OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available,

OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available,

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RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

WOW lots of us are intuitives. I'm a ENTJ.


Highly intuitive, highly extrovert - moderately thinking, slightly judging

Funny I have the hardest time with the J or P questions!

This is fun!
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

I'm an ISFJ.
Thanks for the link to the quiz...now that i know my personality type and the careers best suited for me, I;m thinking it's time for a change.
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine...


We are the best type to be! ;-)

Seriously though, the results of this test were really interesting. What kind of career are you considering?

RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine...

Hi Nancy!
I've always wanted to go back to school to be a Dietiatian but things happen (marriage, children, etc.) and I never got around to it. It's a 4 year full time course, so I would have to time it just right.
I loved the section on how to love an ISFJ..have to make sure I print it out for my DH.
Almost with ya, Amy

I am an ENFJ with strong leanings toward Perceiver.

And you want to hear something interesting? The "career choices" recommended for an ENFJ include corporate trainer (my current job, where I'm really good but don't like my management team at all -- i.e, the job itself is great, but the micromanagement minutiae is gross), and magazine editor, which was my college major. Nothing there about lawyer, which is what I'm trained to do and did for years off and on without ever really loving it. Hmmm!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

My God, I am an ESTJ ! :eek:
I don't know whether that is agood thing or a bad thing ! ? ! :eek:

RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

Well, Anna, I think I speak for more than just myself when I say that the "E" at least, was pretty obvious! ;)
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine...

I am an ESFP and I think I am the only one so far, I must be unique.

Fun poll and test, had to really think about the answers though.

RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

LOL ! :7

RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

You are not alone, Annette.;-) I am also an ESFP.
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

I am also a ISFP. I looked at the career choices and have been interested in several that was mentioned. Unfortunately I didn't follow my heart and I'm in a career that leaves me feeling dull. I may check out some of the books at the library, seems like an interesting subject.
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine...

Thanks makes me feel better knowing I am not alone. Maybe it has to do with the fact we both have boys, I have 3 sons, and I homeschool them.

Glad to meet you!!:)
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine...


I am starting back up with school now also, taking only 1 class a semester or so (atleast for summer). I am about half way done with my coursework for dietetics. I have a two chemistry lectures to go and anatomy, but after that it is all nutrition classes. I live far away from the college here that offers the program so it is a challenge with a full time day job. I don't have any kids yet though, so I thought I would take advantage of that opportunity!
I am an ISTJ though...
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine...

>I'm an INFP...anyone else?
>Sarah :)

I am an INFP too.

Angelica J.
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

For one thing I think it means you would be good at public relations.
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine...

You are not alone...I am also an INFP, and my name is Sarah too!!
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine...


What section? Where??

We are the "Guardians". We take pleasure in careers that help others and that are service-oriented. Particularly, apparently, in working with others to attain a sense of security. Security is the most important thing to us. So, instead of feeding a meal to a hungry person, we prefer to be involved in professions where we, say, teach a hungry person a new skill so that they can work and help themselves.
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

A short description of the Keirsey categories:

The Guardians - Security Seekers
ESTJ - The Supervisors
ISTJ - The Inspectors
ESFJ - The Providers
ISFJ - The Protectors

The Artisans - Sensation Seekers
ESTP - The Promoters
ISTP - The Crafters
ESFP - The Performers
ISFP - The Composers

The Rationals - Knowledge Seekers
ENTJ - The Fieldmarshals
INTJ - The Masterminds
ENTP - The Inventors
INTP - The Architects

The Idealists - Identity Seekers
ENFJ - The Teachers
INFJ - The Counselors
ENFP- The Champions
INFP - The Healers
RE: OK, What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Mine is INTJ. There are not enough choices available, so I am going to just list the 4 main temperaments. If you want to take the tests, Google Myer-

another enfj-that is so cool!
some of the job listings i have said would be my dream jobs!

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