienies out, dress her mothers arm one more time before leaving (the pins have to be cleaned every other day and I'm the only one in the family who will do it), and then get some directions printed up - I should know my way there by heart now though!
<---thinks she is going to go chug some Pepto now
<---says that her Pepto bottle reminds her that Beth will not be there :'(
<---wishes EVERYONE was going to be there :(
<--- waves to Robin, Shelley, Beavs, Suzanne, Liann, and all who follow
<--- is sending safe travel vibes to Robin and Liann
<--- joins Shelley in hoping that the OALers have a great reunion and a fantastic time at the RT
<--- wants you to give each other big squeezy hugs from me, and please make sure you each hug Tammy who got my RT slot :)
<--- will text Shelley :D
<--- thinks Liann is a very good daughter
<--- has had an insanely busy couple of weeks and can't wait for summer to be over!
<--- needs to go shopping today to find something to wear to the concert
<--- hopes she can find a cute, flattering pair of jeans
<--- wishes one of you could go shopping with me because <--- doesn't have a lick o fashion sense
<--- has a LOT to do and needs to sign off for now
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<--thinks Liann has a crazy day
<--tells Miss Lee Tammy had to cancel :(
<--will be thinking of Miss Lee tomorrow evening and hopes she has a wonderful time
<--waves wildly to Suzanne
<---will be thinking of Michele at her brother's concert and hopes they share many laughs and a few tears
<---knows Michele and Beavs are thinking and missing special loved ones this weekend and sends them both BIG SQUISHY HUGS
<---thinks she is all packed
<---has lists all over the house: bathroom list, bedroom list, basement list, kitchen list, suitcase list and on and on .....
<--- had no idea Tammy had to cancel! :(
<--- hopes everything is okay with Tammy
<--- wonders if Beavs is going on the RT -- didn't think you were but has seen posts lately that make me think otherwise
<--- is sending an extra big squeezy hug to Beavs today <3
<--- edits to thank Robin for the hugs
<--- plans to take photos at the concert and will post them on FB
<--wanders in, rubbing sleep out of the eyes
<--is waiting for the first cup of coffee to cool enough to chug
<--wishes Robin and Liann each a safe drive
<--is still sad that <--couldn't go this year!
<--waves to Beavs, Shelly, Miss Lee and everyone else
<--is still WAY tired....
<--joins Amy is feeling uber sleepy
<--tells Miss Lee her suspicion is correct but <-- is not real excited about going for some reason
<--is very much looking forward to seeing all the girls
<--will probably be fine once <-- arrives to destination
<--thanks Miss for the hugs and has a few for her
<--is going to once again make a donation to the dog rescue in Danielle's name
<--says, WOW, you chicks are way ahead of<--today!
<--waves and wishes all a good morning
<--tells RTers to have a blast and keep it real, bee-yotches!
<--only envies the seeing youse guys aspect of RT
<--had so much fun last year, but can wait a year or two before going again!
<--runs out blowing kisses to all and will try to be back later!
<---waves to all the chickies this Friday eve
<---is so relieved that this busy week is finally coming to a close
<---sends hugs and safe travel vibes to dear Robin
<---also hopes that the RT peeps have much fun
<---waves to dear Shelley and hopes her day goes fabulously
<---is not sure that <---can keep up with Shelley on the Insanity workouts...is seriously scared! :)
<---waves to the always chipper Beavs who always leaves me with permagrin! :)
<---hopes things relax a little for Suzanne! :)
<---pats dear Liann on the back and tells her she WILL have a great time and passes the bottle of Pepto :)
<---thinks wonky tummies is the new norm at our house ??? weird!
<---feels pretty good in the tummy dept this am though :)
<---waves to Michelle and wishes her happy jean shopping!
<---tells her that <---has NO fashion sense.:)
<---thinks that show WHAT not to wear sounds nightmarish to me...way too embarrassing! :) LOL
<---sends a special wake up song to Amy and a mug of java! :)
<---Waves to TETE who posts at the same time!

<---thinks <---better scoot and do some work! BBL!
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<---waves hello at everyone
<---also has a nervous travelin' tummy this AM
<---wishes safe travels to all!
<---leaves for the airport in just a few minutes
<---can't wait to see everyone
<---will also miss those who aren't there :(:(
<---sends hugs to Michele and will be thinking of her this weekend especially
<---hopes that the concert goes well, and is looking forward to seeing the pics on FB
<---starts humming "I'm leavin' on a jet plane...."
<-- wishes Robin, Beavs, Liann, Jodi & Cat safe travels and good times.
<-- sends more ginger ale for the anxious tummies.
<-- is glad Melissa's tummy monkeys have subsided.
<-- sends more hugs to Beavs and Michele.
<-- wishes Michele good luck in her jean shopping. <-- likes Lucky jeans, but only on sale. ;)
<-- finds Shelley's Insanity love infectious...may need to check it out.
<-- sends Amy a refill on her coffee.
<-- waves to TeTe and Suzanne!
<-- is attending an informal mini H.S. reunion at a bar in <--'s hometown this weekend. Should be fun. :)
<--'s anniversary is also this weekend...must get card!
<--sends everyone a "thanks" for the coffee love!
<--'s DH got her a Keurig coffee maker for Christmas
<-- absolutely LOVES it!
<---waves good morning to all...though it is almost afternoon
<---sends safe travel vibes to all the lucky RTers
<---knows they will all have LOTS of fun once they all get together
<---hopes she isn't going to get a wonky tummy after stopping by:confused:
<---is a-skeered of Insanity as well but <---might just be insane enough and get it:p
<---gives mad props to all who are attempting
<---loved Shell's review!
<---is really tired<---has been up for several nights with 14 yo cat who has been having very frequent seizures:(

<-----wishes EVERYONE a safe trip wether driving or flying!;)
<-----wishes I could be there to meet some of you!:(
<-----is doing the newest DVD bought today...SJP! ya!:eek:
<-----wants aunt FLO to GO! UGH! :p
<-----gets to do laundry after workout! YES! tah!:D
<----- is watching movies with my friend tonight!:cool:
<--- selfishly comes in to vent
<--- thinks work is nothing but a big bag of suckage today
<--- hopes everyone else's day is going better
<--- needs to quickly leave to go deal with big bag of suckage :mad:
<--- just popping by briefly to wish all the OAL RTers a fabulous time <--- is sure that they will anyway
<--- sends Dawn an extra large vacuum cleaner to suck up the big bag of suckage!
<--- is sure Miss Lee will find something suitable on her shopping trip
<--- apologises to everyone else <--- missed but has to step away from the computer now! ;)

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