Nutrition ?

RE: It's all about balance....

Here's a bean recipe that I think is so delicious I have to hide it from myself:

4 cans of black beans (drained)
half a chopped onion
two minced garlic cloves
2 tbsp olive oil
1 - 2 tsp of the adobo sauce from a can of chipotle chiles
1 can of diced tomatoes (drained)
(I use Muir Glen Fire Roasted)

In a large pot, heat the olive oil and saute the onions and garlic for a few minutes (don't let the garlic brown). Add the black beans, tomatoes, and adobo sauce. Cook uncovered over medium heat for about 10 minutes, then use a potato masher and mash some of the beans to create a creamy consistency to the background while still leaving most of the beans intact.

It's spicy and just delicious. I eat it right out of the pot but I make brown rice for my DH and he eats it on rice or over cornbread. One pot of this recipe is gone within 24 hours at my house. I like to pair this with a salad of mesclun greens with a half of chunked avocado and 2 tsp. of Seeds of Change Red Pepper vinagrette (can you tell I'm a chile head?)
RE: Hi Karen:

Keta, I have been a certifiable health nut for about 8 years. I quit smoking and took up running. I went veggie. Loved it but my family aren't geared that way and so I dropped that. I truly believe that any food can be made a part of a healthy lifestyle and I look forward to indulgances. I keep them to a minimum and balance them out with lighter eating.

When I was young I thought it was normal to go on starvation diets to be thin. I grew up in Michigan where red meat and potatoes was everyday fare. My sisters still buy whole milk. Now I enjoy eating clean but there are some foods I will never forgo. Pasta and cheese to name two. I am slim healthy energetic and satisfied by my food.

Life is good!

These forums and you educated ladies make my life that much better. I love these conversations we have about food exercise and all that Jazz!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: Hi Karen:

That's one food I cannot give up, cheese. I should have been from WI, but I'm from MI where red meat and taters flow like the great lakes, hehehe.

I love pasta, made the switch to WW pasta a couple of years ago and never went back. I love my Taco Bell (yes, even with all the horror stories) and my Pizza Hut . . . Homer Simpson drewl here.

Life is good.

Keta. :D

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RE: It's all about balance....


I did try adobo sauce from a can of chipotle chiles once. It said only use a wee bit and I used the entire can. I was breathing fire for awhile. My husband and his poker buddies loved it. After about an hour or two, they cleared out the basement of all life except for themselves. Boys or men, they are all the same.

Keta. :D

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Just hang in there and you'll find a good diet for you. You are so right that this is and should be simple! Your diet should give you energy and make you feel satisfied. Keta's suggestion about eating to 80% is a wonderful one. The high fiber "trick" is great too. When you get those high fiber foods in first those high calorie foods don't have nearly as much appeal because high fiber diets satisfy. I make sure that one of my protein choices is a vegetarian one because it tends to be lighter fare. I know a classic garden burger has 90 calories while the others have 120 so I choose the classic one and it saves me 30 calories. I drink a glass of cow's milk per day and a glass of soy milk per day for two of my calcium servings. The third varies. I also never waste my time on mediocre junk food. I want really good stuff when I go a little crazy. Then I never regret downing some high calorie sweet that didn't satisfy. You'll find me in the throes of ecstasy over really decadent foods saying, "it was worth it!":)

Bobbi Chicks Rule!

I enjoyed reading this thread. There are alot of excellent points made. Keta, I like the idea of finding a recipe that includes a food that we like, but aren't sure how to incorporate. That really applies to me. I'm trying to eat more veggies, but I'm not a born cook and I don't know what to do with many of these veggies aside from cut them, steam them, add some butter. Great ideas!

Thank you ALL for the valuable input! I too am using that bean recipe this week, I go grocery shopping today and have added the ingredients to my shopping list :) Sounds yummy!

There was so much good info in this thread, and it shed some needed light on an issue or two for me, and I appreciate so much the time and effort that went in to the posts.

I know you're suppose to eat alot of fiber. But, what do you do when fiber just tears your stomach up? I've been eating the Kashi cereal and all day my stomach hurts. I don't know what to do it's such an uncomfortable feeling especially here at work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Did you add fiber gradually or jump in with both feet? You might find oats more digestable than kashi. Maybe reduce your Kashi by half and add a 1/2 serving of Oats. Boost your fruit and veggie intake, they are natural sources. Start slowly and maybe invest in some Phazyme. One of the side effects of this healthy eating is gas! But fatty greasy foods can have the same effect and will kill you so experiment and add a little at a time so your gut can adjust.

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: It's all about balance....

LOL. I just saw this post. Personally, I use most of the sauce out of the can but I'm a serious chile head for whom no food is too hot. "Normal" people probably wouldn't like it as hot as I do. It's a great meal though with a salad and maybe some watermelon or cantalope chunks for dessert or some cut up strawberries.

