o/t...teacher christmas gift suggestions

Michele S

Does anyone have any creative ideas for teacher gifts? I usually buy the standard scented candle, but then started to think that teachers probably get flooded with candles and candy at Christmas! Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Hi Michele:

I always get my daughter's teachers -that is the one I actually think do a good job teaching my girls, the others, forget it!- a really good read. I teach also and there can be little time to lose myself in a good book during term time. Many teachers I know who also love language and spend so much time reading to their charges love the opportunity to lose themselves in a book in the vacation. It may be their only chance.

You might try alo giving gift certificates to a movie theatre, or a nice bottle of wine, a selection of exquisite jams and pickles and marmalades, making some home-made lemon curd amd bottling it in pretty jars, perhaps make it a gift that serves that teacher's classroom (what does your child's classroom need?), a gift certificate to a spa for a facial, or massage, or manicure (if teacher is female).

Take a look at this month's copies of Oprah and Real Simple magazine: they have many more suggestions in them.

But also I encourage my girls to make a present for their teacher, some kind of art project. This can be simple or more involved, depending on the age of your child. Once, my kindergartner painted some rocks she saved from a trip to the Michigan UP and gave them to her teacher in a cheerful basket! Her teacher loved them! Excellent as door stoppers, paper weights, etc. My eldest daughter has printed patterns on white t-shirts, and has used stencils to paint delicate patterns on both sides of a canvas tote bag. These were both loved and I have seen the teachers actually using their tote bags and using them to carry their school books in! You can get all the supplies from craft shops, like Michaels here in Michigan.

You don't need to go over the top though. I usually devote more time, attention, thought to the end of year gift, rather than the Christmas gift, then I link it to praising and thanking the teacher for their excellence and the differnece they have made in my girls' education, rather than to a religious festival that not all may celebrate.

You know, one year I made cakes and they went down well. This year I may make a special chocolate delicacy-dessert that I make as my trademark dessert: chocolate profiteroles. I usually make these for the teacher's luncheon sponsored by the parents in April or May: and theyare snapped up in seconds. What kind of special desserts are yuo known for? Make some of those and hand them out!

Good luck,

I'm giving a small sampler plate of cookies and a 2nd-grade level book for the classroom to my younger son's teacher. I haven't decided how I'm going to handle my older son's teachers-- probably give a big sampler plate to the teacher's lounge. My theme this year for Christmas is useful and consumable. I don't want to give people clutter. With cookies, they can always give away or share the ones they don't want.
I like to give really warm, fuzzy socks and scented soaps.

Other ideas are picture frames, any kind of specialty foods - we have a mill nearby and I like to give baking mixes from there for cakes, breads, cookies, etc. Maple syrup is produced locally, so we sometimes give maple syrup, maple candy, etc. - but I usually do that in the spring.

Also, gift certificates to movies, bookstores, restaurants, dept. stores...

Every year Nik makes her teachers cards, and we usually get them gift certificates to the mall or a store which specializes in educational materials. So many teachers spend their own money on resources for their classes, and I agree they are probably flooded with candles and such at holiday time! We've had several tell us how grateful they are that were able to buy something for their classes with the gift certificates. She's in middle school now, and we still buy for each of her teachers. Our school system in this town is struggling, and we failed to pass the latest levy. I have such admiration and respect for these men and women! I wish I could give them the gift of funds for the school system. Maybe if I win the lottery ...

Gift certificates for gourmet food stores or website. How many candles and soaps can a person use? I think something that gets consumed is best, and she/he can choose whatever food, coffee, tea, wine, they like.

My sister is a teacher, and I know she always says what means the most to her as a teacher when it is gift giving time is a good old fashioned thank you! And speaking of thank you's, she always needs thank you cards or note cards, that is a good teacher gift. Also Starbucks gift cards, hand lotions, things like that...

Thanks everyone for your great suggestions! My son has a wonderful kindergarten teacher and I really want to do something special and now I have lots of ideas! Have a great holiday season!


P.S. It's funny...I still get excited when I see the "topic subscription notification" when I check my e-mail!
Hi! I am a 1st grade teacher (used to teach K). Anyway, my co-worker showed me a great letter she will be sending home to her students' parents this year. It says not to get any gifts for her (although, I'll tell you, a homemade card from a child is very much appreciated along with a sincere thank you from the parent(s). She suggested, instead, that parents buy something for the classroom (markers, colored pencils, unique writing/craft supplies, a book, subscription to a child's magazine,etc.). She has gotten a great response in the past. I want to try that this year because lastyear, I ended up with 18 candles. It's not like they weren't appreciated, but I think that if I would have sent that letter home, we could have gotten some great things for the classoom so everyone could enjoy them. But, if you would like to just get something for the teacher, a gift certificate is the best (I have said this in the past, and all the teachers like them). Some great stores that we like include Borders', any teacher store, Barnes and Noble, Bath and Body Works, Blockbuster, Best Buy. Good luck! Remember, all we really want is a sincere thank you!!! We don't hear that enough:)
Another teacher here -

LOVE LOVE LOVE the bookstore gift cards. I can buy that CD or book I had my eye on for the classroom. (I'm a music teacher.)

The strangest teacher gift I ever got? A camisole. Yes, a student gave me underwear!

Whenever I get food I put it in the teacher lounge - better to share the sin than keep it all to myself - LOL!

The best gift ever - a note to your favorite teacher telling them what a great job s/he does and how you appreciate his/her hard work. Whenever I've gotten these, I've copied them and put them in my official personnel file. Better than gold.

Susan G.
Oh, Jaypea, what a wonderful idea! I think I'll try it this year! Like you, I get more candles than I know what to do with, and yet I spend megabucks buying supplies for my classroom! That would be great!

I'm a teacher too, and wanted to give some input.

The greedy me:
It's too late now, but next year consider sending a letter to the parents of all of your classmates and asking them to contribute whatever amount of money they would normally spend on a gift. Then you take all that money and buy a LARGE gift certificate for your child's teacher (Book stores, mall gift certificate, etc.) that comes from the whole class. This is much appreciated by teachers who don't make enough for what they do!

The sentimental me:
Two years ago I got 12 cards, one from each student, that said "I love Miss Wendy because..." Then there were reasons,ranging from "She pushes me on the swing and sings songs" to "She has a nice sweater and I like her nail polish." I LOVED these cards and will treasure them.

I actually love getting stuff from Bath and Body Works, and I can never have enough candles, but gift cards from book stores, movie tickets, Crate and Barrel certificates etc. are all great fun and very appreciated. Food: no thanks. I gave away bags of chocolate last year.

Happy shopping :)
I have a friend that is a pampered chef consultant and she said a really cool gift (that's actually hot), is "Snowman Soup". You buy a mini whipper, a package of hot chocolate, and a few mini marshmallows. With that you can add a mug but that's up to you. Total cost (for those of us who stay home on a tight budget). $4.25 for the whipper (it's stainless steal) about $1.25 for the package of hot chocolate and just a little bit more for the marshmallows. With a cup, and you've spent under $10.00.

If you live in a colder place where you get snow and blowing winds, it's nice having a hot chocolate.

Our school sent home a newsletter last week that suggested a great gift idea is to donate a book to the school's library and they would send a notice to the teacher stating the student donated a book on their behalf or something like that. Kind of a neat idea, but i'll still send in something with my kids as i always do.
I think gift certificates are a great idea.

Last year, my kids gave their teachers popcorn (that kind that comes with it's own container/bucket), $5 movie rental certificate and a box of movie candies (like goobers.) It wasn't expensive and everyone enjoys movies.

I like the idea of a personal thank you for the child.

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