I did STS #6 on Saturday and OHMYGOODNESS my legs are so sore today -- when I stand up to walk anywhere it takes longer than normal and then I feel like I'm walking kind of funny (probably because I am) until my legs get warmed up!
lol this made me laugh. i work in an agency where our department offices are downstairs and everything we need access to (bathrooms, kitchen, fax, copier, etc) is upstairs. on days after meso legs i dread those stairs
I work on the 4th floor of a older building, the elevators are kind of rickety and I use that as an excuse to take the stairs, this morning when I got to the building I was like, hmmmm, am I really going to make myself go up those stairs in this condition. . . but I was so pleasantly surprised with myself when I just walked right by the elevators and opened the stairwell door. Once I got to the second floor it was fine, because I was warmed up. . . . but then when I got to my office and sat for 20 minutes it was kind of hard to stand up
I'm right there with you! Loving the DOMS! I did Disc 17 Legs today (2nd week of Meso 2) and my legs have been talking all day! Each week, legs is a new adventure!