Another super recipe is this one from the 40-30-30 book for sloppy joes. I make this with a TVP "hamburger" product which I can buy in bulk from Whole Foods but the original recipe calls for ground turkey. Toast an Ezekiel hamburger bun and load up on this. It's delicious:

2 tSP olive oil
1/2 cup (of each) chopped celery, onion, green pepper, mushrooms
1 lb. ground turkey breast (as I said, I use the TVP "hamburger")
1 minced garlic clove
1/4 cup chili sauce
1/2 cup catsup (I use the Muir Glen which has no sugar)
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup water

In a large pot, heat the oil and saute the onion, garlic, celery and green pepper until soft and beginning to brown. Add ground meat and brown (if you're using the TVP product, you reconstitute it with boiling water before adding it to the pot). Add mushrooms, chili sauce, catsup, Worchestershire and water and mix well. Simmer uncovered for 15-20 minutes. EAT!
RE: What to eat

I've enjoyed this thread. I get so FRUSTRATED over what in the heck to eat.

I've switched to Eziekel bread, eat lentils, eat veggie burgers, drink more water, and think I've gained weight!!

This is a bit of a delicate question...but...I just read where we are supposed to have 3 BM's a day....anybody ever heard of that? I thought once a day was adequate...maybe if I continue to eat more fiber...

And the sugar thing...does anybody substitute with aritifical sweetners or are you able to just cut anything sweet out of your diet? I'm not doing ver well with this as I use a AS in my coffee and tea.

Okay...I'm through whining! :)
RE: What to eat

I use Sweet N Low for some things. Never could get used to Equal.

You may want to incorporate a few other proteins into the diet, such as egg whites (omelet), perhaps white turkey and the white fishes (if you eat meat), also shrimp, crab, etc.

When you up the fiber, trust me, you'll be in the bathroom a lot :) Let's just leave it at that . . . .

Also, try making dinner your lightest meal of the day and if you can, don't eat after about 7 p.m.
RE: FitDay site

Thanks so much for posting the Fit Day site....that is way too cool!!! :)) It certainly would give you an accurate track of your daily guesswork there!!

Looking forward to using that site!!

RE: What to eat

Hi Deb,

Ignore the 3 BMs a day, that's a falsehood. You're body will know when it's time to do it's business. One a week is too little and I'm thinking 3 a day is a bit much.

You're body knows.

Just another tip, when increasing your fiber, do it slowly. Like above, introduce a couple of high fiber healthy meals a week for a couple of weeks and then introduce a couple more. Fiber is funkie and must be done slowly. Once you're there with the fiber, your body will get rather mean and nasty if you don't get enough in. So, I like the oatmeal suggestion instead of the cereal. That's a really good sound advice.

Keta. :D

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Another yummy recipie

Hi all healthy eaters!

Here's a delicious recipie for Minestra (greens & beans) I made last night. It's loaded with protein:

2 cans cannellini beans (or 1 can cannellinis and 1 can light red kidney beans)
4 cloves garlic--coarsley chopped
1 medium white onion--chopped
3-5 strips low-fat bacon--cut into 1/4 inch squares
1-1/2 cups defatted chicken stock
1 large head escarole (or mustard greens, swiss chard, etc.)
1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
Salt & Pepper to taste

In a huge stock pot, cook the low-fat bacon over medium heat. Add onion and garlic as saute for two minutes. Add chicken stock and bring to boil. Add greens, beans (including the liquid from the can--this makes the sauce thick). Add nutmeg, salt and pepper and simmer for 20-30 minutes. I put this over some whole wheat pasta! It is delicious!

RE: Another yummy recipie

Okay, I'm going to show my ignorance. What exactly it kashi? It is a dry cereal or something you cook like oatmeal?


Deb, I agree you should ignore the 3 a day edict. How often individuals eliminate varies widely. Keeping your diet high in fiber will ensure that your colon is cleaned out adequately. How often that happens is up to your body!

I love the Ezekiel bread, particularly the raisin with a little peanut butter and kumquat jam, mmmm!

Deb, I drink three cups of green tea with honey every day. I like plain iced tea but hot tea needs sweetening and those 96 calories are part of my daily caloric intake. Using alot of sugar isn't a great idea but having a soda a day or sprinkling sugar on your cereal or adding sweetners in moderation is not only acceptable but advisable. Depriving yourself of something is a great way to set up a major craving for it and binging is born of craving. Just be choosy. Yesterday I went to my nephews 4th birthday party and had choclate cake which I adore. I opted to skip the pizza and had a salad (dressing on the side) and that cake as my lunch. I ate lentils and salad for dinner and ended up a couple hundred calories under my normal 1900 per day. It's all about moderation. And, if you do overindulge one day, make the next a lighter day and it all balances out. There's no wrong way to do this!

Cruncholi, you recipe looks awesome! Can't wait to try it!

Happy clean eating! Happy indulgances!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!

Hi Bobbi-
Is there a site that calculate how many calories a person needs to lose weight?

I'm using the Fit Day site and I'm roughly at 800 calories for breakfast and lunch. BTW - do you use the Custom Food feature? How does that work?

I thought the 3 a day way of thinking was a bit excessive also...I guess the idea was if something is going in the mouth something needs to be going out! :)


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