Nutrition ?

Custom Food

I do customize foods. Just click on new custom food. It will open a window which allows you to add foods you use often so you can choose them out of the custom menu instead of doing a search every time. For example, I added the Ezekial Raisin bread using the nutrition facts from the label. I just go to the pull down menu or open the whole window and viola! it's added. Very handy!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: Another yummy recipie

Hi Susan, Kashi is a dry breakfast cereal.

Keta. :D

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RE: Another yummy recipie

Sugar falls under the category of carbohydrate.

Hey, Keta, I was rereading this thread. When you posted you ate a 50/50 diet, 50 percent vegitarian and 50 percent meatatarian, I thought it said Mediteranian (sp?) instead of Meatatarian. LOL!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: Kashi

Sorry! I input nothing! I have two types of Kashi cereal from the Kashi Company.

One is called To Good Friend and it contains:

kashi seven whole grain and sesame flour(stone ground:whole oats, long grain brown rice, rye, hard red winter wheat, triticale, buckwheat, barley sesame seeds), wheat bran, corn evaperated cane juice,corn bran, oat fiber,whey,honey,mixed fruit juice concentrate(pineapple,pear,peach)soy protein concentrate, crispy brown rice, wheat gluten, soybean oil, salt.

It has a 3/4 cup serving which yields 90 calories, a gram of fat, 24 grams of carbohydrate and 8 grams of fiber.

It's very tasty!

The other is honey puffed Kashi( note that the first cereal contains this one in it's ingredients). It contains, honey, whole oats, long grain brown rice, evaporated cane juice, whole rye, whole hard triticale, whole buckwheat, whole barley and sesame seeds.
It has a 1 cup serving size, 120 calories, 1 gram of fat, 25 grams of carbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber.
I often eat this one for a snack or a treat.

There's a cheerios type Kashi now it has heart shaped puffs and contains soy. I don't like it!

Yes, more than you probably wanted to know, but the Good Friends Kashi is great. I always eat a cup as opposed to the 3/4 cup serving and it's good for 12 grams of fiber.

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: Carbs and sugar grams

Should I add the sugar grams to the carb amounts?
Example: If I have one cup of Swiss Miss hot choc. which has carbs 4 grams and sugar 2 grams ....would this make the carb total 6 grams? Thanks

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