Yes, I do not have as much of an hourglass shape as I once had. I do have a much stronger core though and don't have lower back pain anymore!
I know that I read that somewhere, but I just couldn't find the reference. CLX has a oblique move with heavy weights, I'm just gonna skip that move and do a simple twisting move with NO weights. Thanks ladies
Jillian Michels in her book "Making the Cut" talks about that, and yes, that is what she says would happen when you weight train obliques.
I've heard the same, however, KCM does alot of oblique work in both her ab workouts and with her kickboxing and her abs are great!
I'm hoping Cathe sees this, as she uses weights in some oblique exercises, so I'm sure she has some information on this.

It certainly seems logical to assume that the oblique muscles would grow if you're using resistance, just like any other muscle.
I think thickening of the waist would depend on several factors;
1) amount of weight used (ie: 5# isn't going to have much effect, but 20# could)
2)body type (ie: if you are an apple or have narrow hips, the waist will look wider even if a bit of muscle is built. If you're an hourglass shape, you can afford to build a bit more without the thick-waisted look. If you already are pretty nuch 'straight up and down,' doing weighted oblique work is probably not a great idea.
3) frequency of ab training (ie: if you train hard with weights 2-3 days a week, and allow for recovery, there may be more tendency to build).

Kickboxing/boxing (making sure to cross the hands in the direction of the opposite shoulder to get that nice oblique twist in) and unweighted plank exercises are both good ways to work the obliques without using any kind of weights.
Yes, it will happen, & much of it depends on your body type. I'm a ruler & I won't do obliques w/heavy weights--I found early on that it made finding clothes that fit impossible! :confused: Also heavy squats will thicken the waist b/c you flex your core when you do the exercise.
I think thickening of the waist would depend on several factors;
1) amount of weight used (ie: 5# isn't going to have much effect, but 20# could)

Thanks for the great info...and yes I was referring to heavy weights as in
1RM type weight....these moves just don't feel right for me so I'm going to trust my instincts and just eliminate them.
I've wondered about this for a while. I wonder if it isn't best to keep all oblique work to a minimum, even those exercises without weights? I know it's superficial, but to me there's nothing so lovely as a small waistline.
Can anyone tell me if working the obliques with weights will thicken the waist??

I have seen on myself & my clients evidence that says "thickening" is more genetic than exercise specific driven. I can do alot of weighted obligue work and all it does is define memore- I have excellent obliques by nature...I have a client that is different genetically- she cant see defined obliques no matter how low her BF% gets and weighted core work does indeed just make her "thicker".

I think as with EVERYTHING nutritionally & exercise wise people have to use themselves as a guinea pig so to speak and see how various things make their own bodies respond.
How about the opposite? I'm fairly ruler-shaped also, but my abs (six-pack area) are very defined. What I'd like to do is make my waist smaller. Any ideas about the best exercises for that, other than overall bodyfat loss?
Good looking obliques...

As a trainer, I'm personally not a fan of doing weights for the obliques. For one it stresses the spine if done improperly and for two if you are genetically prone to "bulk" in the waist area, you'll notice your obliques thickening quickly. I think the best way to tone your obliques is to do side plank where you prop yourself up on one elbow and straddle your feet and lift your hips off the floor and either hold for 30 sec to a minute or lift up and down in little pulses. If you don't feel those, then you are super human!
As far as trimming the waist in general, you must make sure you don't slack on cardio and a great way to tone the abs and get your cardio in is kickboxing. You must use your obliques to lift the leg in side kicks and in most all other moves your core will be totally turned on!
As far as seeing your abs and having that "six pack definition", you will never see them if your diet is not on track. You can do crunches till you are blue in the face, but if your still eating crap your abs will reveal that.
I've wondered about this for a while. I wonder if it isn't best to keep all oblique work to a minimum, even those exercises without weights? I know it's superficial, but to me there's nothing so lovely as a small waistline.

Nancy, I work obliques once a week w/high reps, no weights. Lots & lots of reps. :p I'm trying to get definition without building size. It's completely different than the rest of my core work, which is low rep/high weight, just like the rest of my lifting routine.

I'll never have a small waist, but I'm always hoping I'll have defined obliques someday. :)
I have never had a problem

I do quite a mix of heavy weighted work (up to 45 lb weight plates, kneeling cable crunch w/ 120+lbs...) & non-weighted (roman chair, planks, etc) for obliques and have not had any issues. If anything, it has defined me more and made my core stronger overall. I don't buy into the thickening thing at all.

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