Hello again. I hope you don't mind a little advice from someone who has been there and done that. You may have already done these things. 1. Fill your car up with gas this morning. 2. Make sure you have a flashlight and extra batteries. If you have any type of radio that can work off batteries, make sure you have some to fit it. 3. Put you some bottles of water and some juice in the freezer. That way if you lose power, you will have something cold to drink tomorrow. Also, stock up with non-perishable food. No stores will be open later if the power is out. 4. If you have a gas grill, make sure you have propane for it. 5. This will probably sound unimportant right now, but make sure you have plenty of clean undies. Now, hang in there. Let us know how you are. They say the eye of Charley will pass over where I am tomorrow. But that will be nothing compared to being where he comes ashore. Godspeed to you and Charley. May he pass you quickly and as gentle as possible.